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Joined: 09 May 2016
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 14, 2016 4:32 am   

Using Variable in a FORALL statement
Having issues with FORALL. Zmud 7.21.


Anytime I use this it makes the %i create a new line, instead of adding it to the drag @DRAGLISTa line. Giving me unwanted results. If I remove the @DRAGLISTa variable, it will then work as it should on same line.

Any tips? The DRAGLISTa variable is simply a stringlist, nothing extra. May contain 0 or multiple names.
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Joined: 03 Jan 2008
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 14, 2016 7:55 am   
You don'at have your forall statement adding anything to draglista. It should look more like


and since it looks like you want to use DRAGLISTa next, you don't need a forall on DRAGTEMPDIRECTION2, you need whatever you item is going to be and to do something that looks more like this:

#IF (@DRAGLISTa=%null) {#FORALL @DRAGTEMPDIRECTION2 {DRAGLISTa=%additem(%i, @DRAGLISTa)}} {#FORALL @DRAGLISTa {drag (item|person|whatever) %i}}

The first check will see if the draglist is empty, then the first forall will fill the list from a secondary list, the last forall will drag whatever it is you want dragged in the directions in the list if it's not empty.
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Joined: 09 May 2016
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 14, 2016 9:14 am   
Well basically the DRAGTEMPDIRECTION2 is a already compiled directions I wanted to use. Which are reversed not only in order but directions as well, this is already done. The DRAGLISTa is a list of names in a stringlist where | is replaced with DRAG. So basically the DRAGLISTa is ready to go as is, I just need it to relay the directions from DRAGTEMPDRIRECTION2 as 1 line for each direction in DRAGTEMPDIRECTION2. Which is why I am using the FORALL command. Maybe LOOP would be better suited? I just only know that FORALL will create a new line per item in a string list, but it doesn't if I throw a VARIABLE in there.

For example. It looks like this if I have a variable with %i, say I'm moving east then north in DRAGTEMPDIRECTION2.
drag Name drag Namea drag Nameb drag Namec
drag Name drag Namea drag Nameb drag Namec

Example 2. But what I want is this, which is how FORALL works if I do not put variable next to %i.
drag Name drag Namea drag Nameb drag Namec e
drag Name drag Namea drag Nameb drag Namec n

I wasn't trying to add anything to DRAGLISTa, that variable is already how I want it. I'm trying to add a single direction from multiple directions stored into DRAGTEMPDIRECTION2. I want each direction in DRAGTEMPDIRECTION2 to be added to the end of DRAGLISTa, but only 1 direction per line used with DRAGLISTa or the game rejects it. Which is why I was using the FORALL command and not populating DRAGLISTa. For that command does do what I want, it just creates a new line if I put a variable next to %i for whatever reason, which is not what I want.

I'll toy with what you said, see if I can get it working. But feel maybe you didn't understand me. I very much appreciate the input though, thank you.

-EDIT Ok think I found my problem. Was due to my method of testing the script. The DRAGLISTa variable I manually populated with names, which did not create a string list, when I manually created it to a string list. It worked. But I'll still take input for better methods.
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Joined: 03 Jan 2008
Posts: 48

PostPosted: Wed Sep 14, 2016 10:37 am   
If your trying to execute them consecutively, I think #loop is what you want, you can check out this post: to find out more about it
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Joined: 04 Aug 2002
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 14, 2016 1:53 pm   
If dragging never fails, you could use something like:

Discord: Shalimarwildcat
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Joined: 09 May 2016
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 16, 2016 10:27 am   
Thanks I will try the %pop. Then yes dragging never fails, unless you can't drag due to fly, is no dice roll to drag though.

Problem with consecutively with #loop is that it puts it all on one line. I need the DRAGLISTa to be 1 line, but then I need it all said for each direction in DRAGTEMPDIRECTION2. For the DRAGTEMPDIRECTION2 is made from a loop command, then a subchar command to reverse order. But how dragging works in the mud I play, you have to type drag playername drag playername2 direction(insert as many corpses as needed), but if I'm going multiple directions, you have to repeat the drag line with just 1 direction. Thats why I landed on the FORALL command for it does this.
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Joined: 04 Aug 2002
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Location: Pensacola, FL, USA

PostPosted: Fri Sep 16, 2016 12:47 pm   
i thing i have it..

#IF (@DRAGLISTa) {#WHILE (@DRAGTEMPDIRECTION2) {drag %expandlist(@draglista, " drag ") %pop(DRAGTEMPDIRECTION2)}}

A #FORALL could do the same thing as the #WHILE, just replace the %pop(stuff) with %i.
Discord: Shalimarwildcat
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