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Joined: 20 Jul 2013
Posts: 7

PostPosted: Tue Apr 04, 2017 6:52 am   

converting from mudlet to cmud pro
<AliasGroup isActive="yes" isFolder="yes">
<Alias isActive="yes" isFolder="no">
<name>Smaller - Zombiecity</name>
<script>-- We check the value of count to ensure we only initialize table t once per run.
if (count == 1) then
t = {} = "ZombieCity"
t.dirs = {}
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("",
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("4 w;3 s;e",
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("w;3 n;e;3 n;e;2 n;w;n",
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("s;2 e",
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("2 e;upstairs;2 w",
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("get key from bag;unlock north door;open north door;n",
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("",
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("out;2 e;downstairs;3 w;s;out;2 e;3 s",

-- Size of array, so we know how many to iterate through
t.size = # t.dirs

-- called from init_run -- its the bread and butter of the aliases.
<Alias isActive="yes" isFolder="no">
<name>Smaller - Western Seaboard</name>
<script>-- We check the value of count to ensure we only initialize table t once per run.
if (count == 1) then
t = {} = "Western Seaboard"
t.dirs = {}
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("",
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("10 w;20 sw;16 sw;3 w;swamps;ne;2 n;ne;e",
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("w;3 n;e",
{"Alligator","alligator",0,"225k","","","Huge Alligator","w"},
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("2 n",
{"Huge Alligator","alligator",0,"650k","","","Alligator","s"},
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("2 w;s",
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("",
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("s",
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("",
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("e;3 s;sw;2 s;sw;out;15 w;2 nw;road;3 n;house;backroom",
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("mainroom;out;n;smallhut;backroom",
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("hut;out;w;hut",
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("",
{"Scout","scout",0,"279k","","","2x Guard","out/hut"},
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("out;e;5 s;3 ne;e;2 ne;3 n;6 ne;4 e;se;w;2 n;gates;n;ne;n",
{"2x Guard (kill fast)","guard",0,"14k","","","Guard","s"},
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("2 n;u;e",
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("",
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("e",
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("",
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("2 w;d;3 s;sw;s;gates;2 s;3 w;trail;N;W;N;W;N;moria;nw;n;ne;d;e;ne;2 e;d;nw;3 w",
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("3 e;se;u;2 w;sw;w;u;sw;s;se;out;S;E;S;E;S;out;4 e;10 ne;2 n;forest;n;cave;e;s;e;3 n;e;2 n",
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("",
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("2 s;w;4 s;4 e",
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("e",
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("stairs;e;s",
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("",
{"Priest","priest",0,"279k","","","Demon (aggro)","n"},
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("n;w;2 n",
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("2 s;stairs;5 w;n;w;n;w;out;2 s;4 nw;11 n;path;2 s;sw;2 w;3 n;nw;n;enter;n;w",
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("w",
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("3 e",
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("e;u",
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("d;2 w;s;out;s;se;3 s;2 e;ne;3 n;15 e;se;s;w",
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("n;ne;nw;sw",
{"","",0,"","read book","","",""},
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("ne;nw;sw",
{"","",0,"","read scroll","","Wizard (aggro)",""},
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("ne;nw;sw",
{"Wizard","wizard",0,"150k","","","Wizard (aggro)","ne"},
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("u;ne;nw;sw;u;ne;nw;sw",
{"Wizard","wizard",0,"225k","","","White Wizard","ne"},
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("u;2 w",
{"Wizard","wizard",0,"279k","","","Black Wizard","e"},
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("2 e;2 s",
{"Wizard","wizard",0,"279k","","","Grey Wizard","n"},
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("2 n;2 e",
{"Wizard","wizard",0,"279k","","","Golden Wizard","w"},
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("2 w;2 n",
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("2 s;d;ne;se;sw;d;ne;se;sw;d;ne;se;sw;d;ne;se;sw;d;ne;se;sw;portal;e;2 n;20 e;e;11 s",

-- Size of array, so we know how many to iterate through
t.size = # t.dirs

-- called from init_run -- its the bread and butter of the aliases.
<Alias isActive="yes" isFolder="no">
<name>Smaller - North of Town</name>
<script>-- We check the value of count to ensure we only initialize table t once per run.
if (count == 1) then
t = {} = "North of Town"
t.dirs = {}
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("",
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("11 n;8 ne;path;3 w;N;e;n;e;n",
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("",
{"Unicorn","unicorn",0,"225k","","","Giant (aggro)","s"},
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("3 e;2 s;e;s;e",
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("w;n;w;2 n;3 w;s;w;s;w;4 s;3 e;path;5 sw;W;W;2 nw;gates;4 n;ne;nw",
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("",
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("n;ne;n;nw",
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("",
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("n;2 e",
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("",
{"Centurion","centurion",0,"225k","","","Guard (aggro)","w"},
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("2 w;s;se;s;sw;s;se;sw;5 s;2 se;e;9 ne;6 e;2 n",
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("2 s;3 w;14 nw;valley;2 n;ne",
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("ne",
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("",
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("n;e;ne",
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("sw;w;s;2 sw;2 s;out;14 nw;8 n;enter;2 s;4 sw;w;sw;church;s;w",
{"Human (x2)","human",0,"14k","kill fast","","Human",""},
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("2 e",
{"Human (x2)","human",0,"14k","kill fast","","Human",""},
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("w;s;w",
{"Human (x2)","human",0,"14k","kill fast","","Human",""},
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("e;s;e",
{"Human (x2)","human",0,"14k","kill fast","","Human",""},
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("w;s;e",
{"Human (x2)","human",0,"14k","kill fast","","Priests",""},
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("w;s",
{"Wander Area","",0,"","Use Books, Continue From Rosse","","Guardian",""},
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("5 n;out;2 nw;n",
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("s;se;5 e;2 ne;3 e;se;2 s;se;E;s;se;2 e;n",
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("",
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("upstairs;3 n",
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("3 s;downstairs;s;2 w;2 nw;W;N;3 w;nw;N;out;10 s;20 se;19 se;10 s",

-- Size of array, so we know how many to iterate through
t.size = # t.dirs

-- called from init_run -- its the bread and butter of the aliases.
<Alias isActive="yes" isFolder="no">
<name>Smaller - East of Town</name>
<script>-- We check the value of count to ensure we only initialize table t once per run.
if (count == 1) then
t = {} = "East of Town"
t.dirs = {}
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("",
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("15 e;S;S;w;n",
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("2 s;e;enter;s;3 d;s;2 w",
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("2 e;n;3 u;n;out;N;out;se;sw;s;sw;s;tree;enter;2 u;2 w;2 n;hut",
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("s;out;2 s;2 e;2 d;out;out;2 w;nw;valley;E;e",
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("",
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("W;hills;S;enter;2 d",
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("",
{"Soldier","soldier",0,"225k","","","Orc (aggro)","u"},
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("2 u;out;n;2 ne;4 e;2 se;e;se;s;sw;se;mountain;n;ne;cave",
{"Orc (aggro)","orc",0,"46k","","","Slave","out/cave"},
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("2 w",
{"Slave","slave",0,"2k","kill fast","","Yorkaturr (aggro)",""},
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("sw",
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("ne;2 e;out;3 ne;n;3 nw;w;2 sw;s;2 e;ne;n;push rocks;dive stream",
{"","",0,"","dive stream","","Tentacle",""},
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("",
{"Tentacle","tentacle",0,"225k","Wander Area. Resume after Whirlpool.","","Whirlpool",""},
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("climb path",
{"","",0,"","Climb Path","","Dryad Chief",""},
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("2 sw;s;plains;nw;4 ne;3 se;e;path;s;2 e;s;2 e;s;e",
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("w;n;2 w;n;2 w;n;path;9 nw;8 n;field",
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("4 n;e;se;s;3 e;3 u",
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("2 d;jump;w;N;dive",
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("u;S;W;n;nw;w;S;leave;2 se;8 s;city;gates;2 n;castle;5 n;nw;sw;se;u;nw;u;u",
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("",
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("2 d;se;d;nw;ne;se;5 s;out;2 s;out;fields;6 n;2 w;circus;tent",
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("out;leave;2 ne;e",
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("",
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("",
{"","",0,"","Optional Concordia Wander","","CS",""},
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("W;w",

-- Size of array, so we know how many to iterate through
t.size = # t.dirs

-- called from init_run -- its the bread and butter of the aliases.
<Alias isActive="yes" isFolder="no">
<name>Smaller - Obizuth Demons</name>
<script>-- We check the value of count to ensure we only initialize table t once per run.
if (count == 1) then
t = {} = "Obizuth Demons"
t.dirs = {}
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("",
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("12 w;17 nw;17 nw;7 n;path;4 n;say fire;drawbridge;2 e",
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("u",
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("d;2 w;out;4 s;leave;7 s;17 se;17 se;12 e",

-- Size of array, so we know how many to iterate through
t.size = # t.dirs

-- called from init_run -- its the bread and butter of the aliases.
<Alias isActive="yes" isFolder="no">
<name>Smaller - Ghost Captain</name>
<script>-- We check the value of count to ensure we only initialize table t once per run.
if (count == 1) then
t = {} = "Ghost Captain"
t.dirs = {}
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("",
{"CS","",0,"","","","Old Man",""},
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("15 s;3 e;15 s;15 s;2 portal;4 w;3 n;ne;n;nw;n",
{"Man","man",0,"32k","kill fast","","Captain","s"},
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("enter;2 n",
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("2 s;out;s;se;s;sw;3 s;4 e;portal;leave;15 n;15 n;3 w;15 n",

-- Size of array, so we know how many to iterate through
t.size = # t.dirs

-- called from init_run -- its the bread and butter of the aliases.
<Alias isActive="yes" isFolder="no">
<name>Smaller - Oasis</name>
<script>-- We check the value of count to ensure we only initialize table t once per run.
if (count == 1) then
t = {} = "Oasis"
t.dirs = {}
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("",
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("9 w;4 sw;11 s;20 s;path;5 n;open north door;2 n",
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("s;open south door;6 s;leave;20 n;11 n;4 ne;9 e",

-- Size of array, so we know how many to iterate through
t.size = # t.dirs

-- called from init_run -- its the bread and butter of the aliases.
<Alias isActive="yes" isFolder="no">
<name>Smaller - Sirros</name>
<script>-- We check the value of count to ensure we only initialize table t once per run.
if (count == 1) then
t = {} = "Sirros"
t.dirs = {}
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("",
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("12 n;20 w;20 w;5 n;trail;2 w;s",
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("n;2 e;5 s;w",
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("3 e;s;e",
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("w;n;2 w",
{"Merchant","merchant",0,"32k","kill fast","","CS",""},
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("5 n;path;5 s;20 e;20 e;12 s",

-- Size of array, so we know how many to iterate through
t.size = # t.dirs

-- called from init_run -- its the bread and butter of the aliases.
<Alias isActive="yes" isFolder="no">
<name>Smaller - Hemlock</name>
<script>-- We check the value of count to ensure we only initialize table t once per run.
if (count == 1) then
t = {} = "Hemlock"
t.dirs = {}
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("",
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("8 s;20 sw;10 sw;17 w;sw;forest;enter;N;E;tale",
{"","",0,"","Type: tale","","Lord",""},
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("n;4 nw;4 w",
{"Lord","lord",0,"223k","","","Fisher Cat (aggro)","e"},
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("4 e;ne;e;ne;6 e;3 n",
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("3 s;E",
{"Sidhe","sidhe",0,"470k","wanders / casts","","Guard",""},
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("6 w;S;e",
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("w;N;W;n;2 e;2 n;u",
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("",
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("d;2 s;2 w;s;sw;w;sw;4 se;s;adv-guild;n;2 e;3 s",

-- Size of array, so we know how many to iterate through
t.size = # t.dirs

-- called from init_run -- its the bread and butter of the aliases.
<Alias isActive="yes" isFolder="no">
<name>Smaller - Shadizar</name>
<script>-- We check the value of count to ensure we only initialize table t once per run.
if (count == 1) then
t = {} = "Shadizar"
t.dirs = {}
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("",
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("10 s;20 w;20 w;5 n;path;4 n;e;11 n;3 w;n;4 w;N",
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("S;n;E;s;E;3 n",
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("",
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("",
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("S;2 w;S;w;W;N;2 s",
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("",
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("3 s;4 e;14 s;20 e;20 e;10 n",

-- Size of array, so we know how many to iterate through
t.size = # t.dirs

-- called from init_run -- its the bread and butter of the aliases.
<Alias isActive="yes" isFolder="no">
<name>Smaller - Force of Swamps</name>
<script>-- We check the value of count to ensure we only initialize table t once per run.
if (count == 1) then
t = {} = "Force of Swamps"
t.dirs = {}
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("",
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("8 e;14 s;5 se;20 s;valley;valley;se;sw;nw",
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("se;ne;nw;out;s;20 n;5 nw;14 n;8 w",

-- Size of array, so we know how many to iterate through
t.size = # t.dirs

-- called from init_run -- its the bread and butter of the aliases.
<Alias isActive="yes" isFolder="no">
<name>Smaller - Zando</name>
<script>-- We check the value of count to ensure we only initialize table t once per run.
if (count == 1) then
t = {} = "Zando"
t.dirs = {}
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("",
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("15 w;sw;w;nw;n;enter;d;W;n;search se;search southeast;se;search rug;d",
{"Golem","golem",0,"40k","kill fast","","Toad","u"},
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("n;NW;N;w;NW;N;w",
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("e;S;SE;E",
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("w;S;SE;ne;N;w",
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("e;S;sw;s;u;nw;s;E;u;out;s;se;e;ne;15 e",

-- Size of array, so we know how many to iterate through
t.size = # t.dirs

-- called from init_run -- its the bread and butter of the aliases.
<Alias isActive="yes" isFolder="no">
<name>Smaller - Wennar</name>
<script>-- We check the value of count to ensure we only initialize table t once per run.
if (count == 1) then
t = {} = "Wennar"
t.dirs = {}
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("",
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("15 n;w;10 n;20 w;17 w;3 s;valley;sw;s;W;s",
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("2 n;e",
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("w;s;E;n;e;ne;uphill;3 n;20 e;17 e;10 s;e;15 s",

-- Size of array, so we know how many to iterate through
t.size = # t.dirs

-- called from init_run -- its the bread and butter of the aliases.
<Alias isActive="yes" isFolder="no">
<name>Smaller - Tavern</name>
<script>-- We check the value of count to ensure we only initialize table t once per run.
if (count == 1) then
t = {} = "Tavern"
t.dirs = {}
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("",
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("10 n;2 ne;10 n;forest;2 e;knock tree;enter;u",
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("",
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("d;out;2 w;4 s;se;sw;n",
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("s;ne;nw;4 n;out;10 s;2 sw;10 s",

-- Size of array, so we know how many to iterate through
t.size = # t.dirs

-- called from init_run -- its the bread and butter of the aliases.
<Alias isActive="yes" isFolder="no">
<name>Sell Bag in Ravenkall</name>
<script>-- We check the value of count to ensure we only initialize table t once per run.
if (count == 1) then
t = {} = "Sell Cans and Gear"
t.dirs = {}
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("",
{"CS","",0,"","","","Search Snow",""},
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("2 n;w;withdraw 4000;e;n;3 e;n;w;buy transport to ravenkall;2 e;6 n;2 w;3 n;20 w;20 s;20 w;20 w;20 s;10 w;8 sw;se;enter;3 s;search snow",
{"","",0,"","Type: search snow","","Selling Stuff",""},
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("s;sell all from bag",
{"Dugulk","dugulk",0,"","","","Selling Stuff",""},
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("3 e;3 n;e;sell all from bag",
{"Torams","torams",0,"","","","Selling Stuff",""},
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("3 w;s;sell all from bag",

table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("n;2 nw;leave;nw;8 ne;10 e;20 n;20 e;20 e;20 n;20 e;3 s;2 e;2 s;2 e;3 s;buy transport to zombie city;n;n;w;deposit all;e;s;s",

-- Size of array, so we know how many to iterate through
t.size = # t.dirs

-- called from init_run -- its the bread and butter of the aliases.
<Alias isActive="yes" isFolder="no">
<name>Smaller - Kevin's Watch</name>
<script>-- We check the value of count to ensure we only initialize table t once per run.
if (count == 1) then
t = {} = "Kevin's Watch"
t.dirs = {}
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("",
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("10 s;20 w;sw;climb;d;w;sw;S;sw;w;nw;n",
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("s;se;e;ne;2 n;3 ne;plains;e;whistle;ride horse to woodhelven;se;5 u;enter",
{"Baradakas","baradakas",0,"415k","","","CS","out / enter"},
table.insert(t.dirs, add_mob("out;5 d;nw;ride horse to plains;watch;climb;ne;20 e;10 n",

-- Size of array, so we know how many to iterate through
t.size = # t.dirs

-- called from init_run -- its the bread and butter of the aliases.

im trying to convert that over so i can use it in Cmud Pro. how do i do this?
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Joined: 04 Aug 2002
Posts: 4717
Location: Pensacola, FL, USA

PostPosted: Tue Apr 04, 2017 11:36 pm   
For a lot of this there is likely no direct conversion tool.
However, you may be able to code up one of your own.
CMUD has COM access and may be able to use the OS to read the variables in your other client and rewrite them in CMUD.
Not entirely sure how to go about it, but pretty sure it could be done.

However, we are perfectly willing to teach you how to do it in CMUD so you can manually recreate it as well.
Discord: Shalimarwildcat
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