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Joined: 07 Nov 2009
Posts: 4

PostPosted: Sat Nov 07, 2009 3:41 am   

whenever I try and close out of Zmud it freezes and erases all of the new triggers and aliases that I made...any ideas?
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Joined: 07 Nov 2009
Posts: 4

PostPosted: Sat Nov 07, 2009 5:24 am   
I just realized how broad that was. But literally, whenever I try and close the game. The whole thing freezes, and I lose all data. There was also some kind of red bar error.
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Joined: 18 Oct 2000
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Location: Atlanta, USA

PostPosted: Sat Nov 07, 2009 2:49 pm   
Sounds like you're having some sort of data corruption occuring. I would export all your scripts to text then reimport them into a new session. zMUD used an in memory database for it's settings, and did not respond well to data corruption. You didn't mention you're OS so make sure that you have write permissions to the folder where you zMUD settings are stored.
Asati di tempari!
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Joined: 07 Nov 2009
Posts: 4

PostPosted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 3:23 am   
I tried what you said, it worked for a little while, then on the third time I played, it reverted back to what it used to do. It freezes when I try and exit the trigger and aliases editing pop up box. Not sure why. I uninstalled and removed zmud from my computer, and reinstalled it, but it still has the same problem. Do you think its some of the data in my system?
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Joined: 23 Dec 2000
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Location: USA

PostPosted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 6:20 am   
very likely. ZMud stores your triggers, etc as plain text, so if the in-memory database gets screwed up it's going to write screwed-up data to the file. A sort of bright side to it is that the data IS stored as plain text so if you can still open up the settings files without zmud having a dramatic choking death when you do, you can just export each file to text, edit it for mistakes, and then import it into a fresh file.

Even that can be iffy at times, due to bugs and parser limitations, so it's best to import only a little at a time.
EDIT: I didn't like my old signature
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Joined: 07 Nov 2009
Posts: 4

PostPosted: Wed Nov 11, 2009 4:25 am   
I can't figure it's all the stuff in my system in case anyone gets bored.

#CLASS {autosip}
#ALIAS auto_sip {#IF (@stunned=0 AND @sleep=0) {#IF (@sipbalance=0 AND @anorexia=0) {#IF (@health <%eval( @maxhealth-200)) {sip health} {#IF (@mana <%eval( @maxmana-200)) {sip mana}}}}}
#ALIAS moss_sip {#IF (@stunned=0 AND @sleep=0) {#IF (@mossbalance=0 AND @anorexia=0) {#IF (@health <%eval( @maxhealth-800)) {outr moss;eat moss} {#IF (@mana <%eval( @maxmana-800)) {outr moss;eat moss}}}}}
#VAR sipbalance {0}
#VAR health {3902}
#VAR mana {3156}
#VAR EQ {0}
#VAR balance {0}
#VAR maxhealth {3912}
#VAR maxmana {3156}
#VAR mossbalance {0}
#TRIGGER {Health:%s(%d)/(%d)%sMana:%s(%d)/(%d)} {#VAR health %1;#VAR maxhealth %2;#VAR mana %3;#VAR maxmana %4}
#TRIGGER {You eat some irid moss.} {#VAR mossbalance 1}
#TRIGGER {You may eat another bit of irid moss.} {#VAR mossbalance 0}
#TRIGGER {The elixir heals and soothes you.} {#var sipbalance 1}
#TRIGGER {You may drink another health or mana elixir.} {#var sipbalance 0}
#ONINPUT {^sip {health|mana}$} {#VAR sipbalance .5;#ALARM "sipbalance" +2 {#IF (@sipbalance=".5") {#VAR sipbalance 0}}} "" {notrig}
#TRIGGER {^eat moss$} {#VAR mossbalance .5;#ALARM "mossbalance" +2 {#IF (@mossbalance=".5") {#VAR mossbalance 0}}}

#CLASS {gold}
#ALIAS gold {get gold;put gold in @pack}
#ALIAS igold {put gold in @pack}
#ALIAS ggold {get gold from @pack}
#ALIAS sl {selfishness}
#ALIAS gn {generosity}
#VAR pack {backpack110229}

#CLASS {healing}
#CLASS {healing|asleep}
#ALIAS casleep {#IF (@sleep=1) {#var @sleep 2;wake}}
#VAR sleep {0}
#TRIGGER {You close your eyes, curl up in a ball, and fall asleep.} {#var sleep 1;#var prone 1}
#TRIGGER {You open your eyes and stretch languidly, feeling deliciously well-rested.} {#var sleep 0}
#TRIGGER {You open your eyes and yawn mightily.} {#var sleep 0}
#TRIGGER {You are jerked awake by the pain.} {#var sleep 0}
#TRIGGER {You already are awake.} {#var sleep 0}
#TRIGGER {You begin your struggle to escape from the dreamworld.} {#var sleep 2}
#CLASS {healing|prone}
#ALIAS cprone {#IF (@prone = 1 AND @stunned = 0 AND @balance=0 AND @EQ=0 AND @sleep=0) {stand}}
#VAR prone {0}
#TRIGGER {You sit yourself down.} {#var prone 1}
#TRIGGER {You stand up and stretch your arms out wide.} {#var prone 0}
#TRIGGER {You must be standing first.} {#var prone 1}
#TRIGGER {You are not fallen or kneeling.} {#var prone 0}
#CLASS {healing|anorexia}
#ALIAS canorexia {#IF (@salve=0 AND @stunned = 0) {#IF (@anorexia=1) {apply epidermal to torso}}}
#VAR anorexia {0}
#TRIGGER {The idea of eating or drinking is repulsive to you.} {#var anorexia 1;normalcure}
#TRIGGER {Food is no longer repulsive to you.} {#var anorexia 0;normalcure}
#CLASS {healing|stunned}
#VAR stunned {0}
#TRIGGER {With a quick thrust from the butt end of a steel-clawed trident, %w knocks } {#var prone 1;#var stunned 1}
#TRIGGER {You are no longer stunned.} {#var stunned 0}
#TRIGGER {You are too stunned to be able to do anything.} {#var stunned 1}
#CLASS {healing|asleep}
#ALIAS casleep {#IF (@sleep=1) {#var @sleep 2;wake}}
#VAR sleep {0}
#TRIGGER {You close your eyes, curl up in a ball, and fall asleep.} {#var sleep 1;#var prone 1}
#TRIGGER {You open your eyes and stretch languidly, feeling deliciously well-rested.} {#var sleep 0}
#TRIGGER {You open your eyes and yawn mightily.} {#var sleep 0}
#TRIGGER {You are jerked awake by the pain.} {#var sleep 0}
#TRIGGER {You already are awake.} {#var sleep 0}
#TRIGGER {You begin your struggle to escape from the dreamworld.} {#var sleep 2}
#CLASS {healing|prone}
#ALIAS cprone {#IF (@prone = 1 AND @stunned = 0 AND @balance=0 AND @EQ=0 AND @sleep=0) {stand}}
#VAR prone {0}
#TRIGGER {You sit yourself down.} {#var prone 1}
#TRIGGER {You stand up and stretch your arms out wide.} {#var prone 0}
#TRIGGER {You must be standing first.} {#var prone 1}
#TRIGGER {You are not fallen or kneeling.} {#var prone 0}
#CLASS {healing|anorexia}
#ALIAS canorexia {#IF (@salve=0 AND @stunned = 0) {#IF (@anorexia=1) {apply epidermal to torso}}}
#VAR anorexia {0}
#TRIGGER {The idea of eating or drinking is repulsive to you.} {#var anorexia 1;normalcure}
#TRIGGER {Food is no longer repulsive to you.} {#var anorexia 0;normalcure}
#CLASS {healing|stunned}
#VAR stunned {0}
#TRIGGER {With a quick thrust from the butt end of a steel-clawed trident, %w knocks } {#var prone 1;#var stunned 1}
#TRIGGER {You are no longer stunned.} {#var stunned 0}
#TRIGGER {You are too stunned to be able to do anything.} {#var stunned 1}

#TRIGGER {(%d)h, (%d)m (%w)-} {#VAR health %1;#VAR mana %2;#IF (%pos( e, %3)>0) {#VAR EQ 0} {#VAR EQ 1};#IF (%pos( x, %3)>0) {#VAR balance 0} {#VAR balance 1};casleep;cprone;auto_sip} "" {nocr|prompt}

#CLASS {weapons|targeting}
#ALIAS t {#var target %1}
#VAR target {ochimaru}
#CLASS {weapons|weapons}
#ALIAS st {unwield sword;wield staff;flail staff}
#ALIAS swo {unwield staff;wield sword}
#VAR sword {sword144283}
#CLASS {weapons|attacking}
#ALIAS ml {maul @target}
#ALIAS inc {incinerate @target}

Thats it, I didn't get a chance to write much more. Any ideas?
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