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Joined: 19 Dec 2007
Posts: 18

PostPosted: Wed Jun 15, 2011 7:41 pm   

Complicated Status Capture
So, to start, I should say I'm still working with CMUD 2.7 (yeah, I should upgrade...didn't know new was one was until I recently start playing again)...

I've got a status capture set up for our MUDs HP bar. Now, the HP bar is somewhat configurable. I currently have it set to the following:

HP: #hp/#mhp SP: #sp/#msp Conc: #c hh Force: #f mm Mode: #lm Charge: #%c DReset:#dr rr Diss:#dn/#dm dd Nrg: #ng GXP: #gxp Dflags: #df kk
Enemlol: Enemy: #es

Where each of the "#" 's are variables that the MUD supplies values for.

I've got the funny mm,hh, etc in because I was having trouble getting the variable triggers to extract values.

Currently my status trigger looks like:

HP: &Hp/&Hpmax SP: &Sp/&SPmax Conc: &Conc% hh Force: &Forc% mm Mode: &Bmode Charge: &BCharge1 DReset: &Dreset rr Diss:&Dleft/&Dmax dd Nrg: &nrg GXP: &egxp Dflags: &dflags kk

with a separate line/trigger for the enemy status.

Here's the problem: both the "Conc" and "Force" are reported IN percentages. I.e. the MUD inserts for #c : 100.0% ... but I want to capture JUST the value. Or at least extract it in some way from the variable &Conc, because I'd like to set up a gauge or other triggers on the numerical value. Right now what gets saved to "Conc" is : 100.0% EVEN THOUGH I have the '%' in the capture trigger. Similar problem for the Forc variable.

Basically, I want to be able to set a trigger/gauge that warns me when the value in Conc gets below 15%, or Forc >80% (it counts up). Right now gauges and triggers would have to be written for every single percentage point I think. Or maybe I just don't understand the scripting enough...

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Joined: 23 Dec 2000
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Location: USA

PostPosted: Wed Jun 15, 2011 8:56 pm   
% is a special character in trigger patterns. Quote it.
EDIT: I didn't like my old signature
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