Shezmu Wanderer
Joined: 23 Apr 2010 Posts: 53
Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 11:35 pm
Damage Counter Help |
I've been trying to figure out the following damage counter for my mud (AVATAR Mud). It was written a few years ago for an older version of ZMud. I'm trying to re-write it into something workable for CMud (ver 2.37), but I've apparently gotten dumber over the years.
We have a player Wiki that breaks down what this trigger is supposed to do. Take a look here:
In a nutshell, it captures a damage message (either me or groupmate to mob, or mob to us), maps it to the values stored in the variables (dvalue, dverbs) and saves it to a database record. Then, when the report aliases are run, it breaks down the damage done in various reports.
It's not working right, though. What it ends up doing is creating a boatload of bad variables in the base class. There are also a few other little errors in it, many that I can't quite seem to find.
It's a lot to look at, but I'd appreciate any help I can get. I'm going cross-eyed over here.
Code: |
#CLASS {dcounter}
#ALIAS dcadd {#additem DCtrack %1;#additem DCnames %1;#echo %1 added to the damage counting list.}
#ALIAS dcrep {#YESNO "What report would you like to show?" {Short report (total damage done and taken) :dcrep1} {Breakdown of damage verbs:dcrep2}}
#ALIAS dcclear {#FO @DCtrack {#UNVAR %i};#VAR DCtrack "you";#VAR DCnames "";dcadd your;#ECHO Damagecounter reset. Please re-add groupies.}
#ALIAS dcrep2 {#if (!@DC.repto) {dcrepto};#YESNO "Who would you like to report for?" {Yourself:#VAR DC.reportfor "your"} {Everyone:#VAR DC.reportfor @DCnames} {Partial:#VAR DC.reportfor %pick( p:Who would you like to display reports for?:, @DCnames)};#LOOPDB @you {#var your.%key %eval( %db( @your, %key) + %val)};#var you "";#FO @DC.reportfor {#var %i.out "";#FO @dverbshort {#if (%db( @{%i}, %I)) {#var %i.out %concat( %db( @{%i}, out), " ", %I, ~(, ~|c~|, %db( @{%i}, %I), ~|n~|, ~))}};@DC.repto Breakdown for %if( %i="your", Myself, %upper( %left( %i, 1))%right( %i, 1)):%db( @{%i}, out)}}
#ALIAS dcrep1 {#if (!@DC.repto) {dcrepto};#YESNO "Who would you like to report for?" {Yourself:#VAR DC.reportfor "your"} {Everyone:#VAR DC.reportfor @DCnames} {Partial:#VAR DC.reportfor %pick( p:Who would you like to display reports for?:, @DCnames)};#LOOPDB @you {#var your.%key %eval( %db( @your, %key) + %val)};#var you "";#var DC.total 0;#var DC.taken 0;#var DC.totalcount 0;#var DC.takencount 0;#FO @DCnames {#if ( %db( @{%i}, terminal)) {#var %i.total %eval( %db( @{%i}, dealt) + %db( @{%i}, dealt)/(%db( @{%i}, attacks) - %db( @{%i}, terminal))* %db( @{%i}, terminal))} {#var %i.total %db( @{%i}, dealt)};#if (@DC.total < %db( @{%i}, total)) {#var DC.total %db( @{%i}, total)};#if (@DC.taken < %db( @{%i}, taken)) {#var DC.taken %db( @{%i}, taken)};#var DC.totalcount %eval( @DC.totalcount + %db( @{%i}, total));#var DC.takencount %eval( @DC.takencount + %db( @{%i}, taken))};#FO @DC.reportfor {#if ( %db( @{%i}, terminal)) {#var %i.verb %item( @dverbs, %eval( @verbBinary(1,139,%eval(%db(@{%i},dealt)/(%db(@{%i},att acks)- %db( @{%i}, terminal)))) -1))} {#var %i.verb %item( @dverbs, %eval( @verbBinary(1,139,%eval(%db(@{%i},dealt)/%db(@{%i},attacks))) -1))};@DC.repto %if( %i="your", I, %upper( %left( %i, 1))%right( %i, 1)): Dealt->%if( %db( @{%i}, total) = @DC.total, ~|bc~|, ~|c~|)%db( @{%i}, total)|n|~(%eval( %db( @{%i}, total)*100/@DC.totalcount)%~) Averaged~[|bk|%replace( %db( @{%i}, verb), "=", "-")|n|~] Took->%if( %db( @{%i}, taken) = @DC.taken, ~|br~|, ~|r~|)%db( @{%i}, taken)|n|~(%eval( %db( @{%i}, taken)*100/@DC.takencount)%~)}}
#ALIAS dcs {dcclear;#if (!@DCreport) {@DCreport = gt} {};#t+ "%w is leading (%d) player[ s]with";groupstat}
#ALIAS dcrepto {#prompt DC.repto "Enter the channel to output to, eg gt, say ect."}
#VAR dverbshort {nil|pathetic|weak|punishing|surprising|amazing|astonishing|mauling|decimating|devastating|pulverizing|maiming|eviscerating|mutilating|disemboweling|dismembering|massacring|mangling|demolishing|obliterating|annihilating|eradicating|vaporizing|destructive|extreme|porcine|divine|daunting|terminal}
#VAR dvalues {0|2|4|8|10|14|18|22|26|30|34|38|42|46|49|55|60|65|70|75|80|85|90|95|100|110|120|130|140|150|160|170|180|190|200|225|250|275|300|325|350|375|400|425|450|475|500|540|574|606|675|730|769|810|884|915|1000|1100|1200|1300|1400|1500|1600|1700|1800|1900|2000|2200|2400|2600|2800|3000|3200|3400|3600|3800|4100|4500|5007|5901|5902|6200|6500|7000|7500|7800|8200|8500|9000|9500|10000|11000|12000|13000|14000|15000|16500|18000|19000|20000|21000|22000|23000|24000|25000|26000|27000|28000|29000|30000|31000|32000|33000|34000|35000|36000|37000|38000|39000|40000|41000|42000|43000|44500|47000|48000|50000|51000|53000|55000|57000|59000|61000|65000|70000|75000|80000|100000|0}
#VAR verbBinary {%if( %1 = %2, %1, %if( %eval( %item( @dvalues, %eval( (%1+%2)/2.0)) > %3), @verbBinary(%1, %eval( (%1+%2)/2.0),%3), @verbBinary( %eval( (%1+%2)/2.0),%2,%3)))}
#TRIGGER {^Welcome back to the AVATAR System, {lord|lady|hero} (%w).} {#var dcCurChar %lower( %1)}
#TRIGGER {^Welcome back to the AVATAR System (%w),} {#var dcCurChar %lower( %1)}
#TRIGGER {^({@DCtrack})[^>;] %w[^>;]with[*>= ]({@dverbshort})([*<= ])%w[!.]} {#var %1.%2 %eval( @%1.%2 + 1);#var %1.dealt %eval( @%1.dealt + %item( @dvalues, %ismember( %concat( %2, %3), @dverbs)));#var %1.attacks %eval( @%1.attacks + 1)} "" {notrig}
#TRIGGER {^%w[^>;] ({@DCtrack})[^>;]with[*>= ]({@dverbshort})([*<= ])%w[!.]} {#var %1.taken %eval( @%1.taken + %item( @dvalues, %ismember( %concat( %2, %3), @dverbs)))}
#TRIGGER {%w is leading (%d) player[ s]with} {#if (%1 < 10) {#loop %1 {#temp {^ %i|??? ???? (&%wDCtemp1)} {#if (%lower( @DCtemp1) != @dcCurChar) {dcadd %lower( @DCtemp1)}}}} {#loop 1,9 {#temp {^ %i|??? ???? (&%wDCtemp1)} {#if (%lower( @DCtemp1) != @dcCurChar) {dcadd %lower( @DCtemp1)}}};#loop 10,%1 {#temp {^%i|??? ???? (&%wDCtemp1)} {#if (%lower( @DCtemp1) != @dcCurChar) {dcadd %lower( @DCtemp1)}}}};#t- "%w is leading (%d) player[ s]with";group} "" {disable}
#MENU {DC Add} {dcadd %lower( %selword)} ""
#MENU {DC Clear} {dcclear} ""
#MENU {DC List} {#ec -;#ec --- CHARACTERS ON THE DC LIST ---;#fo @DCnames {#ec %i}} ""
Rahab Wizard
Joined: 22 Mar 2007 Posts: 2320
Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2010 2:18 am |
This line does not compile:
Code: |
#ALIAS dcs {dcclear;#if (!@DCreport) {@DCreport = gt} {};#t+ "%w is leading (%d) player[ s]with";groupstat} |
The problem is this statement:
This should be:
I haven't had time to check anything else in your code. You should carefully go through the Changes for Zmud Users (http://forums.zuggsoft.com/modules/mx_kb/kb.php?page=3&mode=doc&k=2622) and see whether there are any other common problems in your code that need to be fixed. |
Shezmu Wanderer
Joined: 23 Apr 2010 Posts: 53
Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2010 3:12 am |
Thanks, Rahab. I found that one, as well as a few other ones that I've cleaned up. One of the lines I'm having the biggest problem with is the trigger that keys off our damage messages.
Code: |
#TRIGGER {^({@DCtrack})[^>;] %w[^>;]with[*>= ]({@dverbshort})([*<= ])%w[!.]} {#var %1.%2 %eval( @%1.%2 + 1);#var %1.dealt %eval( @%1.dealt + %item( @dvalues, %ismember( %concat( %2, %3), @dverbs)));#var %1.attacks %eval( @%1.attacks + 1)} "" {notrig}
#TRIGGER {^%w[^>;] ({@DCtrack})[^>;]with[*>= ]({@dverbshort})([*<= ])%w[!.]} {#var %1.taken %eval( @%1.taken + %item( @dvalues, %ismember( %concat( %2, %3), @dverbs)))}
The first one tracks damage that I or my groupmates does to a mob, maps it to the values in variable dvalues and stores it. The second one tracks damage that mobs do to us.
Our damage messages look like this:
A Tortuga Wiseman's attack strikes you 1 time, with DEVASTATING intensity!
Lumbering Tortuga's attack strikes you 1 time, with **DEVASTATING** intensity!
You torment Lumbering Tortuga with ***DISMEMBERING*** might!
Your attack strikes Lumbering Tortuga 1 time, with massacring intensity.
The problem that I can see is that our damage verbs use various symbols [*><=] to show a slight increase in the damage.
I have those tracked with a range, but it won't fire if there isn't one of the symbols.
How do I get the trigger to fire both if the damage verb has one of those special symbols (in range) as well as not? |
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