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Joined: 11 Jan 2002
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Location: United Kingdom

PostPosted: Fri Jan 11, 2002 1:25 am   

Please help. Mapper trouble
I've read through the forum and noticed that people are having the same problems, although its either not answered well enough or is not quite the same problem.

I play Achaea ( 23)

My problem is this.
I created a map...and follow works...but then all of a sudden it will stop working for no reason whatsoever. I click set location and try again...doesn't work...I try reconfigure..doesn't work. I try re-opening Zmud, making new master maps, reloading the zone. No joy! Then suddenly after lots of playing around it will work again, but again for no reason. Sometimes it works again if I restart the computer.

This is an example of mud output:

Entrance to the Medina.
The stars twinkle in the clear night sky. The market area of the city, known
amongst the inhabitants as the Medina, takes the form of a crowded maze of
streets, which are entered through a small archway. The arch is carved from
ancient stone, pitted and weathered by many years of exposure, emblazoned with
a number of symbols and writings in highly stylized form, in the script of the
cities own language. Beyond the arched gateway the Medina is cast into a shady
maze of narrow covered streets, through which dart many tiny figures, carrying
on with the business of the market. A sprig of mistletoe has been hung here.
Crazy Hakhim paces about here, muttering something about rats being his eternal
foe, his stub of an arm flapping about madly. A beautiful green Logosmas tree
is here. Flooding your soul you can feel the power of Pentharian flowing in
deep waves throughout the local area. A cute little humgii is sitting here
placidly, attached to a leash. A ragged doll lies on the ground.
You see exits leading north (open door), northeast (open door), east, southeast
(open door), south, southwest, west and northwest (open door).

Zmud configurer does recognise this seemingly..because as I works fine but just suddenly screws up. Some sections of rooms still work using follow but the majority doesn't.

Can anyone help with this please?
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Joined: 18 Nov 2001
Posts: 5182

PostPosted: Fri Jan 11, 2002 4:16 am   
My first question would be does it include the (open door) in the exits list all the time? Does it change that to (closed door) if it is closed or does the exit vanish entirely?

Next question is do you have the mapper set to record room descriptions? If you do then the mapper waits till the description is recieved and matched exactly before it recognizes the movement as being completed. In your example the description contains the text "A sprig of mistletoe has been hung here.
Crazy Hakhim paces about here, muttering something about rats being his eternal
foe, his stub of an arm flapping about madly. A beautiful green Logosmas tree
is here. Flooding your soul you can feel the power of Pentharian flowing in
deep waves throughout the local area. A cute little humgii is sitting here
placidly, attached to a leash. A ragged doll lies on the ground.
" That looks to be indicative of items aand mobs in the room. Is it really part of the description? I know the mapper would think so. If those are items and mobs and one is removed then the mapper will not match it. I fear that such is the case, which means that you will have to override or correct the work of the mapper a lot.
Do you really care if it does capture descriptions? Are there many rooms with the same name?
After you answer my questions I will see what I can do to write you up an excelent solution.
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Joined: 11 Jan 2002
Posts: 2
Location: United Kingdom

PostPosted: Sat Jan 12, 2002 1:18 am   
Well...the mapper picks up the weather description as part of the main description for a start. And that changes
Also...the exits and the ppl and objects in the room are auto wrapped into one(but not always with the exits)..and there is no ability to change that.
So I guess the mapper is taking all of that as the description.
They are however in different colors...
Weather in cyan...description in white...objects in cyan and ppl in bright cyan..exits in green
Is there any way for the mapper to detect it right?
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Joined: 20 Dec 2001
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Location: USA

PostPosted: Sat Jan 12, 2002 9:25 am   
They are however in different colors...
Weather in cyan...description in white...objects in cyan and ppl in bright cyan..exits in green
Is there any way for the mapper to detect it right?

What you probably need to do, is log a room description with the codes it sends, so you know what to look for, and set up triggers looking for those colors...

So, for instance: My mud uses <esc>[36m for exit lines, to make them bold cyan, with the actual esc code... it will probably look like a square box if you look at it in a text editor. So, knowing this, I do a trigger like:
#tr {%e~[36m(*)} #tag exit {%1}

You can do similar things for room descriptions. As to the weather: If you know what the all the weather lines can look like, you can set up a #nomap trigger:
#tr {Weatherline} #nomap

Obviously, you need to replace Weatherline with the colorcode for the weather lines. Be sure to run the autoconfig after you set up all your triggers, to get the configuration correct.

Bob, aka Kayd on SWMud and a few others.
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Joined: 18 Nov 2001
Posts: 5182

PostPosted: Sat Jan 12, 2002 10:25 am   
I see said the blind man to his deaf, mute friend. It definitely sounds like your having descriptions recorded incorrectly.

From what you have said about the line color there is an easy solution. First overide the mappers identification of description with this:
#TRIGGER {*} {#TAG desc} "" {"line=15"}

You will have to reconfigure the mapper after entering that, and you may have to change the color to match your system.

You should put theis trigger into the "AutoMapper" class so that it is only active when mapping. Even when this is working right to cut down the clutter the mapper has been recording you will have to keep an eye on it.

Just to give you an idea how I am set up, I have my items and mobs lines covered with a nomap, I do not capture descriptions, and I have a macro set to check the roomname the mapper has captured to see if it might hve been recorded wrong. If this macro doesn't detect an error it goes on to record the vnum, otherwise it will issue a #LOOK which quite often detects the room correctly even though the move didn't. I use the macro on each room mapped and it detects 99% of the errors. Since your problem is in the description it woould be a lot more involved to do the same. Try the above and see how that works out, if it isn't enough I will write you up something to try and rip the clutter out of the description.
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