Atreides096 Beginner
Joined: 26 Apr 2004 Posts: 15 Location: USA
Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2012 6:27 am
Mapper causing zMud to freeze |
After a multi-year hiatus from playing I went back to my old MUD this week. And using all my same settings files and everything, all of a sudden my mapper has started to freeze whenever I search for a room.
The freezes do not happen every time, but can last anywhere from 45 seconds to 3 minutes+. The two times I forced zmud to close through task manager, it took over 5 minutes to reopen... getting stuck on "loading rooms." My map has about 29000 rooms in it. Any ideas what may be causing this?
The alias I am using is (note that @baal is just a common function to color-code the onscreen display):
#addkey misc roomList %mapquery( Name Like '%%%replace( %-1, "'", "''")%' AND ZoneID Like %roomzone)
#if %null( %1) {
#say @baal(No Input Entered~, All Processes Aborted)
#ab 1
#if @misc.roomlist=%null {#say @baal(No Matches Found%if(!%null(%1)," for "%1))} {
#if %numitems( @misc.roomlist)>20 {
#say @BaalParsingDisplay(87)
#loop 1,20 {#say %ansi( hi, red)%if( %len( %i)=1 & %numitems( @misc.roomlist)>=10, " ")%i~) %ansi( grey)%roomname( %item( @misc.roomlist, %i))%repeat( " ", %eval( 50-%len( %roomname( %item( @misc.roomlist, %i)))))%ansi( white)%zonename( %roomzone( %item( @misc.roomlist, %i)))%repeat( " ", %eval( 30-%len( %zonename( %roomzone( %item( @misc.roomlist, %i))))))@baal(%replace( %item( @misc.roomlist, %i), %-1, ""))}
#say @BaalParsingDisplay(87)
#say @Baal(More than 20 matches found)
} {
#say @BaalParsingDisplay(87)
#loop %numitems( @misc.roomlist) {#say %ansi( hi, red)%if( %len( %i)=1 & %numitems( @misc.roomlist)>=10, " ")%i~) %ansi( grey)%roomname( %item( @misc.roomlist, %i))%repeat( " ", %eval( 50-%len( %roomname( %item( @misc.roomlist, %i)))))%ansi( white)%zonename( %roomzone( %item( @misc.roomlist, %i)))%repeat( " ", %eval( 30-%len( %zonename( %roomzone( %item( @misc.roomlist, %i))))))@baal(%replace( %item( @misc.roomlist, %i), %-1, ""))}
#say @BaalParsingDisplay(87)
} |
shalimar GURU
Joined: 04 Aug 2002 Posts: 4715 Location: Pensacola, FL, USA
Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2012 7:18 am |
try running it through the mapconvert utility stickied somewhere...
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