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Joined: 27 Nov 2002
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Location: USA

PostPosted: Mon Aug 27, 2012 5:17 am   

Logging is capturing child window!!!
Oy, I hope you all can help me once more.

I roleplay like crazy and for years and years I have been the "keeper of the logs," meaning, I log our roleplay sessions and send them out when complete. Just in the past two weeks, when I open a new log, the log will capture not the main window with my command line, but other windows that have tells and such coming in to them.

I have checked my settings for the windows, making sure the main one is the only one with command line/status bar/window visible/main network connection setting. The child windows are only window visible/no network connection.

I've checked my other preferences for logging and can't find a thing that would have started this happening. I am missing entire nights of roleplay because suddenly I'm logging my tells window instead of my main window and I won't know until I open the log to clean it (removing misc. tick messages and the like).

As I've said, I'd love to find out what the hell changed in the last couple weeks. I used Zmud for a solid 11 years before moving to Cmud and haven't had a problem until just recently. Confused

I do not use #LOG to start my logs, but physically go in to file, new log, and name them with my character name and date, saved to my separate log file on my computer.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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Joined: 04 Aug 2002
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Location: Pensacola, FL, USA

PostPosted: Mon Aug 27, 2012 5:35 am   
Hmm, my guess is that the last time you made a log file you had clicked on that child window first (or in some fashion given it focus) then the menu request would have been sent under that window.

your best bet is to automate your logfile creation really, i use the following

<event event="onConnect" priority="12770" id="248">
  <value>#LOG %concat(%sessionid, " ", %char, " ", %time(yyyy-mm-dd), " ", %time(hh), "00.txt")

And you can specify the full file name if you want to ensure it goes in the proper drive/folder.
Discord: Shalimarwildcat
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