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Joined: 16 Jan 2005
Posts: 6
Location: Germany

PostPosted: Wed Jan 01, 2014 1:04 am   

Advanced trigger for collecting items (general help needed)
Hello I've been trying to figure out how I could make this trigger fully automatic - i don't expect the work to be done by someone just want help with the idea and general commands to accomplish it.

I'm trying to create a trigger than when I scan if it sees a special item (shiny object) it will go and retrieve it and return me to starting position - like this example

- random mob1
- Shiny Object
Far South:
- random mob1
- random mob2
- Shiny Object
- Shiny Object

So basically I would want it to go south get all back north. Then south south get all north north. Then east get all west.. And some kind of alert once it was complete so I could teleport again and rescan..

I'm guessing it would be the exits as some kind of variable and like a nested if statement? Dunno. There are 30 diff directions I can see... Only issue i see would be that any amount of mobs could be in the room so the word shiny could be anywhere...

I'm using cMud 3.34. If any additional info is needed please let me know.
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Joined: 23 Aug 2013
Posts: 197

PostPosted: Sat Jan 18, 2014 2:51 pm   
There are several ways to accomplish that, however i need to know if the shiny object can be found in any room vs after a specific direction.
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Joined: 16 Jan 2005
Posts: 6
Location: Germany

PostPosted: Sun Jan 19, 2014 3:21 pm   
there is no specific scan for each direction - just a general scan lets me scan 5 rooms away each direction N/S/E/W/U/D

Not quite sure if this is exactly what you were asking but yes the '- Shiny Object' can be found in each room..not sure if it would cause a problem if 2 were in each room like the below example because it would make me go those directions twice..but if it backtracks after each walking path it wouldn't really matter to much - it would just have extra commands not needed..

like if this were to be my scan

Nearby South:
- the bodyguard
- Shiny Object
- Shiny Object
Nearby East:
- Shiny Object
Far off East:
- a chicken
- a cow
- Shiny Object

so if this were to pop the below would be what would happen....

south, get all (would get both tokens), north, (then south, get all, north would repeat itself unless it can be gagged), east, get all, west, east, east, east, get all, west, west, west

below is the directions and how many steps it travels, but once i get the general idea down i can tweak it and add more ways..

Nearby <direction> = 1 room away
Not Far <direction> = 2 rooms away
Far off <direction> = 3 rooms away
Really Far <direction> =4 rooms away
Really Really Far <direction> = 5 rooms away

Let me know if that's what you were referring to or not

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