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Joined: 13 Nov 2000
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 16, 2001 9:22 am   

Formatting open spaces for variables
I am going in circles here trying to figure this out. I need a way to hold a space between characters for screen formatting purposes. The space needs to be a min of 2 characters, even when the variable is only 1 character. The tricky part is that the variables are enclosed in () as part of the screen formatting. What I need the product to look like is:

         ( 0)             (**)

/ 0| 0| 0 / 0| 0| 0 ( 0/ || 0)
/ / ( 0/ 0)

but as close as I can get is:

         (0)          (**)

/0|0|0 /0|0|0 (0/ || \0)
/ / (0/ \0)

As you can see, I cannot figure out how to get the extra space for formatting purposes.

The string is:

%format [space(9)](%cg%ch%format(@DGH)%cn)[space(10)](**)%r[space(6)]/%cg%ch%format(@DGLT)%cn|%cg%ch%format(@DGCT)%cn|%cg%ch%format(@DGRT)%cn%[space(6)] /%cg%ch%format(@DGLTR)%cn|%cg%ch%format(@DGCTR)%cn|%cg%ch%format(@DGRTR)%cn%[space(4)]%r[space(5)](%cg%ch%format(@DGLA)%cn/ || %%cg%ch%format(@DGRA)%cn%)%r[space(7)]/[space(2)]/%[space(2)]%%r[space(6)](%cg%ch%format(@DGLL)%cn/[space(2)]%%cg%ch%format(@DGRL)%cn)%r%r

the %r is carriage return, %cg%ch are ANSI colors.

Thanks for any help, and let me know if more clarification is required.

**Edit to make the spaces show correctly**

Edited by - iljhar on 12/16/2001 12:56:28
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 16, 2001 8:12 pm   
Where are you getting %cg, %ch, and %r? Are those mud variables because I can't find them in zMUD, maybe I'm just not looking in the right place. In any case, the variables that you get, @DGH, @DGLT, etc. are those numbers or strings? I may have a way to do it if you can answer the questions. :)

Edit: Is this supposed to be a stick figure type model? The variables telling you about your head, torso, arms and legs?

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Joined: 18 Nov 2001
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 16, 2001 10:24 pm   
I held off on responding to this until I could get a better idea what you want to do.
As iljhar said I can't find some of what you got in the help so I am clueless about it.
However it would apprear that your variable references are encapsulated by thier own format function as such I think I can help...replace all your formats that hold a variable (ie "%format(@DGRL)") with %format("&2s",@Variable). The &2s comes right out of the help file for format.
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Joined: 13 Nov 2000
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 17, 2001 5:12 am   
Iljar is dead on. It is a stick figure and the variables are for the parts of the figure.

And I thought Vijilante had it solved, for when I copy/pasted the %format("&2s",@Variable) and ran the alias, it worked! So I copy/paste the rest of the string, and it goes bad. My variables are not showing, or something. (as you can tell, I am not coder extrodinaire).

I will simplify, taking out the ANSI formatting and just use the first variable.

What I need is:

( 0)

My previous problem gave me:


With this string:


Vijilante suggested:


Which -seemed- to work one time, but not since. I get:


So to troubleshoot, I started changing the variable. With a variable of:
I get
With a variable of:
I get
( 0)
Which is what I want. But a variable of:
I get
and a variable of:
I get
( 12)
When I would like to get

The *space* denotes a space. :)

Hope that is a little more clear. Thanks.
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 17, 2001 5:14 am   
So the variables will always be numeric?

If so, try this:

#show %concat(" (", %format("&2.0n", @DGH), ") (**)");#show %concat(" /", %format("&2.0n", @DGLT), "|", %format("&2.0n", @DGCT), "|", %format("&2.0n", @DGRT), " /", %format("&2.0n", @DGLTR), "|", %format("&2.0n", @DGCTR), "|", %format("&2.0n", @DGRTR), " (", %format("&2.0n", @DGLA), "/ || ", %format("&2.0n", @DGRA), ")");#show %concat(" / / (", %format("&2.0n",@DGLL), "/ ", %format("&2.0n", @DGRL), ")")

I still don't know where the [space(9)], %cg, %cn, %ch, and %r come from, so I left them out.

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Joined: 13 Nov 2000
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 17, 2001 5:17 am   

So the variables will always be numeric?


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Joined: 13 Nov 2000
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 17, 2001 5:40 am   

So the variables will always be numeric?

If so, try this:

#show %concat(" (", %format("&2.0n", @DGH), ") (**)");#show %concat(" /", %format("&2.0n", @DGLT), "|", %format("&2.0n", @DGCT), "|", %format("&2.0n", @DGRT), " /", %format("&2.0n", @DGLTR), "|", %format("&2.0n", @DGCTR), "|", %format("&2.0n", @DGRTR), " (", %format("&2.0n", @DGLA), "/ || ", %format("&2.0n", @DGRA), ")");#show %concat(" / / (", %format("&2.0n",@DGLL), "/ ", %format("&2.0n", @DGRL), ")")

I still don't know where the [space(9)], %cg, %cn, %ch, and %r come from, so I left them out.


I still don't know where the [space(9)] -MUXside formatting for 9 spaces-, %cg -MUXside ANSI formatting for color green-, %cn -MUX color normal-, %ch -MUX color hilight- , and %r -MUX carriage return- come from, so I left them out.
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 17, 2001 6:04 am   
What exactly is your trigger to show all this? Or is this an alias that you call? Also, what do you use to output this to the screen? You can't just say "%format("&2n", 12)" because it will send that to the mux. You have to use #show or #say or something like that. Can you post your whole trigger/alias/whatever it is your calling this from?

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Joined: 13 Nov 2000
Posts: 6

PostPosted: Mon Dec 17, 2001 6:41 am   

The %concat seemed to do the trick. I have it working(with no colors atm). Here is the string.

~@emit [space(9)] %concat( " (", %format( "&2.0n", @DGH), ") [space(9)] (**)")%r[space(7)]/%format( "&2.0n", @DGLT)|%format( "&2.0n", @DGCT)|%format( "&2.0n", @DGRT)[space(5)]/%format( "&2.0n", @DGLTR)|%format( "&2.0n", @DGCTR)|%format( "&2.0n", @DGRTR)\%r[space(5)] %concat( " (", %format( "&2.0n", @DGLA)/[space(1)]||[space(1)]\%format( "&2.0n", @DGRA)))%r [space(7)]/[space(2)]/[space(2)]\%r[space(7)](%format( "&2.0n", @DGLL)/[space(2)]\%format( "&2.0n", @DGRL))

Which gives me:

     ( 0)             (**) 
 / 0| 0| 0     / 0| 0| 0 
( 0/ ||  0) 
   /  /   
( 0/     0) 

The trigger:
You hit for 2 points of damage in the Head

Would yield:
     ( 2)             (**) 
 / 0| 0| 0     / 0| 0| 0 
( 0/ ||  0) 
   /  /   
( 0/     0) 

And the trigger:
You hit for 22 points of damage in the Head

     (22)             (**) 
 / 0| 0| 0     / 0| 0| 0 
( 0/ ||  0) 
   /  /   
( 0/     0) 

So, I think Ive got it now. Thanks for the help, guys. Had to learn to format my posts before I could learn to format my aliases :)

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Joined: 11 Oct 2000
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 17, 2001 11:30 pm   
Heh.. This code looks strangely familiar.. and you didn't even cite me as the author (cry) Why did you not just ask me online?

Looks like you just have a failed import of my settings, no need to re-invent the wheel, just page me online. (face)

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