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Joined: 05 Dec 2001
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 06, 2001 9:02 pm   

Is there something other than wait that will work.
The mud I play has a combat system where you must time a defense action right to block the attack. So we can practice attacking with different techniques my friend and I set up a system using wait like so.

* (%w) retracts his right arm...

#wa 2000(<--not always whole seconds, sometimes like 1750)
parry high

Anyways the wait commands sometimes screws up or if the partner uses two different moves sometimes it screws up. Is there a way to get alarm to go off in miliseconds and also can alarm be canceled in case of another attack. Or is there another way I could work that?
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Joined: 10 Oct 2000
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 07, 2001 12:08 am   
Alarms work with miliseconds in version 6.20+
These versions, however, are still in beta testing.

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Joined: 10 Oct 2000
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 07, 2001 12:18 am   
In the newest version, you'll be able to do that with alarms. If you're feeling lucky, you can download v6.22 BETA. If you do download the BETA version, make sure you bring up any problems in the Beta Forum. Also, if the BETA version breaks your computer, wipes your drive, kills your cat or anything of the sort, don't complain, it's a BETA version ;)

Now, as to your question about cancelling 1 alarm for another, you can give that alarm an id and just reference that id every time you set the alarm. I can't remember the exact syntax but something like this:

#trigger {%w retracts his right arm...} {#alarm "Defense" +1.7 {parry high}}
#trigger {%w throws a left uppercut.} {#alarm "Defense" +1.7 {block mid}}

So no matter what they throw, you'll always only defend the latest round of combat since that's the one that will do damage to you. Is that what you want?

Btw, the #alarm examples I gave above will not work with anything lower than v6.2x Beta, so if you want to try them right now, then just change those 1.7 numbers to whole numbers and it'll work correctly.

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Joined: 05 Dec 2001
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Location: USA

PostPosted: Fri Dec 07, 2001 6:51 am   
Thanks, it works absolutely fabulous.
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