dbosst Apprentice
Joined: 15 Jun 2010 Posts: 121
Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2010 11:10 pm
3.29a-3.29b button affecting OnRoomEnter, OnWalkEnd on slowwalk |
Zugg thanks for fixing the mapper slow walking bugs.. its working perfectly now .. only this weird bug showed up dealing with buttons and gmcp triggers and the room events
took a while to find out the cause.. but a button being updated with health from Char.Vitals is causing OnRoomEnter / OnWalkend to not fire (this is weird!)
from a blank session, load map with vnums, and set following map opts:
in configuration disable all room name/desc/exits/matching
Speewalking mode SLOW
disable automatic room confirmation
disable use vnum to match rooms
in then in main window options force remote MXP
and then log in and config mxp on
create Room.Info trigger, simply #OK for the script and set room manually
create Char.Vitals trigger, simply health=%random for the script
create button with caption: @health
Create OnRoomEnter event, with #debug ON ROOM ENTER or w/e
Create OnWalkEnd event, with #debug ON WALK END or w/e
now in slow walk try moving one room in a valid direction, notice neither of those two events will fire, but the map will step fine
now delete the button, and try it again... both events fire!
with button (not firing) debug:
Code: |
| ---
0.0012 | c blank1 | [1] blank1 Comline : start :
0.0290 | a blank1 |1378h, 1246m, 5790e, 5130w ex-w
0.0008 | h blank1 |<ESC>[32m1378h, <ESC>[32m1246m, <ESC>[32m5790e, <ESC>[32m5130w <ESC>[37mex-<ESC>[2Sw<ESC>[0m
0.0058 | i blank1 >w<CR><LF>
0.0081 | m blank1 | Event "onRoomWalk" raised : (%1="10712", %2="", %3="", %4="")
0.0048 | d blank1 | [1] blank1 Comline : stopped
0.0973 | i blank1 *<ESC>[4z<RNum 723><ESC>[4z<RName><ESC>[1;37m<ESC>[46mA healing section of the Ithmia<ESC>[0;37;46m<ESC>[0;37m<ESC>[4z</RName><ESC>[1;37m<ESC>[46m.<CR><LF>
0.0003 | <ESC>[0;37;46m<ESC>[0;37m<ESC>[36m<ESC>[4z<RDesc><ESC>[37m<ESC>[1;33m<ESC>[46mThe dark, jagged leaves of the surrounding elms hang like green daggers from a countless number of wildly deformed branches. Tumour-like knots cover twisted and blackened trunks like old battle scars from a forgotten war. Charred stumps dot the landscape, resembling rotting teeth, the sooty stubs creating the perfect home for thousands of insects. Amidst the misshapen woodland and its burnt remnants, young saplings thrive, the immature branches only just beginning to warp the woody limbs of their elder brethren.<ESC>[0;37;46m<ESC>[0;37m<ESC>[4z</RDesc><CR><LF>
0.0001 | <ESC>[4z<EXPIRE "exits"><ESC>[4z<RExits><ESC>[1;32mYou see exits leading<ESC>[0;37m<ESC>[1;32m <ESC>[4z<COLOR #00FF00><ESC>[4z<SEND HREF="northeast" EXPIRE="exits">northeast<ESC>[4z</SEND><ESC>[4z</COLOR>, <ESC>[4z<COLOR #00FF00><ESC>[4z<SEND HREF="east" EXPIRE="exits">east<ESC>[4z</SEND><ESC>[4z</COLOR>, and <ESC>[4z<COLOR #00FF00><ESC>[4z<SEND HREF="southwest" EXPIRE="exits">southwest<ESC>[4z</SEND><ESC>[4z</COLOR>.<ESC>[0;37m<ESC>[4z</RExits><CR><LF>
0.0000 | <IAC><SB><201>Room.Info { "num": 723, "name": "A healing section of the Ithmia", "area": "the Northern Ithmia", "environment": "Forest", "coords": "80,-3,8,0", "map": "www.achaea.com/irex/maps/clientmap.php?map=80&building=0&level=0 6 5", "details": [ "" ], "exits": { "ne": 722, "e": 724, "sw": 739 } }<IAC><SE><IAC><SB><201>Char.Vitals { "hp": "1378", "maxhp": "1378", "mp": "1246", "maxmp": "1246", "ep": "5788", "maxep": "5790", "wp": "5130", "maxwp": "5130", "nl": "42", "string": "H:1378/1378 M:1246/1246 E:5788/5790 W:5130/5130 NL:42/100 " }<IAC><SE><ESC>[4z<PROMPT><ESC>[32m1378h, <ESC>[37m<ESC>[32m1246m, <ESC>[37m<ESC>[32m5788e, <ESC>[37m<ESC>[32m5130w <ESC>[37mex-<ESC>[4z</PROMPT><IAC><EOR>
0.0026 | a blank1 #Telnet 201: Room.Info { "num": 723, "name": "A healing section of the Ithmia", "area": "the Northern Ithmia", "environment": "Forest", "coords": "80,-3,8,0", "map": "www.achaea.com/irex/maps/clientmap.php?map=80&building=0&level=0 6 5", "details": [ "" ], "exits": { "ne": 722, "e": 724, "sw": 739 } }
0.0012 | f blank1 | GMCP: Room.Info
0.0015 | c blank1 | exec : GMCP "Room.Info" : #OK
0.0013 | n blank1 | Exec Trigger "Room.Info"
0.0011 | a blank1 #Telnet 201: Char.Vitals { "hp": "1378", "maxhp": "1378", "mp": "1246", "maxmp": "1246", "ep": "5788", "maxep": "5790", "wp": "5130", "maxwp": "5130", "nl": "42", "string": "H:1378/1378 M:1246/1246 E:5788/5790 W:5130/5130 NL:42/100 " }
0.0017 | f blank1 | GMCP: Char.Vitals
0.0014 | c blank1 | exec : GMCP "Char.Vitals" : health=%random
0.0009 | n blank1 | Exec Trigger "Char.Vitals"
0.0008 | k blank1 | Var "health" changed from "35" to "90"
0.0028 | k blank1 | Loc "blank1" changed from "10713" to "10712"
0.0428 | a blank1 |A healing section of the Ithmia.
0.0045 | a blank1 |The dark, jagged leaves of the surrounding elms hang like green daggers from a countless number of wildly deformed branches. Tumour-like knots cover twisted and blackened trunks like old battle scars from a forgotten war. Charred stumps dot the landscape, resembling rotting teeth, the sooty stubs creating the perfect home for thousands of insects. Amidst the misshapen woodland and its burnt remnants, young saplings thrive, the immature branches only just beginning to warp the woody limbs of their elder brethren.
0.0055 | a blank1 |You see exits leading northeast, east, and southwest.
0.0024 | h blank1 |<ESC>[1;32mYou see exits leading<ESC>[1;32m <ESC>[5Snortheast<ESC>[1;32m, <ESC>[5Seast<ESC>[1;32m, and <ESC>[5Ssouthwest<ESC>[1;32m.<ESC>[0m
0.0016 | a blank1 ]1378h, 1246m, 5788e, 5130w ex-
0.0009 | h blank1 ]<ESC>[32m1378h, <ESC>[32m1246m, <ESC>[32m5788e, <ESC>[32m5130w <ESC>[37mex-<ESC>[0m
without button (firing) debug:
Code: |
| ---
0.0008 | c blank1 | [1] blank1 Comline : start :
0.0222 | a blank1 |1378h, 1246m, 5788e, 5130w ex-w
0.0008 | h blank1 |<ESC>[32m1378h, <ESC>[32m1246m, <ESC>[32m5788e, <ESC>[32m5130w <ESC>[37mex-<ESC>[2Sw<ESC>[0m
0.0058 | i blank1 >w<CR><LF>
0.0081 | m blank1 | Event "onRoomWalk" raised : (%1="10712", %2="", %3="", %4="")
0.0045 | d blank1 | [1] blank1 Comline : stopped
0.1332 | i blank1 *<ESC>[4z<RNum 723><ESC>[4z<RName><ESC>[1;37m<ESC>[46mA healing section of the Ithmia<ESC>[0;37;46m<ESC>[0;37m<ESC>[4z</RName><ESC>[1;37m<ESC>[46m.<CR><LF>
0.0002 | <ESC>[0;37;46m<ESC>[0;37m<ESC>[36m<ESC>[4z<RDesc><ESC>[37m<ESC>[1;33m<ESC>[46mThe dark, jagged leaves of the surrounding elms hang like green daggers from a countless number of wildly deformed branches. Tumour-like knots cover twisted and blackened trunks like old battle scars from a forgotten war. Charred stumps dot the landscape, resembling rotting teeth, the sooty stubs creating the perfect home for thousands of insects. Amidst the misshapen woodland and its burnt remnants, young saplings thrive, the immature branches only just beginning to warp the woody limbs of their elder brethren.<ESC>[0;37;46m<ESC>[0;37m<ESC>[4z</RDesc><CR><LF>
0.0001 | <ESC>[4z<EXPIRE "exits"><ESC>[4z<RExits><ESC>[1;32mYou see exits leading<ESC>[0;37m<ESC>[1;32m <ESC>[4z<COLOR #00FF00><ESC>[4z<SEND HREF="northeast" EXPIRE="exits">northeast<ESC>[4z</SEND><ESC>[4z</COLOR>, <ESC>[4z<COLOR #00FF00><ESC>[4z<SEND HREF="east" EXPIRE="exits">east<ESC>[4z</SEND><ESC>[4z</COLOR>, and <ESC>[4z<COLOR #00FF00><ESC>[4z<SEND HREF="southwest" EXPIRE="exits">southwest<ESC>[4z</SEND><ESC>[4z</COLOR>.<ESC>[0;37m<ESC>[4z</RExits><CR><LF>
0.0000 | <IAC><SB><201>Room.Info { "num": 723, "name": "A healing section of the Ithmia", "area": "the Northern Ithmia", "environment": "Forest", "coords": "80,-3,8,0", "map": "www.achaea.com/irex/maps/clientmap.php?map=80&building=0&level=0 6 5", "details": [ "" ], "exits": { "ne": 722, "e": 724, "sw": 739 } }<IAC><SE><IAC><SB><201>Char.Vitals { "hp": "1378", "maxhp": "1378", "mp": "1246", "maxmp": "1246", "ep": "5788", "maxep": "5790", "wp": "5130", "maxwp": "5130", "nl": "42", "string": "H:1378/1378 M:1246/1246 E:5788/5790 W:5130/5130 NL:42/100 " }<IAC><SE><ESC>[4z<PROMPT><ESC>[32m1378h, <ESC>[37m<ESC>[32m1246m, <ESC>[37m<ESC>[32m5788e, <ESC>[37m<ESC>[32m5130w <ESC>[37mex-<ESC>[4z</PROMPT><IAC><EOR>
0.0026 | a blank1 #Telnet 201: Room.Info { "num": 723, "name": "A healing section of the Ithmia", "area": "the Northern Ithmia", "environment": "Forest", "coords": "80,-3,8,0", "map": "www.achaea.com/irex/maps/clientmap.php?map=80&building=0&level=0 6 5", "details": [ "" ], "exits": { "ne": 722, "e": 724, "sw": 739 } }
0.0012 | f blank1 | GMCP: Room.Info
0.0014 | c blank1 | exec : GMCP "Room.Info" : #OK
0.0009 | n blank1 | Exec Trigger "Room.Info"
0.0011 | a blank1 #Telnet 201: Char.Vitals { "hp": "1378", "maxhp": "1378", "mp": "1246", "maxmp": "1246", "ep": "5788", "maxep": "5790", "wp": "5130", "maxwp": "5130", "nl": "42", "string": "H:1378/1378 M:1246/1246 E:5788/5790 W:5130/5130 NL:42/100 " }
0.0017 | f blank1 | GMCP: Char.Vitals
0.0013 | c blank1 | exec : GMCP "Char.Vitals" : health=%random
0.0009 | n blank1 | Exec Trigger "Char.Vitals"
0.0009 | k blank1 | Var "health" changed from "24" to "66"
0.0012 | k blank1 | Loc "blank1" changed from "10713" to "10712"
0.0421 | a blank1 |A healing section of the Ithmia.
0.0011 | m blank1 | Event "onRoomEnter" raised : (%1="10712", %2="", %3="", %4="")
0.0011 | l blank1 | Event "onRoomEnter" compiled (Normal) : #DEBUG ONROOMENTER RAISED
0.0009 | c blank1 | exec : Event "onRoomEnter" : #DEBUG ONROOMENTER RAISED
0.0009 | n blank1 | Exec Event "onRoomEnter"
0.0008 | blank1 |ONROOMENTER RAISED
0.0010 | m blank1 | Event "onWalkEnd" raised : (%1="10712", %2="", %3="", %4="")
0.0015 | l blank1 | Event "onWalkEnd" compiled (Normal) : #DEBUG ONWALKEND RAISED
0.0009 | c blank1 | exec : Event "onWalkEnd" : #DEBUG ONWALKEND RAISED
0.0008 | n blank1 | Exec Event "onWalkEnd"
0.0009 | blank1 |ONWALKEND RAISED
0.0048 | a blank1 |The dark, jagged leaves of the surrounding elms hang like green daggers from a countless number of wildly deformed branches. Tumour-like knots cover twisted and blackened trunks like old battle scars from a forgotten war. Charred stumps dot the landscape, resembling rotting teeth, the sooty stubs creating the perfect home for thousands of insects. Amidst the misshapen woodland and its burnt remnants, young saplings thrive, the immature branches only just beginning to warp the woody limbs of their elder brethren.
0.0057 | a blank1 |You see exits leading northeast, east, and southwest.
0.0023 | h blank1 |<ESC>[1;32mYou see exits leading<ESC>[1;32m <ESC>[5Snortheast<ESC>[1;32m, <ESC>[5Seast<ESC>[1;32m, and <ESC>[5Ssouthwest<ESC>[1;32m.<ESC>[0m
0.0016 | a blank1 ]1378h, 1246m, 5788e, 5130w ex-
0.0009 | h blank1 ]<ESC>[32m1378h, <ESC>[32m1246m, <ESC>[32m5788e, <ESC>[32m5130w <ESC>[37mex-<ESC>[0m
here is xml with button for speed:
Code: |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
<window name="blank1" width="1920" height="1132">
<packages>English Directions|blank1</packages>
<loc name="blank1" parsearg="false" color="blue">
<event event="onRoomEnter" priority="40">
<event event="onWalkEnd" priority="50">
<trigger type="GMCP" priority="60">
<var name="health">22</var>
<trigger type="GMCP" priority="90">
<button priority="100">
<mapper name="ach23_new Map">
dbosst Apprentice
Joined: 15 Jun 2010 Posts: 121
Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2010 9:15 pm |
I just checked and this still is persistent in 3.29b

Joined: 25 Sep 2000 Posts: 23379 Location: Colorado, USA
Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2010 9:34 pm |
Sorry, the 3.29b update was only for quick fixes of obvious issues. I still have no idea about this bug report as it is completely bizarre.
dbosst Apprentice
Joined: 15 Jun 2010 Posts: 121
Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2010 10:22 pm |
whats even weirder is that I don't even think "disabling the buttons" fixes it either.. you have to actually delete them
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