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Joined: 18 Sep 2001
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Location: USA

PostPosted: Mon Dec 10, 2001 9:03 pm   

Dealing w/ multiple params in a Variable
I have a variable list with two params in it, for each item. I have several of these, and I would like to setup and alias to run a function, to check the second parameter in the variable and if the condition does not exist, do someinthing with the first parameter.


@Vspstones= {97772|1|97703|1|18213|1|99729|1|99723|1|13119|1|19510|1|98793|1|67048|0|50111|0|5988|0|88638|0}

@Vpstones= {35721|1|56752|1}

so I want to set up and alias to test for condition 0 as it exists in vspstones, on stonetype 67048, if I dont have it, I want it to buy 67048. Also, I would like the same alias to work for either @vspstones, or @vpstones.
So I figure I I would have to sub out @v%1 somehow and add in the @v to the name So If the Alias was named BS I could type in BS spstones from person
and it would Add in the @v to the %1 and buy it from %2, but I dont know how to run the tests for the 0, I'd assume a #forall is the likely culprit, but I have yet to figure out how to use this frisky critter. If someone would be so kind as to give me a bit of help, AND IF #forall is used, give me a brief explaination of what it is doing, I would appreciate the tutoring on that particular piece of zmud script as I know it is a very powerful command within the language.

Thanks a bunch guys,
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Joined: 24 Feb 2001
Posts: 342
Location: USA

PostPosted: Mon Dec 10, 2001 9:42 pm   
instead of a string list, you could try useing a database variable.
name each key with the stones id number, and have the value of the key be 1 or 0
something like:

#var vspstone ""
#addkey vspstone a97772 1 //need an "a" to conform to var name rules
#addkey vspstone a97703 1
#addkey vspstone a18213 1

would do the trick
then you could test like this:

#if @vspstone.a97703 {} {buy 97703}

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