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Joined: 11 Oct 2001
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 08, 2002 11:15 am   

MXP In Scripts?
im trying to get MXP working in some scripts to make a mud nicer for me. but am running into some problems..
namely im trying to gag some lines with MXP.. but it dosnt appar to block the crlf
it only gags the actual text. is there a way to gag the crlf with MXP in a script?
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 08, 2002 1:59 pm   
Please be more specific. A little more details, sample MUD output and the script you are using would help a lot.

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 09, 2002 7:27 am   
(there are other things involved but this is a fairly simplified explaination)
there is a mud option to enable a more parseable heatlh stam and mana display
it sends it with a prefix
something to the effect of...
FOO <rest of information here>
right now im doing a #GAG ontrigger
but id like to insted do a #SUB insted
i tryed doing a:
then doing a
#SUB %concat("<FOO>", %trigger, "</FOO>")
it gaged the text but i still got a crlf at the end of the line
i then tryed doing a
#SUB %concat(%e, "[20z", %trigger)
and that produced the same results as the other..

what ends up happening is..
i just get blank lines.
the text is gaged.
but the crlf that i wanted to gag as well is not.
im unshure howto handle this. or if its even possable..
or perhaps its just not possable with mxp...
(whats the point of the gag option on tags if you cant gag whole lines?)
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Joined: 10 Oct 2000
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 09, 2002 1:40 pm   
Why do you want to use MXP and #SUB instead of #GAG?

It's possible that you have run into a bug. However, tell me, where did you come up with <!TAG>? Because I don't see it anywhere in the MXP spec file.

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Joined: 11 Oct 2001
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 09, 2002 3:41 pm   
i used !TAG because it was in zMud's system elements tab
and i used it to automaticaly set the tag by default..
(i could not find any standard way and it looked good for use
in a local script.. so i used it. it sets the tag as if i went
into the mxp config tag menu and did it myself which is what i wanted
i used mxp because i wanted to see if i could make it work
and it allowed me to toggle the display of the line on and off
without need for me to go edit a script or change a variable
and i also wanted to possably use mxp for other things so i figured id
try to get it working on that.
but like i said it works for the most part
i just run into a problem where insted of gaging the whole and pretending it never existed...
it just gags the text in that line.. leaving.. you guessed it..
a blank line.
so i just get lines that contain nothing.
which isnt the desired effect..
id prefer to just have no line at all :)
aka a useful replacement for #GAG
but on the usefulness for server side mxp...
it could be very useful in provideing information to the client without
causeing excess scroll.
i dunno hehe i just wanted to play with mxp truth be told :)
insted of useing scripts and doing all the hard work myself and wanting
some mxp features parsed into my muds that dont support mxp
i figured id write support in myself with the client.
apparntly that didnt work so great :/
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Joined: 10 Oct 2000
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 09, 2002 7:26 pm   
You're right, it doesn't do a true gag. You might want to try to report it as a bug, because it sure doesn't sound as desired behavior. You could either e-mail Zugg directly or post in the Beta Forum.

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Joined: 11 Oct 2001
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 10, 2002 4:19 pm   
posted to beta forum with link to this thread.
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