Mixsel Wanderer
Joined: 02 Feb 2003 Posts: 99 Location: Seattle, Wa
Posted: Mon May 27, 2013 5:00 pm
Can Cmudpro do this? |
Heyas all,
I am trying to wrap my head around API's json and how to use CmudPro in order to play with GuildWars 2 recently released API's
Can I use Cmudpro to grab the files from https://api.guildwars2.com/v1/recipes.json and manipulate them with Cmudpro?
i'm currently taking a crash course via wiki and other sources to try and learn the basics hehe.
but anyways; is this possible? |
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shalimar GURU
Joined: 04 Aug 2002 Posts: 4692 Location: Pensacola, FL, USA
Posted: Mon May 27, 2013 5:22 pm |
%url should be able to
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Daern Sorcerer
Joined: 15 Apr 2011 Posts: 809
Posted: Mon May 27, 2013 5:51 pm |
While %url would work to pull the data from the site, you're then left with a bunch of JSON data in a string, and you'd need to write your own parser to do anything with it. I'd recommend using Lua for this instead of zScript, there are several existing JSON libraries for Lua that can do the heavy lifting for you.
Anaristos Sorcerer
Joined: 17 Jul 2007 Posts: 821 Location: California
Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2013 4:08 am |
The following script will create a dbrecord: KEY = "recipes", VALUE = stringlist of values.
Code: |
require( "luacurl" ) -- this is very slow so it will appear to hang.
require( "json" )
c = curl.new() -- instantiate.
function fetch( url )
local tab = {}
local function get( _, buffer )
table.insert( tab, buffer ) -- read a chunk of data.
return #buffer -- return size of chuck for progress display.
local function prog( _, dltotal, dlnow )
print( dltotal, dlnow ) -- display download progress.
c:setopt( curl.OPT_WRITEFUNCTION, get ) -- set read function
c:setopt( curl.OPT_PROGRESSFUNCTION, prog ) -- set progress display function
c:setopt( curl.OPT_NOPROGRESS, false )
-- the following 3 lines of code are required if you are fetching using https:
c:setopt( curl.OPT_SSLENGINE_DEFAULT, false )
c:setopt( curl.OPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false )
c:setopt( curl.OPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0 )
c:setopt( curl.OPT_HTTPHEADER, "Connection: Keep-Alive", "Accept-Language: en-us" )
c:setopt( curl.OPT_URL, url ) -- set web page locator.
c:setopt( curl.OPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 15 )
return table.concat( tab )
zs.var.result = json.decode( fetch( "https://api.guildwars2.com/v1/recipes.json" ) ) -- fetch data from network.
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Anaristos Sorcerer
Joined: 17 Jul 2007 Posts: 821 Location: California
Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2013 3:38 am |
As it turns out, there is no need to use the lua json services. The CMUD %json function does the job even better because it doesn't force a null value as the first entry of the value string list. We can remove the require( "json" ) and change the function call as follows:
From this:
Code: |
zs.var.result = json.decode( fetch( "https://api.guildwars2.com/v1/recipes.json" ) )
To this:
Code: |
zs.var.result = zs.func.json( fetch( "https://api.guildwars2.com/v1/recipes.json" ) )
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Joined: 10 Oct 2000 Posts: 873 Location: USA
Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2013 11:23 pm |
Anaristos wrote: |
As it turns out, there is no need to use the lua json services. The CMUD %json function does the job even better because it doesn't force a null value as the first entry of the value string list. We can remove the require( "json" ) and change the function call as follows:
From this:
Code: |
zs.var.result = json.decode( fetch( "https://api.guildwars2.com/v1/recipes.json" ) )
To this:
Code: |
zs.var.result = zs.func.json( fetch( "https://api.guildwars2.com/v1/recipes.json" ) )
I was going to say that %url can handle the download and you wouldn't need lua at all, but CMUD seems to be getting stuck on the %url call because of either https instead of http or because the link redirects- I'm not sure which but think it's probably the second. |
Anaristos Sorcerer
Joined: 17 Jul 2007 Posts: 821 Location: California
Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2013 6:06 am |
I did not use %url to read the data. The code I posted is complete. If you put it into a text file with extention .lua and execute it from the CMUD Lua command line using dofile, a variable will be created (result) containing a db record representing the imported json string.
I repeat the code here:
Code: |
-- Code edited to use the CMUD %json function instead of Lua's json API.
require( "luacurl" ) -- this is very slow so it will appear to hang.
c = curl.new() -- instantiate.
function fetch( url )
local tab = {}
local function get( _, buffer )
table.insert( tab, buffer )
return #buffer
local function prog( _, dltotal, dlnow )
print( dltotal, dlnow )
c:setopt( curl.OPT_WRITEFUNCTION, get )
c:setopt( curl.OPT_PROGRESSFUNCTION, prog )
c:setopt( curl.OPT_NOPROGRESS, false )
-- the following 3 lines of code are required if you are fetching using https:
c:setopt( curl.OPT_SSLENGINE_DEFAULT, false )
c:setopt( curl.OPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false )
c:setopt( curl.OPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0 )
c:setopt( curl.OPT_HTTPHEADER, "Connection: Keep-Alive", "Accept-Language: en-us" )
c:setopt( curl.OPT_URL, url )
c:setopt( curl.OPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 15 )
return table.concat( tab )
zs.var.result = zs.func.json( fetch( "https://api.guildwars2.com/v1/recipes.json" ) )
Note that this code already takes care of the security concerns when reading https.
The only real system requirement is that C:\Program Files (x86)\Lua\5.1\clibs be part of the LUA_CPATH system string.
Also note that luacurl is very slow. So the data fetch from the network is going to take a noticeable amount of time. You will know that the connection has been established when lines indicating the progress of the data read will appear on your screen.
EDIT: When it comes to scripting the CMUD client, it is not written in stone that you must use zcript. If that were the case Zugg would not have provided a set of languages to chose from. |
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