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Joined: 12 Jan 2002
Posts: 9
Location: USA

PostPosted: Sat Jan 12, 2002 7:05 pm   

Help with mapper, grabbing correct room name and d

I have the mapper working for my mud (, with a couple small problems. Here's a sample output:

< 694Hp 893Mn 245Mv > e
Midgaard Donation Room
You are in a small, undecorated room just off of the main temple.
There are a couple of small wooden benches here where people
occasionally sit while they wait for items to appear. The temple is
to the west.
A pair of black leather boots sits in the corner.
( 7) The soft blue petals of the forget-me-not are the color of the sky on a
summer morning.
A shiny plate has been left here. (+)
A gnome sword catches your eye.
A helm made of a dragon's skull is lying on the ground.
A large broadsword has been left here. (+)
A bronze breast plate is lying on the ground.
A shiny chainmail is lying here.
A burning blade lights up the area. (+) (glowing) (flaming)
A shimmering shape, seems to be burning with a bluish flame. (+) (glowing)
(humming) (flaming)
The long and very sharp canine tooth of a dragon lies here. (+) (glowing)

< 694Hp 893Mn 244Mv >

In rooms like this, it often gets the room name from the wrong paragraph. In this case, the room name gets set to
"(humming) (flaming)". It seems like it should be trivial to tell it to get the room name from the first line after the
prompt (or on the same line as the prompt, as sometimes happens).

A second thing that would be nice is, since it lists the room contents before the exits, to forcibly end the room description
on the first line after the room name that ends in a period. Even though I'd end up with a few truncated room descriptions (if the desc has two lines ending in a period), I'd exclude all the room contents, which would be worth it. Most or all of
the rooms end the description with a period.

I considered writing a room script to figure all this out the way I want, but I was afraid I'd lose access to #NOMAP triggers
by doing so, so people talking, chatting, and walking would cause problems.

Any ideas?
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Joined: 18 Nov 2001
Posts: 5182

PostPosted: Sat Jan 12, 2002 9:27 pm   
Ah a lovely ROM/Diku based mud. First suggestion is to change your prompt on the mud. Read your muds help for exactly how to do it. What you wish to do is add a carrige return or newline to the end of it. If you can't do it from the mud end then add a #SHOW to the end of your prompt trigger to force a newline there. That alone will correct a few of the mappers issues. The other benefit of that is you can more readily lock your triggers to the start of the line.
The easiest way to correct the rest is with some NOMAP triggers:
#TR {^~(*~) *} {#NOMAP}
#TR {^A *} {#NOMAP}
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Joined: 12 Jan 2002
Posts: 9
Location: USA

PostPosted: Sat Jan 12, 2002 9:51 pm   
That's a start, but I'd rather not have to #NOMAP every possible thing that could be in a room. It'd be much easier
to use the first line after the prompt as the room name. I'll do the newline thing, though. that'll help.
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Joined: 29 Oct 2001
Posts: 250

PostPosted: Sun Jan 13, 2002 1:10 am   
Not sure this will help much, but I figured I would give you some input.

I too play on a ROM/Diku based mud, and it is very large with areas built by many different people. Some rooms are bound to be a pain to map. In a room like the the donation room, I find it easiest just to create the room manually, and make sure to uncheck the Reload Name/Desc/Exit boxes, and maybe even check Force Entry into Room if nessicary.

Also, I dont bother making #NOMAP triggers for gossips/tells and the such, I just make sure I'm in quiet mode when mapping.You may want to see if your Mud supports a quiet mode, and use it :)

Sorry if this isnt very useful.
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