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Joined: 07 Feb 2002
Posts: 333
Location: Central Virginia

PostPosted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 8:37 am   

Corrupted package. Can someone explain recovery?
So we were out and about on a new mux I've been playing and the server started to act up. First we all lagged really bad then got booted. I gave it a few minutes to get sorted out and I logged back in. about 4 minutes later the same thing happens. This time when I go to log back in as my package starts to load cmud crashes. I've tried to "view" the package in the untitled session and that just crashes cmud too *sigh*. I've put a fair amount of time into this package. The backups do the same thing.

I read in a few posts where it was said you could google a program to access SQLite databases and use that to recover the info in the corrupt package? I found one called Lita that I can use to open the package with. There is an option to export the DB once open so I do this, then I can use Notepad++ to view what it exports. and it a bit easier to read than the regular package file in Notepad++. My question is this. What are my options now? I was working on a sort of click able UI made up of buttons for alot of the stuff that happens in the MUX. Do I just copy and past what I can, then remake all the buttons again or what?

Here is an example of what the export file shows for one of the buttons (one of the states of a multistate):

INSERT INTO settings (id,kind,subkind,valkind,parent,owner,pkgid,enabled,priority,flag,opt,state,userint,name,idname,val,userval,comment,options) VALUES (589,7,0,0,582,581,322,-1,5822,256,6,5822,65280,'%item(@cctargetlist,2)','%item(@cctargetlist,2)','Main:#send .l %item(@cctargetlist,2)','','','<opt><panelnum>3</panelnum><butw>80</butw><gaugebackcol>-16777201</gaugebackcol><gaugelowcol>255</gaugelowcol><buth>23</buth><margin>-1</margin></opt>');

Is there a better free program to use (as I am currently unemployed right now), that will let me recover all my settings easier? Please tell me there is an easier way to do this.
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Joined: 07 Feb 2002
Posts: 333
Location: Central Virginia

PostPosted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 9:13 am   
I spazzed out and just kept clicking continue application on the error window and finally got the package to open. I then copied everything one by one into a new package and it seems to be working. So I guess the problem is solved. After 3 or four clicks when this first happened I figured all was lost. Any clues as to why the mud crashing would cause the package to corrupt? At the time of the crash I had clicked one of the buttons mentioned above that changes my direction. The buttons are all contained in a second window apart from the main window. No real complicated script to it.


main:heading 90
#var heading 90
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