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Joined: 21 Dec 2001
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 21, 2001 11:15 pm   

unable to create or change triggers etc
As the title states it seems as if my triggers and aliases have been "set in stone" for some reason. I can no longer change old aliases/trigs or create new ones and have them retained in the mud file after quitting and re-loging in a character from the initial zmud screen. I have tried using several different mud files/chars but they are all reverting to their origional state and not allowing changes to be saved.

I tried updating to the beta from 6.16? which ever was the last official release, but the problem remains. The only thing I can see that has changed is that I switched to Win 2000 from ME. I had copied the directory holding all the mud files back into the zmud directory if that could be any sort of clue, though I have done that before and things have been fine, when reinstalling previous OS's or when I went from 98 to ME.

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Joined: 25 May 2001
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 22, 2001 12:24 am   
Do you have your directories pointing into the correct place? I've had a similar problem a couple of times, once it was fixed by adjusting all my default directories and making sure they matched, and the other I had to re-create the character file.
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Joined: 21 Dec 2001
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 22, 2001 12:48 am   
The directories are correct, and I had to create the char files again for the different chars and re-point to the .mud files.
I saw some mention in another post, when i was searching themabout the problem about, inherrited trigs and such being good so you didn't fill up on trigs and such. I just thought that that they were referring to just having soo many trigs and stuff cluttering up the lists.... or could there be an actual limit with all char files and such? With various looting trigs and such copied over and over for many diff classes... it is looking a bit full in there....

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Joined: 25 May 2001
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 22, 2001 1:51 am   
Yeah, it takes a bit of time, but I have all my common mud triggers for one mud in one file that I inherit, and my character files are rather small, that do the specific character-related things. This cuts down on a lot of stuff, and when something changes in the mud (syntax, whatever) I only have to change it in one common place. :)
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Joined: 23 Dec 2000
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 22, 2001 8:27 am   
Are these settings inherited that you wish to change? If you wish to change inherited settings, there's a few things you need to know:

1)to edit the actual inherited setting, you need to click the Settings button and then click on the File|Open Inherited menu. Simply editing the blue-colored settings in your primary settings file will NOT change the inherited setting but will instead create a copy of that setting IN THE PRIMARY FILE.

2)When you are done editing your inherited settings and you save them, ZMud will not refresh the files for you. Therefore, to see the results of what you've changed, you need to close all settings files (failure to do so will cause ZMud to throw exceptions/errors like crazy which more than likely will freeze ZMud) and then reload them via the Settings|Load... menu.
NOTE: if you are working on an extensive project in your inherited settings file, it might be easier to close down your connection, change your inherited settings file to your primary file, and reconnect.

3)INHERITED SETTINGS FILES ALWAYS GET LOADED FIRST. If you have an inherited settings file with TriggerA that does one thing, and your primary file for Joe Mama also has TriggerA, then Joe Mama's trigger will always appear after the inherited trigger upon load up (afterwards, you can move it any way you wish)

If you are not working with inherited settings, verify that your mud file is not set as read-only.

li'l shmoe of Dragon's Gate MUD
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 22, 2001 1:10 pm   
Also, are you using an NTFS or FAT32 partition with Win2k?

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Joined: 21 Dec 2001
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 22, 2001 9:43 pm   
I'm using ntfs and it seems that win2k changed the files from regular to read only on me... a "feature" *cough*bug*cough* I didn't know existed....

Though I may try out the inherrited stuff, thanks for the tips, and the help.

Of all the things I have lost... I miss my mind the most.
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