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Joined: 10 Jun 2008
Posts: 17

PostPosted: Wed Aug 25, 2010 8:18 pm   

Illegal Character in Expression
Greetings, I am converting a script from zmud to cmud and things have been flawless up to one alias.

#ALIAS lsitem {#if (%lower( %1) = add) {#if (%5 = %nul or !%isnumber( %2) or !%isnumber( %3) or !%isnumber( %4)) {#show @{sLShopColorErrors}Syntax: LSITEM ADD ~<price~> ~<bin~> ~<qty~> ~<item name~>@{sLShopColorBody}} {#addkey dLShopItems %replace( "%-5", ",", "") "%2 %3 %4";#show Created/updated item @{sLShopColorHighlight}%-5@{sLShopColorBody} (price @{sLShopColorHighlight}%2@{sLShopColorBody}, bin @{sLShopColorHighlight}%3@{sLShopColorBody}, quantity @{sLShopColorHighlight}%4@{sLShopColorBody}).}};#if (%lower( %1) = delete) {#if (%db( @dLShopItems, %replace( "%-2", ",", "")) = "") {#show @{sLShopColorErrors}%-2 isn't a known item.@{sLShopColorBody}} {#delkey dLShopItems "%-2";#show Deleted item @{sLShopColorHighlight}%-2@{sLShopColorBody}.}};#if (%lower( %1) = check or %lower( %1) = list) {sLShopScratch1 = 0;#loopdb @dLShopItems {#if (%2 = %nul or %pos( %2, %key)) {#if (@sLShopScratch1 = 0) {#show "Item                                       Price  Bin  Quantity";#show "-------------------------------------  ---------  ---  --------";sLShopScratch1 = 1};#show @{sLShopColorHighlight}%format( "&-37s", %key) @{sLShopColorBody} %format( "&7.0n", %word( %val, 1))gp ~ %format( "&3.0n", %word( %val, 2)) ~ %format( "&8.0n", %word( %val, 3))}};#if (@sLShopScratch1 = 0) {#show @{sLShopColorErrors}No known items match %-2.@{sLShopColorBody}} {#show "-------------------------------------  ---------  ---  --------"}};#send ""}

I am getting the error: ERROR: Syntax error in Alias: lsitem : illegal character in expression: ,

Any thoughts? All other aliases in this script seem to work just fine but this one
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Joined: 23 Dec 2000
Posts: 4834
Location: USA

PostPosted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 2:29 am   
It's your use of ( and ) in their unquoted forms via implicit concatenation. () is interpreted as a faster version of %eval().
EDIT: I didn't like my old signature
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Joined: 10 Jun 2008
Posts: 17

PostPosted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 4:10 pm   
I'm sorry, that made no sense to me. Implicit concatenation?
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Joined: 19 Jun 2005
Posts: 1876
Location: California

PostPosted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 8:30 pm   
Implicit concatenation means implied concatenation. For instance, when you do something like:

#show Created/updated item @{sLShopColorHighlight}%-5@{sLShopColorBody} (price @{sLShopColorHighlight}%2@{sLShopColorBody}, bin @{sLShopColorHighlight}%3@{sLShopColorBody}, quantity @{sLShopColorHighlight}%4@{sLShopColorBody}).}}

You are implying that the entire code is one big string. It's the short form of doing:

#SHOW %concat("Created/updated item ",@{sLShopColorHighlight}, %-5, @{sLShopColorBody}," (price ",@{sLShopColorHighlight}, %2, ... )

So what happens here is that the ( in (price is being interpreted as an %eval statement instead of a string. If you wanted to keep your code this way, you would need to do ~( instead of just (.

Alternatively, you should be able to do #SHOW {Created/updated ... } and it should work properly, as %eval functions are not evaluated within {}.

Hope this makes sense...

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