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Joined: 03 Jan 2002
Posts: 152
Location: USA

PostPosted: Tue Jan 08, 2002 11:39 am   

First, i appologize for this being such a painfully simple question, i just can't seem to think of how to do it.

I want to have macro buttons set up to cast poison, weaken, etc on whatever mob is in a room without having to type the name of the mob.

I play Realms of Despair and the mobs are displayed like this, in purple text:

A guard of Darkhaven is standing here, hand on his sheathe.

All mobs start with "A <whatever>"

However, player characters are also displayed in purple text, so i only want to have things starting with "A_"

How do i make it send the first thing in the room starting with "A_" in purple text to the %1 variable?

I dont want to have it automatically start casting spells when i enter the room, i just want to have the first mob in the room go to my %1 variable, so my "cast poison %1"
button will work.

I dont have a problem making the buttons themselves.
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Joined: 03 Jan 2002
Posts: 152
Location: USA

PostPosted: Tue Jan 08, 2002 1:20 pm   
Here's what i have sofar, from my understanding of the help file. I made the trigger with the editor, not the command line. But i think this is what it would look like:

#TRIGGER {(A %w)} {#VAR mob %1}

I set the options in the editor to trigger on purple line color.

When i test it, it says:

%1 : A abc

Therefore, I thought my macro button would just have to be:

cast weaken %1

but that isnt the case. it says "they arent here."
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Joined: 03 Jan 2002
Posts: 152
Location: USA

PostPosted: Tue Jan 08, 2002 1:43 pm   
From what i gather in the help section on this site:

"In normal triggers, the %1..%99 variables are set to the text that matches any patterns placed within parenthesis. For example:

#TRIGGER {(%d)Hp} {#VAR hp %1}
can be used to save your hp into a variable called @hp."

Ive discovered that my trigger isnt even firing to begin with. Here's the full output of when i enter a room with a mob in it.

<186/422 0/31 382/382>(1027452)l
Outside Darkpass, Eastern Gate of Darkhaven
You are standing just outside Darkpass, the eastern gate of Darkhaven.
Soldiers and archers pace back and forth atop the city's battlements,
keeping an ever vigilant guard against the evil to the east. A dirt
road lies to the north and south, circling around the mighty city.

To the east you see a road heading towards New Thalos.
Exits: north east south west
A guard bedecked in the standard mail of Darkhaven stands here.

*edit* ok, ive discovered that this wont work. i ran into a mob that started with "An armed guard" and i couldnt kill armed. it wants kill guard. On another note, it didnt seem to want to accept the trigger when entered by clicking the triggers button. It only worked when i entered it manually with the command line.

My appologies for the multiple, drawn out posts. I lost sleep on this one, lol. thanks anyway.
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Joined: 28 Sep 2001
Posts: 45
Location: USA

PostPosted: Tue Jan 08, 2002 6:00 pm   
This may be the long of way of doing it, but it is how i have it set for my own exping purposes. I went throughout the entire mud and wrote down all the mobs in the mud. Then I made a class called "exp". Then I made a whole bunch of triggers to set the specific ones i.e. in your case...
#TR {A guard} {exptarget=guard}
#TR {An armed guard} {exptarget=guard}
and whenever u arent exping just turn off that class cuz if you have a LOT of them, it can kinda slow you down

Contain rather than hurt.
Hurt rather than maim.
Maim rather than kill.
Kill rather than be killed.
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Joined: 29 May 2001
Posts: 48
Location: USA

PostPosted: Tue Jan 08, 2002 10:16 pm   
You could implement a variable. I use @target.

I have an alias called "t" and all it does is have "target ="

Then I can type t badguy and my targetting is now focussed on "badguy."

Then do all your buttons for @target.

It doesn't use triggers and is manual so if your botting this isn't the answer but I find it useful so that I don't hit something that I shouldn't.
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