ixy Novice
Joined: 18 Mar 2007 Posts: 39
Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 7:37 pm
dot notation alternate? |
In zmud i used dot notation a lot, but it doesnt appear to work the same way in cmud, for example;
Code: |
#trigger {^Beyonder, guardian of the source has been slain!} {#add kills.beyonder 1;#add kills.total 1}
i used to use triggers such as this to track boss kills i had made, and it added it up fine, now in cmud i cant seem to find an alternate way of doing it short of creating a new variable for every single boss and having a metric tonne of variables in my root folder.
Code: |
#CLASS {database|equipment_database|equipment_database_capture}
#REGEX {\<(.+)hp (.+)sp (.+)st\>} {#t- equipment_database_capture;#dbload items;item.capture = %ansi( 16, 0)@item.capture;#IF (%numitems( %query( ((&name = @item.name) & (&keywords = @item.keywords)), All)) = 0) {#NEW items @item;#dbsave items;#dbclose items} {#echo "";#echo %ansi( 15, 0)@item.name %ansi( 16, 0)already in database.;#dbclose items}} "" {nocr|prompt}
#TRIGGER {(*)} {#var item.capture @item.capture%cr%TRIGGER}
#REGEX {^The minimum bid on this item is \[(.+)\] gp\.} {#t- equipment_database_capture;#dbload items;item.capture = %ansi( 16, 0)@item.capture;#IF (%numitems( %query( ((&name = @item.name) & (&keywords = @item.keywords)), All)) = 0) {#NEW items @item;#dbsave items;#dbclose items} {#echo "";#echo %ansi( 15, 0)@item.name %ansi( 16, 0)already in database.;#dbclose items}}
#REGEX {(.*) tells (you|you,) \'I can (sell|trade) you this item for (.*)\.\'} {#t- equipment_database_capture;#dbload items;item.capture = %ansi( 16, 0)@item.capture;#IF (%numitems( %query( ((&name = @item.name) & (&keywords = @item.keywords)), All)) = 0) {#NEW items @item;#dbsave items;#dbclose items} {#echo "";#echo %ansi( 15, 0)@item.name %ansi( 16, 0)already in database.;#dbclose items}}
#TRIGGER {This item is beyond your power to identify further.} {#t- equipment_database_capture;#dbload items;item.capture = %ansi( 16, 0)@item.capture;#IF (%numitems( %query( ((&name = @item.name) & (&keywords = @item.keywords)), All)) = 0) {#NEW items @item;#dbsave items;#dbclose items} {#echo "";#echo %ansi( 15, 0)@item.name %ansi( 16, 0)already in database.;#dbclose items}}
#CLASS {database|equipment_database|equipment_database_id}
#REGEX {^You focus your powers of observation on (.+):} {item = "";item.name = %1}
#COND {^Item '(.+)' is type (.+), (alignment (.+), made of (.+),|with keywords '(.+)'\.)} {item.zone = @current.zone;item.mob = @current.mob;item.keywords = %6;#t+ equipment_database_capture} {regex}
#COND {has keywords '%1'} {item.keywords = %1} {looppat}
#REGEX {^This item is up for auction from (.+)\.} {#t+ equipment_database_capture;item = ""}
#COND {^Item '%1' is type %2, alignment %3, made of %4,$} {item.zone = None;item.name = %1}
#COND {has keywords '%1'} {item.keywords = %1} {looppat}
#REGEX {^You ask (.+) for a description of one of (.+) wares\.} {item = "";item.mob = %1}
#COND {%1 tells you:} {#t+ equipment_database_capture}
#COND {^Item '%1' is type %2, alignment %3, made of %4,$} {item.zone = @current.zone;item.name = %1}
#COND {has keywords '%1'} {item.keywords = %1}
I used to use this part of a script to capture whole items from diffrent sources and a few other triggers to capture room, zone, mob, etc, and store it in one variable and add it to the db as 1 whole item, with a few set fields to aid for searching, but again i cant seem to get this to work either. One of my main reasons for finally upgrading to cmud was i hoped to have a more stable database, zmud didnt seem to like having 2 open at the same time and often crashed on me :(
Any help on this would be greatly appreciated, even just a quick example that i can work from! |
MattLofton GURU
Joined: 23 Dec 2000 Posts: 4834 Location: USA
Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 8:27 pm |
Must be a 2.37 issue, I have no problems with that syntax in 3.12. Perhaps you need to cast the field value, as somehow CMud is treating it as a string (ie, #ADD = concatenation instead of addition)? You can force a string to be used as a number via the %number() function.
As for alternates, you can use the %db(). %db(@varname,fieldname) == @varname.fieldname. |
_________________ EDIT: I didn't like my old signature |
Aerious Wanderer
Joined: 21 Jan 2008 Posts: 62
Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 8:27 pm |
prots.greater = gPhys;prots.greater_start = @timer;party colour green;party say Greater Invlunerability Up!;party colour yellow
becomes something to the effect of
prots.greater_history = @timer-%db(@prots,greater_start)
prots.greater_name = %db(@prots,greater)
prots.greater = 0
party colour red
party say %db(@prots,greater_name) Off - %db(@prots,greater_history) s
party colour yellow
specifically, your #add, will need to become
kills.beyonder = %db(@kills,beyonder) + 1
kills.total = %db(@kills,total) + 1
etc |
ixy Novice
Joined: 18 Mar 2007 Posts: 39
Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 9:01 pm |
Thank you very much! can finally start sorting out my scripts now :)
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