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Joined: 24 Mar 2010
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 11:28 am   

ok im trying out cmud and having problems
im on the free version of cmud with the 30 day trial and i play a mud called Ancient Anguish. so far i have had limited success with the mapping program which is really the only real reason i see using Cmud over say WinTin... it will load rooms into the DB but will duplicate the rooms if i re-enter them again, and i cant seem to figure out how to delete the map and start over... i cant even figure out how to delete the individual rooms.
when i did the configuration for the mapping program it loaded all the right info as well. im confused any help would be great!
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Joined: 22 Mar 2007
Posts: 2320

PostPosted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 2:15 pm   
Easiest way to completely delete the map is simply to locate and delete the .dbm file.

To delete a specific room, you must be in mapping mode. Click on the room to highlight it. Click on Edit|Delete, within the mapper window.

However, rather than deleting the extra room, you may want to merge the rooms. I assume the duplicate rooms are on top of each other? On the mapper window, click Edit|Merge Rooms. This will merge any rooms stacked on top of each other into a single room.

There are a couple possible reasons that the mapper is duplicating rooms. One is that the room description changes. Do rooms on your mud have parts that change, like weather, daylight, or other stuff? If the description changes, the mapper may not recognize it as the same room. If that is the case, there may be ways to work around that, such as relying on the room name instead of description.

Is the problem happening only with specific rooms? Or is it happening with most rooms? If it is only some specific rooms, they may have features that differ from what you based your configuration on. You could try reconfiguring the mapper based on one of these problem rooms.

If these tips don't help, cut and paste a couple problem room descriptions here on the forum for us to examine.
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