Wembly Beginner
Joined: 11 Oct 2001 Posts: 11 Location: USA
Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2002 11:22 am
Proper use of %* |
i always have problems on muds with prompts. so to fix this i put a crlf at the end of the prompt. i also disable echo commands screen option. and put this input trigger on
what it will do is display the line:
--> <whatever i type in>
basicly replacing the command echo option in zmud
the problem is. i dont know if im useing the %* correctly or what i need to avoid with it
iv noticed with the %quote() around it when i type something it'll escape it then display it. but what gets sent to the mud is differnt.
is there anyway to improve this trigger? produce the intended results any better?
#ONINPUT "LocalPrompt" {(%*)} {#say {%ansi( grey)--> %ansi( hi, yellow)%quote( %1)};#nomap} "" {nocr|prompt|notrig} |