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Joined: 03 May 2008
Posts: 5

PostPosted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 7:58 pm   

Zmud freezing up while entering large commands.
You have recovered balance.
<418/418h (0) 515/575m 1718e 2400w <eb>> 13:50:46:431bug A huge portion of the world is roads, and no plants can grow there, but even imagining yourself on a road, there's always small plans on the side of the road. Some plants are so hard to find as is, that having a road take up 50% of the area really cuts down on the ammount you can harvest. Can we change it so that plants can be harvested on road locations, or else have a slightly less number citing they only grow on the side of the road.

The night sky is clear, and the stars twinkle like diamonds.
<418/418h (0) 392/575m 1718e 2400w <eb>> (drink mana) (eat toadstool)
You take a drink of an elixir of mana from a sturdy explorers vial.
Your mind feels rejuvenated.
<418/418h (0) 490/575m 1718e 2400w <eb>>
You remove 1 toadstool, bringing the total in the Rift to 2849.
<418/418h (0) 490/575m 1718e 2400w <eb>>
You quickly eat a toadstool.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
<418/418h (0) 548/575m 1718e 2400w <eb>>
You may drink another healing elixir.
<418/418h (0) 538/575m 1718e 2400w <eb>>
You may eat another toadstool.
<418/418h (0) 538/575m 1718e 2400w <eb>>
Stars fill the firmament, illuminating the evening sky with pale light.
<418/418h (0) 470/575m 1718e 2400w <eb>> (drink mana)
You take a drink of an elixir of mana from a sturdy explorers vial.
Your mind feels rejuvenated.
<418/418h (0) 567/575m 1718e 2400w <eb>> 13:53:46:056
Thank you, your bug has been submitted.
<418/418h (0) 563/575m 1718e 2400w <eb>> 13:53:46:446

I time prompt every line, and it seems that it takes a while for large commands to get sent through. For instance here this one took 3 minutes to send. I say type something in and then it just sits in the command line for that time, I can't do anything in the client as if it's frozen. Then when it's finally sent through it resumes like nothing happened and then all the information between the sent time, and the received time get all sent to me all at once (hence no time stamps). This also happens to me on Cmud and also both on my Dell and HP Laptops. I've tried to uninstall and reinstall to no avail. Any ideas, do I have something selected that's maybe trying to trigger something in each character of what I send?

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Joined: 14 Sep 2007
Posts: 167
Location: aztx

PostPosted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 9:51 pm   
Does this happen when you connect to other muds, or connect without any triggers?
Try turning off triggers and see what happens (the gun). Also try turn off parsing (the computer, bottom right of screen, next to the gun) AND triggers.

One thing that happened to me in the past was I somehow, by accident made a trigger that would fire if it received about a billion lines from the mud.
I had somehow copied my whole zmud screen and put it in the pattern portion of a trigger..

Also, if you really do time stamp every line you could try using ^ as the pattern. This will fire for every line that is not a blank line. I kind of suspect your timestamp trigger is causing problems.
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