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Joined: 05 Aug 2002
Posts: 25

PostPosted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 8:19 am   

[3.12] MUD output stops displaying; clicking in window fixes
In this thread Zugg posted the following:

What it looks like is happening is this:

1) When a line is received from the MUD, CMUD adds it to a buffer and enables a flag to prevent the screen buffer from being displayed yet
2) Triggers are run on this line
3) When triggers are done, the flag is reset so that the buffer can be updated on the screen.

What happens is that it never reaches step (3). So, the screen buffer remains completely disabled. And there is no way to reset the flag except via #CLR. So, what causes CMUD to not reach step 3? Do you have a trigger that might not finish? Do you have a trigger that might cause an error? I didn't place (3) into a try/finally trap, so any error in the trigger processing might cause it to skip this step.

In v2.04, I have the try/finally trap set up to ensure that (3) is performed. Also, I reset the update flag when you click on the MUD window. So in 2.04, just clicking on the MUD window should display the text properly again. This isn't a "real" fix...I'd still like to find out why it never gets to step (3) in some cases.

I am still having this issue with 3.12. #CLR does not fix it, but clicking in the MUD window does.
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Joined: 25 Sep 2000
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Location: Colorado, USA

PostPosted: Mon Jan 25, 2010 5:39 pm   
That is a very old issue that has long been fixed. If you are still having this problem, then you need to post a lot more details. We need to know the version of Windows you are using, and what MUD you are connecting to. The most common cause for these kinds of problems is that your MUD is sending bad ANSI control codes to CMUD that is causing problems. So we will need a step-by-step procedure for how to log into your MUD and reproduce the problem before I can help with this.

Especially if #CLR doesn't fix it. Since #CLR completely resets the entire MUD window, I can't imagine how #CLR wouldn't fix a problem like this.
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