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Joined: 04 Apr 2012
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Location: Portland, OR

PostPosted: Wed Apr 04, 2012 3:23 pm   

Help changing variables in another session with an alias...
Sorry if this is super simple, but I'm still learning CMUD, and having trouble doing this simple task. I searched around and found a lot of examples of more difficult operations, but for some reason I can't get this to work. I had a whole story here of why I need to do this, but you don't care, so I'm chopping it down.

Basically I am on a MUD that allows multiplaying, so I have 4 sessions going simultaneously but I spend most of my time in one particular session.

All 4 sessions have a variable with the same name, @autoheal, and I want to quickly and easily change the value assigned to that variable in any particular session at any time.

So I tried creating 4 variables in the main session that basically just do this:

#ALIAS {fheal} {:F:#VARIABLE autoheal %1}
#ALIAS {mheal} {:M:#VARIABLE autoheal %1}

However, when I enter 'mheal 400' on the command line in the 'F' session, it assigns 400 to the F session @autoheal, not the M session's.


Preemptive thank you.

PS - On a related note, does anyone know why I'm able to set variables in another session like this from a trigger, but not within an alias?
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 04, 2012 11:40 pm   
Discord: Shalimarwildcat
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 05, 2012 4:40 am   
Nah, don't use #EXECWIN. #EXEC ad #EXECWIN are slow, and in most cases where one might think to try using them there are alternatives:

#alias mheal {//windowname/class/.../autoheal = %1}

Can use #VARIABLE with the // stuff, too, but I've always preferred using a=b syntax. When you use the // pathing, CMud doesn't bother to go looking for variables in other locations. If the variable doesn't exist/cannot be accessed at that location, you'll end up with a variable in the root level of the window with a name of the explicit path you used, and if CMud actually IS populating a variable located somewhere else then it's a clear indication of data corruption.
EDIT: I didn't like my old signature
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Joined: 04 Apr 2012
Posts: 2
Location: Portland, OR

PostPosted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 8:04 am   
Thank you Matt, exactly what I needed.
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