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Joined: 11 Oct 2001
Posts: 12
Location: USA

PostPosted: Mon Dec 17, 2001 12:49 am   

Attacking only certain targets.
What I am wanting to do is set up a way of
attacking ONLY certain targets... for example
I set up my kill alias as:
#ALIAS {h} {hurl %if( %null(%1), @target,

With this setup, if I type 'h' then the
command 'hurl target' is sent (and if I have
target var set as vognus, then I will hurl
vognus if he is in the room), but if I type
'h vraurk' then the command 'hurl vraurk' is
sent. Now, with all that said, is there a
way to set up the variable (or any other way)
to try and hurl several different names?

So, if I have 'hagar', 'vraurk' and 'grunk'
in the target variable, and I walk into a
room that does not have any of these people
in there and type 'h' then I don't attack
anyone at all.... but if I walk into a room
and vraurk is there, and I type 'h' then
'hurl vraurk' is sent to the room... is there
any way of setting that up?

Zmud 6.16
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Joined: 28 Nov 2000
Posts: 4817
Location: USA

PostPosted: Mon Dec 17, 2001 4:08 pm   
How will you know if any of these people are in the room? What do you want to do if more than one of them is present?

The simplest approach would be to just hurl at all three of them. If none of them are present you should just get 3 error messages but if one or more of them is present you'll attack.

#VAR target {hagar|vraurk|grunk}
#ALIAS {h} {#IF (%1) {hurl %1) {#FORALL @target {hurl %i}}}

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