jakj Novice
Joined: 30 Apr 2006 Posts: 45
Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2010 9:04 pm
Mapper Autoconfigure + Description/Exits Messed Up |
Okay, so I found a package and tried to get the automapper working. It autoconfigures beautifully, but...it doesn't work. Specific problems:
*) Almost never reads a description. Maybe 1 out of 10 rooms has a description.
*) Always puts all four NWSE exits on a room, regardless of actual exits present.
*) Randomly (again about 1 out of 10 times) makes an exit a door for no discernable reason.
Things that work:
*) The room name is correct every time, whether or not the name ends with " (G)".
*) When it manages to actually pull in the description, it does so correctly.
Code: |
<class name="Mapper" id="80">
<event event="onLoad" priority="12320" id="81">
<value><![CDATA[#MXP 1 {<!ELEMENT RName FLAG="RoomName">}
#MXP 1 {<!ELEMENT RDesc FLAG="RoomDesc">}
#MXP 1 {<!ELEMENT RExits FLAG="RoomExit"> }]]></value>
<trigger priority="12290" id="82">
<value>#sub {}</value>
<trigger priority="12300" id="83">
<value>#sub {}</value>
<trigger priority="12250" id="84">
<value><![CDATA[#if (%match(%1," ~(G~)$")) {#sub {<RName>%leftback(%1,4)</RName> (G)}} {#sub {<RName>%1</RName>}}
#color {bold,green}]]></value>
<trigger priority="12310" id="85">
<value>#sub {%1}
#color {bold,green}</value>
<dir name="n" reverse="s" dir="n" id="86">north</dir>
<dir name="s" reverse="n" dir="s" id="87">south</dir>
<dir name="e" reverse="w" dir="e" id="88">east</dir>
<dir name="w" reverse="e" dir="w" id="89">west</dir>
<dir name="u" reverse="d" dir="u" id="90">up</dir>
<dir name="d" reverse="u" dir="d" id="91">down</dir>
</class> |
jakj Novice
Joined: 30 Apr 2006 Posts: 45
Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2010 9:14 pm |
Or, in other news, why doesn't the mapper just use the GMCP info that comes in? It specifies the vnum, the room name, and the exits (and vnums of the exit destinations).
Any way to get it to use GMCP and skip the normal configuration entirely? I can live without room descriptions. |
jakj Novice
Joined: 30 Apr 2006 Posts: 45
Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2010 10:49 pm |
UPDATE UPDATE It's officially opposite day.
Okay, so after a long set of diagnostics and efforts and hair-pulling in the Aardwolf tech channel, and every sort of (failed) reconfiguration later, I finally pulled a Microsoft: "When it doesn't work, delete it, and start over."
So I did. I purged everything, reinstalled 3.32, created a new character, went into the map configurator, and (lo and behold) the auto configurator failed AGAIN. Then I had a brainstorm: I didn't configure. I hit cancel.
And it worked. It got the name, vnum, and exits right, mapped the rooms to each other, and even speedwalks correctly.
Every time I switch into map mode, it again asks me to reconfigure, and again I hit cancel, and it keeps working. So...bug report? I don't know.
My suggestion: Since you are using GMCP automatically and correctly on MUDs with it enabled, just don't force an auto configuration on a MUD where CMUD detects GMCP is present. Leave it there for if they don't want to use GMCP, but since all I do is hit cancel every time and it works, just...that's all I can think of.
Please let me know if I can test anything else.
EDIT: And now, for some unknown reason, it stopped asking me to configure and it's still working. Here's what happens when I export the configuration to the clipboard, if that helps any.
In any case, yay for working! It's pleasing to see how much the program has improved since last I used it. Certainly as much of a wrestling match as ever (:P) but in terms of features, worth it.
And yes, it's fast now too. My computer isn't -that- new, and I have the thing on 1-line refresh. And thank god and Zugg for atomic trigger execution!
Code: |
Version: 214
Name Start: 0
Desc Start: 0
Desc End: 0
Exit Start: 0
Exit End: 0
Exit in Prompt: 0
Exit in Name: 0
Exit contains key: 0
Name paragraph: 0
Desc paragraph: 0
Exit paragraph: 0
Bracket prompt: 0
Short exit names: 0
vNum in Name: 0
Exit keyword:
Exit after keyword: 0
Match room name mode: 0
Use Descriptions: 0
Entire exit paragraph: 0
Single char exit: 0
Autoprompt detect: 0
Complex prompt: 1
Prompt char:
Name ends in period: 0
Number prompt: 0
No MUD Prompt: 0
Room Name Propercase: 0
Prompt trigger:
Prompt Regex: 0
Description changes: 0
Use VNum: 0
Ignore room case: 0
Match partial room name: 0
[End] |
jakj Novice
Joined: 30 Apr 2006 Posts: 45
Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 3:10 pm |
I also have to "#call %roommode(0)" to get it to track properly on Aardwolf, and I have this in an onLoad event action. Might I suggest making this the default case if a MUD is detected as supplying vNum information? (I wouldn't think a server would supply GMCP vNums that aren't unique, anyway.)
Rahab Wizard
Joined: 22 Mar 2007 Posts: 2320
Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 6:04 pm |
If your mud has GMCP, I don't think you need a package like the one you describe at the beginning of the thread to interpret it. In fact, it seems to me that it could seriously confuse the issue.

Joined: 25 Sep 2000 Posts: 23379 Location: Colorado, USA
Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2010 5:05 pm |
Not sure why you are having these problems. I use GMCP on Aardwolf and never have any mapping issues. I just run the Mapper config and complete it.
Note that with GMCP your mapper configuration file (post above) is mostly ignored. GMCP takes over the mapper completely.
But you also need to get rid of your MXP tags in your onLoad event. Those can easily interfere with GMCP. |
jakj Novice
Joined: 30 Apr 2006 Posts: 45
Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 2:45 am |
Yes, I got rid of the MXP tags. What really messed it up is, when I did the configuration, and the configuration messed up, the GMCP was in fact -not- overriding everything. I tried with prompt on and off, and everything in every way I could imagine. It's pretty much a Heisenberg situation for me, but if you can tell me a method of testing to figure it out, I'll do it. All I know is, when I prevented it from doing non-GMCP configuration, it worked perfectly in every way.

Joined: 25 Sep 2000 Posts: 23379 Location: Colorado, USA
Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 6:26 pm |
Maybe it had a left-over configuration still stored somewhere. When GMCP is enabled, the Auto Config wizard detects this after the initial movement screen and jumps straight to the Finish screen. So maybe it isn't clearing some previous configuration information.
The normal mapper configuration is still there in case you enter an area of the MUD that doesn't use GMCP. For example, clan halls on Aardwolf don't send GMCP, nor does some maze areas. But when GMCP is sent from the MUD before the name of the room, CMUD uses the Room ID number to control the mapper and then ignores the rest of the normal text from the MUD. |
jakj Novice
Joined: 30 Apr 2006 Posts: 45
Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 11:33 pm |
Well, no, on Aardwolf at least, this isn't happening. I purged CMUD completely from my system, reinstalled it fresh, changed no settings, created a new character on Aardwolf, changed no settings except turning off automap (so it wouldn't produce ASCII-art maps to confuse the mapper), and switched to Map mode. I hit the button for it to move, and it came up with a page of messed-up configuration (just like it had before I purged/reinstalled), so I hit cancel, and then it started working.
Now, when I had the MXP tags in there, it -DID- skip straight to the Finish box, but it didn't map correctly. That was the only time it switched to Finish automatically. (Yes, all of the GMCP parts were turned on and transmitting correctly at the time I tried to configure the mapper.) |

Joined: 25 Sep 2000 Posts: 23379 Location: Colorado, USA
Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 6:13 pm |
Are you doing the mapper config from a room on Aardwolf that sends the GMCP data? For example, if I try to config the mapper in my Clan hall, it doesn't work because Aardwolf doesn't send GMCP data in those rooms.
Try doing it somewhere in the main city and see if that helps. |
jakj Novice
Joined: 30 Apr 2006 Posts: 45
Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 6:34 pm |
I was doing it in the Academy rooms just up from recall, which do send GMCP, as not only have I mapped those rooms with GMCP, but I also have a "#show %gmcp.room" trigger setup that does display in these rooms.
For what it's worth, the messed-up autoconfiguration that it keeps trying to do is first, it shows the room name twice (which makes no sense at all, since there are no triggers at all in a new empty session), then the description, then the exits, but it colors (if I remember, it's been a few days) the name as exits and the description as description and the exits not at all. (I'd have to try it again to remember if those colors are right. I forget.)
Also for what it's worth, the last time I played Aardwolf with CMUD in '09, I -was- able to get the mapper configured properly, though I don't remember how.
(Anyway, the mapper works fine with GMCP except descriptions, which I have a separate trigger for, so the only real issue was that the autoconfigurator wasn't skipping to the end like you say it should.) |
optikflux Newbie
Joined: 05 Dec 2010 Posts: 1
Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2010 7:17 am |
I'm getting the same issue on Midkemia Online - running the autoconfig results in the description/exits not being picked out correctly.
Interestinly, the MUD output box in the wizard seems to think the name is being sent twice.
If I have it scan for Name/Description/Exits, it picks the name correctly, but thinks everything else is the description. If I scan for Name/Description or Name/Exits, it only picks out the name. If I scan for Description/exits then it picks up the name once as the name and once as the description - actual exits are not noticed. After running the wizard, the config for the exits seems to think it's always in the prompt.
When I got it working (minus the descriptions, similar to jakj), occasionally descriptions would be added to rooms that was just ambient messaging, or if I accidentally typed the wrong direction the description chosen might be "There is no exit in that direction."
Example text (from the MUD output window):
Passing through a small flower garden.
Passing through a small flower garden.
The night sky is clear, and the stars twinkle like diamonds. A thin trail runs
straight through the heart of Elvandar, meandering in no particular direction
past the proud trees which flank both sides of the path. The ground is well
tended, and two large sections in amidst the bulky trees are flattened out and
the soil raked over into the semblance of a simple garden, with brilliant
flowers providing a fantastic background to the otherwise nondescript surrounds.
Bees float on the gentle breeze, searching for the next flower to feast upon,
and the smell of pollen from the flowers is heavy in the air.
You see exits leading south and north.
Example text (from the script debug window):
0.0061 |
0.0068 | a Midkemia #Telnet 201: Room.Info { "num": 5805, "name": "Passing through a small flower garden.", "area": "Elvandar", "environment": "forest", "coords": "13,7,-2,0", "map": "www.midkemiaonline.com/irex/maps/clientmap.php?map=13&building=0&level=0 7 9", "details": [ ], "exits": { "n": 5804, "s": 5806 } }
0.0398 | a Midkemia #Telnet 201: Char.Vitals { "hp": "849", "maxhp": "849", "ep": "220", "maxep": "222", "ap": "500", "maxap": "1000", "mp": "172", "maxmp": "172", "nl": "42", "string": "H:849/849 E:220/222 M:172/172 A:500/1000 NL:42/100 " }
0.0009 | a Midkemia |Passing through a small flower garden.
0.0005 | a Midkemia |The night sky is clear, and the stars twinkle like diamonds. A thin trail runs
0.0006 | a Midkemia |straight through the heart of Elvandar, meandering in no particular direction
0.0005 | a Midkemia |past the proud trees which flank both sides of the path. The ground is well
0.0005 | a Midkemia |tended, and two large sections in amidst the bulky trees are flattened out and
0.0010 | a Midkemia |the soil raked over into the semblance of a simple garden, with brilliant
0.0005 | a Midkemia |flowers providing a fantastic background to the otherwise nondescript surrounds.
0.0005 | a Midkemia |Bees float on the gentle breeze, searching for the next flower to feast upon,
0.0006 | a Midkemia |and the smell of pollen from the flowers is heavy in the air.
0.0005 | a Midkemia |You see exits leading south and north.
0.0004 | a Midkemia ]- |
jakj Novice
Joined: 30 Apr 2006 Posts: 45
Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2010 2:44 pm |
Yes, that's the same thing that happened to me. I tend to <open> all directions in crucial rooms in case there's one open already that I don't know is there, and with my "just cancel the autoconfigurator and carry on" method, I got a bunch of "There is no door to the foo of here." as many room descriptions, with the rest remaining empty.
After I re-ran through with my manual trigger setting all the descriptions, they're all set fine now, and aren't replaced by weird incidental text, even though the Reload Description checkbox is still on in all of them (and I can't figure out how to turn it off). |
Rahab Wizard
Joined: 22 Mar 2007 Posts: 2320
Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2010 4:18 pm |
You turn off the Reload Description checkbox by unchecking it in the Room Properties window. There is no way of doing it in scripts that I know of, exept perhaps COM functions.
Moo Apprentice
Joined: 10 Apr 2009 Posts: 145
Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2010 8:31 pm |
See the help for %roomload.
Rahab Wizard
Joined: 22 Mar 2007 Posts: 2320
Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2010 9:09 pm |
Bleh, forgot %roomload. 
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