Anaristos Sorcerer
Joined: 17 Jul 2007 Posts: 821 Location: California
Posted: Sat Jul 03, 2010 1:41 am
[322B] onExit event sends garbage to the mud. |
This is my onExit event script:
Code: |
<event event="onExit" priority="1250" id="125">
<value>#IF (%window = @Windowname) {comreset} //To accomodate how onExit works at the present time.</value>
The compiled code for my onExit event is this:
Code: |
0000 PUSHEXP 0016 <----- This gets sent to the MUD.
0008 JUMP 0068
0016 SYSVAR window
0024 VARREF @Windowname <WindowName> (class Aardwolf)
0052 EQ
0056 SETEXP 0 0
0068 PUSHLOC 0084
0076 JUMP 0112
0084 ALIAS comreset (-1) <comreset> (class Aardwolf)
0112 CMD if (2)
When the script completes the 16 is sent to the mud.
As a test I changed the onExit event script to this:
Code: |
<event event="onExit" priority="1250" id="125">
<value>#ECHO THIS IS A TEST</value>
Here is the compiled code for the test script:
Code: |
0000 LITERAL "THIS IS A TEST" <----- This gets sent to the MUD.
0024 CMD echo (1)
The string THIS IS A TEST is sent to the mud. |