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Joined: 02 Mar 2001
Posts: 5
Location: USA

PostPosted: Sat Dec 15, 2001 9:26 am   

I am trying to create a mudlib script. Remember those madlibs from when you were a kid? Well I'm trying to create a bot to do them on a mud. What I want it to do is when someone tells to it to start mudlib it gossips for people to join, then when it has enough it starts asking for the words. Any one have any ideas on how to do such a thing?

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Joined: 18 Nov 2001
Posts: 5182

PostPosted: Sat Dec 15, 2001 10:31 am   
This probably best approached from a formal programming standpoint.
First you want to jot down some notes about your user interface:
What message tells it to start?
What message tells it a player is joining?
How many people is enough?
How long should it wait for enough people to join before it gives up and cancels?
How often should it send notices about waiting to start a new one and about waiting for x people to join?
How many words should make a mudlib? Random?
Do you want the users to supply all the words? Will you have a bunch of libs stored with just a few blanks?
What should a user preface a gossip with to trigger the addition of a word?
How long should it collect words to fit in word x before it saves that word?
How long should it delay between saving word x and starting word y?

Next we can consider the actual code for it.
Then we can tweak and debug. Usually at this point you find you forgot to ask a whole bunch of questions during step 1. Like how long should it wait for word z before it cancels the whole mudlib? Should it have its own list of words it can use to fill a spot when there is no response?
In general the more questions you have answers to the better, it is much easier to not write a section of cool but unecessary code then it is to add and integrate a very necessary variable, function, or procedure.
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