The following script assumes that no letters repeat themselves.
#VAR randomstring %1 // or however you want to define it.
#VAR foundIt 0
#FILE 1 relatives.txt
#VAR record 0
#UNTIL @foundIt {
#ADD record 1
#VAR testword %read(1, @record)
#VAR goodLetterCnt 0
#LOOP %len(@randomstring) {
#IF %pos(%copy(@randomstring, %i, 1), @testword) {#ADD goodLetterCnt 1}
#IF (@goodLetterCnt = %len(@randomstring)) {#VAR foundit 1}
#SAY The relative of @randomstring is @testword~.
Basically, it pulls a test word from the file, then checks to see if each letter of the random string is in the test word. If so, it reports, if not, it moves on to the next test word.