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Joined: 17 May 2005
Posts: 108

PostPosted: Thu Jan 17, 2013 9:28 pm   

Apparent Layout Corruption
Okay, maybe I've missed something obvious here, but I'm having some trouble with corruption, which I assume is related to the layout. I have 2 sessions that I cannot load up together without making the windows go crazy.

For example, session one is loaded, with 6 windows on the right side of the main session window, all 6 tabbed together. Session two is loaded, with seven such windows in the same setup, except only two of them go where they should, 3 become tabbed to session one's main window, and a couple more are nowhere to be found. All windows have the correct "advanced options" setup (one window right relative to main window, all others tabbed relative to that one.) Logging off one session makes the other unplayable, attempting to fix windows at this point occasionally generates an AV. This, and similar strangeness happens regardless of the order in which I open the sessions, but thus far both sessions seem to work fine with any other session.

I've done a full export/import of both sessions multiple times. I have deleted the respective xly files and set each session up anew, then saved layout, multiple times. I've opened offline while holding shift (which doesn't seem to work as suggested, some windows retain their usual placement while others tab to the main session window, and all retain the usual "advanced options" settings.) and rearranging windows as desired, then saved layout, multiple times. Nothing seems to make a difference.

Could corruption somewhere other than the session packages or layout be causing this?
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Joined: 23 Dec 2000
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 17, 2013 11:47 pm   
1)the shift trick definitely works as described. If it appears not to be working, then you very simply were not pressing shift (at all, at the correct time, etc) or your shift key is just plain broken (ie, something about the button is popping back up just far enough for the keyboard hardware to register that the key is no longer being pressed.) I dunno exactly how long you have to hold it down, but I usually keep it held down until the session is done loading.

2)corruption is not exclusive to one particular file, insofar as the effects of that corruption is concerned. A broken layout, for example, can very easily affect your package files even though nothing about the corruption or the layout has anything at all to do with package files. This does not mean you should uncorrupt everything just because something was corrupted, but you can't really assume that just because you see a broken layout that fixing the layout file is all you need to do.

3)it's possible that due to actual corruption in a wholly different file a completely unrelated file will appear to be corrupted. This is because all of the data files are loaded into memory for quick access during use. The actual file that was corrupted might not even display any symptoms, making you wonder why the suggested fix doesn't appear to be staying fixed.
EDIT: I didn't like my old signature
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Joined: 17 May 2005
Posts: 108

PostPosted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 5:43 am   
I have double, triple, quadruple, and quintuple checked the shift trick. I tried the left shift key, I tried the right shift key, I tried both at the same time, I plugged in a different keyboard and tried that. Each time I get the same result. Main session window loads up, clan chat, tells, group, nhg, and say capture windows tab to that, chat loads up on the right side, with hero and GC capture windows tabbed to it. In all attempts the shift key(s) was(were) held down until all windows had loaded. Just to be safe, I also went into a text editor and tested, holding shift down for several minutes and periodically checking that it was still in effect. I also tried pressing and holding the key immediately after clicking the "connect offline" link to ensure that clicking the mouse didn't void it (which it really shouldn't, given all the shift-click multi-selection I've done).

I also exported/imported every session file I have (about 25 that I use, perhaps I should also do the preloaded mud icons?) before I bothered to post the problem. I will now move on to deleting every session's xly file and redoing all layouts. Is it possible that an exported xml file retained a corruption issue that is returning on import, and thus a new export needs to be made? Should I delete the sessions.db file?

Can I get the clickable URLs package from the library? I found the English Keypad and Directions packages there but didn't see that one. Thought I should redo those as well.

Is there anything else that I'm missing and should try? I've been doing export/import by exporting, deleting the package file and backup, then opening the sessions offline and importing. Is that enough or do I need to do the longer method listed in the "Dealing with corruption" topic?
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Joined: 17 May 2005
Posts: 108

PostPosted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 8:37 am   
Okay, something in that last bit took care of the problem. I'm not sure if it was deleting all of the windows and recreating them via trigger, deleting the clickable URLs package, or what, exactly, but it's taken care of. Thanks for the help!
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