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Joined: 04 Aug 2002
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Location: Pensacola, FL, USA

PostPosted: Sat Jan 07, 2012 8:53 pm   

[3.34 BUG] Package Library Eats States
So, I got reports from a few of my friends that a certain package is not running properly after they download it.

Using teamviewer i have confirmed that two people's settings are in fact missing every trigger state, even after having removed the version of the package from the library, and then updating a new version.

this is what it looks like from my end:

<module name="New Worlds - Channel Windows" global="true">
  <class name="OOC-ChannelsWindow" id="1">
    <trigger name="OOC-Channel" priority="500" id="2">
      <value>#CAP OOC-Channels
      <trigger param="1">
        <pattern>^   %s( %w{*|})$</pattern>
        <value>:OOC-Channels:#SAYADD { %trim(%line)}
#STATE 1</value>
  <class name="RumourWindow" id="11">
    <trigger priority="3690" id="7">
      <pattern>~[~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*--Rumour Monger--~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~]</pattern>
#T+ RumourCapture</value>
      <trigger param="4">
#T- RumourCapture</value>
    <class name="RumourCapture" enabled="false" id="25">
      <trigger priority="3700" id="5">
#CAP Rumour</value>
  <class name="IC-ChannelsWindow" id="12">
    <trigger name="IC-Channel" priority="500" case="true" ansi="true" id="14">
      <value>#CAP IC-Channels
      <trigger param="1">
        <pattern>^   %s( %w{*|})$</pattern>
        <value>:IC-Channels:#SAYADD { %trim(%line)}
#STATE 1</value>
    <class name="Tells" id="22">
      <trigger priority="230" id="23">
        <pattern>^%w tell{s|} %w{%s|}</pattern>
        <value>#CAP IC-Channels
        <trigger param="1">
          <pattern>^   %s( %w{*|})$</pattern>
          <value>:IC-Channels:#SAYADD { %trim(%line)}
#STATE 1</value>
      <trigger priority="300" id="30">
        <value>#CAP IC-Channels
        <trigger param="1">
          <pattern>^   %s( %w{*|})$</pattern>
          <value>:IC-Channels:#SAYADD { %trim(%line)}
#STATE 1</value>
    <trigger priority="270" id="27">
      <pattern>^%w shouts, "</pattern>
      <value>#CAP IC-Channels
      <trigger param="1">
        <pattern>^   %s( %w{*|})$</pattern>
        <value>:IC-Channels:#SAYADD { %trim(%line)}
#STATE 1</value>
  <event event="onLoad" priority="360" id="18">
#CALL %pop($list)
#FORALL $list {#CALL @pkgState(%i, %class, 0)}</value>
  <func name="pkgState" id="19">
    <value>#IF (!$window OR !$package) {
  #SAY "Syntax: #CALL @pkgState(window, package, optional 0 or 1)"
#IF %null( $boolean) {#IF %ismember( $package, %packages( $window)) {$boolean = 0} {$boolean = 1}}
$packages = %packages( $window)
#IF $boolean {#CALL %packages( $window, %additem( $package, $packages))} {#CALL %packages( $window, %delitem( $package, $packages))}</value>
  <class name="DamagedGearWindow" id="20">
    <trigger priority="3130" id="6">
      <pattern>needs repair!</pattern>
      <value>#CAP Damaged</value>
  <class name="LastLanguage" id="21">
    <trigger priority="12780" id="9">
      <pattern>^%w say{s|} in %w, "</pattern>
      <value>#CAP Tongues</value>
        <value>#IF (%1!=%proper( %1)) {
  :Feline:#SAYADD { %line}
  #STATE 1
Discord: Shalimarwildcat

Last edited by shalimar on Sun Jan 22, 2012 3:09 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 04 Aug 2002
Posts: 4683
Location: Pensacola, FL, USA

PostPosted: Sun Jan 22, 2012 3:08 pm   
It's not just trigger states... i lost some #MENU states as well in my last attempt..
Which forces people to use the zMUD method of menu classes if they want to share nested menus at all.

On a related note, when using the above mentioned TeamViewer to copy CMUD settings directly from one instance of CMUD's settings editor to another across the internet...
It does in fact work, however,
It forgets the trigger type of any state and reverts them back to pattern, though if returned to say, Within Lines, it would remember how many lines it had been set to.
Menu states seem unaffected by this mode of transfer.
Discord: Shalimarwildcat
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Joined: 15 Apr 2011
Posts: 809

PostPosted: Sun Jan 22, 2012 5:50 pm   
shalimar wrote:
It forgets the trigger type of any state and reverts them back to pattern, though if returned to say, Within Lines, it would remember how many lines it had been set to.

I haven't had problems with states disappearing entirely, but this one did happen to me once, and it turned out it was package corruption. Try exporting one of these triggers to xml and reimporting. If the types don't even save locally, I'd say it's definitely corruption.
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