dbosst Apprentice
Joined: 15 Jun 2010 Posts: 121
Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2010 1:03 pm
3.29 #SLOW moves first step |
#SLOW will automatically move the first step no matter if all autoconfirmation is disabled and no #OK issued....
in Achaea
from a blank session, load map with vnums, and set following map opts:
in configuration disable all room name/desc/exits/matching, SET wait for prompt in slow walking
Speewalking mode SLOW
disable automatic room confirmation
disable use vnum to match rooms
in then in main window options force remote MXP
and then log in and config mxp on
then slow walk a single room:
it automatically updates the mapper to that room even though no #OK was sent and all autoconfirmation is disabled
Here is full debugging for above case:
Code: |
| ---
0.0012 | c blank1 | [2] blank1 Comline : start :
0.0213 | a blank1 |1378h, 1246m, 5788e, 5130w ex-e
0.0007 | h blank1 |<ESC>[32m1378h, <ESC>[32m1246m, <ESC>[32m5788e, <ESC>[32m5130w <ESC>[37mex-<ESC>[2Se<ESC>[0m
0.0081 | i blank1 >e<CR><LF>
0.0078 | m blank1 | Event "onRoomWalk" raised : (%1="11289", %2="", %3="", %4="")
0.0044 | d blank1 | [2] blank1 Comline : stopped
0.1186 | i blank1 *<ESC>[4z<RNum 8680><ESC>[4z<RName><ESC>[1;37m<ESC>[46mA dark expanse of water<ESC>[0;37;46m<ESC>[0;37m<ESC>[4z</RName><ESC>[1;37m<ESC>[46m.<CR><LF>
0.0002 | <ESC>[0;37;46m<ESC>[0;37m<ESC>[36m<ESC>[4z<RDesc><ESC>[37m<ESC>[1;33m<ESC>[46mA chill emanates from the dark and murky waters all about you to sink deep within your bones and numb your muscles. Try as you might you are unable to make out much beneath the surface of the waters, as the floating brown specs of silt swim all about you in clouds too dense for your eyes to penetrate. A steadily curling mist rises off the surface of the lake like ghostly tendrils that whirl and spin in the gentle breeze. You can hear fish jumping, but are unable to see more than a few spans in any given direction. The cry of a loon breaks the eerie silence, startling you from your reverie.<ESC>[0;37;46m<ESC>[0;37m<ESC>[4z</RDesc><CR><LF>
0.0002 | <ESC>[4z<EXPIRE "exits"><ESC>[4z<RExits><ESC>[1;32mYou see exits leading<ESC>[0;37m<ESC>[1;32m <ESC>[4z<COLOR #00FF00><ESC>[4z<SEND HREF="north" EXPIRE="exits">north<ESC>[4z</SEND><ESC>[4z</COLOR>, <ESC>[4z<COLOR #00FF00><ESC>[4z<SEND HREF="east" EXPIRE="exits">east<ESC>[4z</SEND><ESC>[4z</COLOR>, <ESC>[4z<COLOR #00FF00><ESC>[4z<SEND HREF="southeast" EXPIRE="exits">southeast<ESC>[4z</SEND><ESC>[4z</COLOR>, <ESC>[4z<COLOR #00FF00><ESC>[4z<SEND HREF="southwest" EXPIRE="exits">southwest<ESC>[4z</SEND><ESC>[4z</COLOR>, <ESC>[4z<COLOR #00FF00><ESC>[4z<SEND HREF="west" EXPIRE="exits">west<ESC>[4z</SEND><ESC>[4z</COLOR>, and <ESC>[4z<COLOR #00FF00><ESC>[4z<SEND HREF="northwest" EXPIRE="exits">northwest<ESC>[4z</SEND><ESC>[4z</COLOR>.<ESC>[0;37m<ESC>[4z</RExits><CR><LF>
0.0001 | <IAC><SB><201>Room.Info { "num": 8680, "name": "A dark expanse of water", "area": "the Northreach Forest", "environment": "Freshwater", "coords": "121,4,7,0", "map": "www.achaea.com/irex/maps/clientmap.php?map=121&building=0&level=0 4 2", "details": [ "" ], "exits": { "n": 8679, "e": 8682, "se": 8683, "sw": 7541, "w": 7596, "nw": 8677 } }<IAC><SE><IAC><SB><201>Char.Vitals { "hp": "1378", "maxhp": "1378", "mp": "1246", "maxmp": "1246", "ep": "5788", "maxep": "5790", "wp": "5130", "maxwp": "5130", "nl": "36", "string": "H:1378/1378 M:1246/1246 E:5788/5790 W:5130/5130 NL:36/100 " }<IAC><SE><ESC>[4z<PROMPT><ESC>[32m1378h, <ESC>[37m<ESC>[32m1246m, <ESC>[37m<ESC>[32m5788e, <ESC>[37m<ESC>[32m5130w <ESC>[37mex-<ESC>[4z</PROMPT><IAC><EOR>
0.0028 | a blank1 #Telnet 201: Room.Info { "num": 8680, "name": "A dark expanse of water", "area": "the Northreach Forest", "environment": "Freshwater", "coords": "121,4,7,0", "map": "www.achaea.com/irex/maps/clientmap.php?map=121&building=0&level=0 4 2", "details": [ "" ], "exits": { "n": 8679, "e": 8682, "se": 8683, "sw": 7541, "w": 7596, "nw": 8677 } }
0.0019 | k blank1 | Loc "blank1" changed from "11290" to "11289"
0.0662 | a blank1 #Telnet 201: Char.Vitals { "hp": "1378", "maxhp": "1378", "mp": "1246", "maxmp": "1246", "ep": "5788", "maxep": "5790", "wp": "5130", "maxwp": "5130", "nl": "36", "string": "H:1378/1378 M:1246/1246 E:5788/5790 W:5130/5130 NL:36/100 " }
0.0017 | m blank1 | Event "onRoomEnter" raised : (%1="11289", %2="", %3="", %4="")
0.0008 | m blank1 | Event "onWalkEnd" raised : (%1="11289", %2="", %3="", %4="")
0.0015 | a blank1 |A dark expanse of water.
0.0057 | a blank1 |A chill emanates from the dark and murky waters all about you to sink deep within your bones and numb your muscles. Try as you might you are unable to make out much beneath the surface of the waters, as the floating brown specs of silt swim all about you in clouds too dense for your eyes to penetrate. A steadily curling mist rises off the surface of the lake like ghostly tendrils that whirl and spin in the gentle breeze. You can hear fish jumping, but are unable to see more than a few spans in any given direction. The cry of a loon breaks the eerie silence, startling you from your reverie.
0.0076 | a blank1 |You see exits leading north, east, southeast, southwest, west, and northwest.
0.0040 | h blank1 |<ESC>[1;32mYou see exits leading<ESC>[1;32m <ESC>[5Snorth<ESC>[1;32m, <ESC>[5Seast<ESC>[1;32m, <ESC>[5Ssoutheast<ESC>[1;32m, <ESC>[5Ssouthwest<ESC>[1;32m, <ESC>[5Swest<ESC>[1;32m, and <ESC>[5Snorthwest<ESC>[1;32m.<ESC>[0m
0.0051 | a blank1 ]1378h, 1246m, 5788e, 5130w ex-
0.0023 | h blank1 ]<ESC>[32m1378h, <ESC>[32m1246m, <ESC>[32m5788e, <ESC>[32m5130w <ESC>[37mex-<ESC>[0m
ReedN Wizard
Joined: 04 Jan 2006 Posts: 1279 Location: Portland, Oregon
Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2010 2:34 pm |
If you are seeing it issue the command and then not update immediately, but after a few seconds then not send any more steps the issue is probably your Preferences setting "Timeout aborts walk" setting. I believe if it isn't selected then after a certain period of time (set in the Slow walking preferences screen) it will automatically assume that the movement was successful. If you have that selected then it will say something about aborting speedwalkinging instead of automatically moving you to the next room.

Joined: 25 Sep 2000 Posts: 23379 Location: Colorado, USA
Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2010 4:45 pm |
Confirmed and I think related to the other slowwalking bugs.
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