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Joined: 23 Aug 2013
Posts: 194

PostPosted: Sun Feb 15, 2015 9:57 pm   

database variable help
Hi everyone, and thanks for reading/posting here for this ahead of time!
I'm a bit stuck on assimilating a trigger/variable/alias callback feature for my mud. I want to automate the upgrading aspect of my skills based on i forgot and am not optimizing my guild experience.
In essence, im unsure how to make, and use a database variable, and make a multi-state trigger capture what it see and put that into a database variable, i DO know simple triggers, and functions.

so here's the issue(s):

1: i need to collect 1 or ALL of the following information and put it into a variable, i assumed a database variable would be best due to the amount of captures/variables it would take to do it individually would be in excess of 50.
2: once captured, and stored into the variable(s), to have an alias call the information from the variable and make it "enhance" the skill called from the database.
example: (alias) skillset %0, which would be skillset manifestation, (%dbget(manifestation, 1000000) (unsure how this works, which is why im here lol)

3:ok, the trigger portion: has to be a multistate, and as i stated above it needs to go into a database or many many variables... unsure how to make this happen.

if someone could show me actual code examples of how to make this happen i would be very very appreciative of any and all help!! thanks again.

===============THE ACTUAL INFORMATION FROM MUD=================

the part that needs to be captured:

-- You are the strong wind --
-- --
-- Form : Air Elemental Size : 68 Next Size : 95% (581) --
-- --
-- Used Energy : 196044 Energy to Spend : 49123 --
-- Link Energy : 1744394 Lifetime Energy : 1946123 --
-- --
-- You can also shift into a Fire Elemental, size 100 --
-- --
-- Manifestation : 2/3(200000) Continuance : 0/100(100) --
-- Control : 100/104(30000) Cohesion : 2/5(8500) --
-- Resistance : 4/10(20500) Vortex : 0/50(500) --
-- Resolve : 1/50(1250) Intensity : 1/6(3750) --
-- Efficacy : 13/14(1080000) Blast : 0/6(1500) --
-- Elucidation : 0/11(450) Vinculum : 0/5(2500) --
-- Equipollence : 0/20(250) Focus : 0/10(250) --
-- Finesse : 0/16(103182) --

The aliases, i have made so far....(which DO work)

skset -> #var setskill %0 (setskill manifestation)

then i trigger off the hpbar feed for energy gained:

#IF (@gcon < @gxpsp) {enhance @setskill}

sooooooo yeah, i hope this made sense, and thanks again for reading/posting...
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Joined: 19 Nov 2006
Posts: 40

PostPosted: Wed Feb 25, 2015 9:44 am   
I am unfamiliar with multi-state triggers. Do you mean a trigger that can capture multiple lines?

One way, which is probably a bit cumbersome:

#CLASS skillInfoClass 0
#VARIABLE skillInfo
#TRIGGER getSkillInfoStart {--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--} {#T+ skillInfo}
#TRIGGER {-- (%w) : (%n)/(%n)~((%n)~) [|(%w) : (%n)/(%n)~((%n)~) ]--} {skillInfo.%1 = %2|%3|%4; #IF (!%null(%5)) {skillInfo.%5 = %6|%7|%8}} skillInfoClass
#TRIGGER getSkillInfoStop {--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--} {#T- skillInfo} skillInfoClass

Something like that ought to closely accomplish your task.
1) Create a class that starts out disabled.
2) Create an empty variable that belongs outside the disabled class
3) Create a trigger outside the class that enables the class.
4) Create a trigger that belongs to the class to capture the skill information
5) Create a trigger that belongs to the class to disable the class.

In step #4, "skillInfo.%1 = %2|%3|%4" ought to set the variable skillInfo with the property %1 and give that property the value %2|%3|%4
In step #4, "skillInfo.%5 = %6|%7|%8" only gets set if %5 is not null
Using your text example, you'd have:
Manifestation : 2|3|200000
Continuance : 0|100|100
Control : 100|104|30000
Finesse : 0|16|103182

If any of your skills are more than 1 word, you'll need to switch %w with * and concat the string before trying to make a multi-word key name.
When you need to access the data in an alias or trigger:

You can use %dbkeys(@skillInfo) to get a list of all the keys in skillInfo (Manifestation, Continuance, etc)
You can use %dbkey(@skillInfo, 1) to get the 1st key (Manifestation)

%db(@skillInfo, Manifestation) will return a string list: 2|3|200000

So, you can do something like:
#VAR firstSkillNum %item(%db(@skillInfo, %dbkey(@skillInfo,1)), 1)

firstSkillNum ought to be the value 2.

I'm 99.9% positive there's a cleaner way to do all that, and I haven't tested syntax and such, so it may need some debugging. The cMud manual ought to be enough to sort out anything that doesn't work.

Good luck
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Joined: 23 Aug 2013
Posts: 194

PostPosted: Tue Mar 03, 2015 11:10 pm   
oh my, ill have to pick this apart, thank you very much for the help! iull get back when i actually am able to implement this...
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