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Joined: 05 Jun 2001
Posts: 5
Location: USA

PostPosted: Wed Nov 14, 2001 1:36 am   

Getting Automapper to work on
I am trying to configure the Automapper to work with my new favorite mud. But I do not know how to do it with this kind of movement structure.
The mud has this output generaly when you move in a direction, the number of lines that appear with you walking across the room before you actually move out of the room varies:

<perfect fresh 1057 22099 1 :9 >
You begin to move north.

<perfect fresh 1057 22099 1 :9 >
You cross the center of the area at a walk.

<perfect fresh 1057 22099 1 :5 >
A Lithmorran Knight crosses the center of the area.

<perfect fresh 1057 22099 1 :1 >
You leave north.
A black and white dog leaves north.
Entrance to the Grand Library of Lithmore
Wide marble stairs lead onto a pillared entryway. The northern wall is
smoothed marble, with a pair of enormous doors set within. To the south,
Church Street is visible.
Some words are etched into a golden sign above the doors.

[ Exits: -north- south ]
A black and white dog has arrived.
You have arrived.

<perfect fresh 1057 22099 1 :6 >

-----End of Paste-----
Anyone have any ideas?

Where there is a Wilderop there is a way
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Joined: 10 Oct 2000
Posts: 793
Location: Swindon, England

PostPosted: Wed Nov 14, 2001 9:28 am   
Hmm, that sounds like fun.. :)

The best I can think of at the moment is..

Make an alias for each direction which turns on a class containing a trigger on '*' which does a #NOMAP, and try to turn this off when you get there (ie on 'You leave north')
While at the same time ignoring stuff like 'XYZ leaves <direction>', which comes after this message..
Alternatively instead of doing a #NOMAP on everything, you could try to capture the lines inbetween individually, but thats probably more complicated.. The prompt shouldn't be too hard, but the rest ....

Lady C.
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