Sutex-Kindred Apprentice
Joined: 26 Aug 2009 Posts: 141
Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 1:42 am
Simple Trail or Tracking script- Eternal Darkness |
Change the necessary txt for your mud. Remember to leave the Toggle button outside the Class folder (Trail)
This code was adapted from various other codes to work on Eternal Darkness. Original first source was posted at Eternal Darkness Forum Author Unknown
CLASS {Trail} {enable}
#ALIAS tra {#VAR victim %1;#VAR tra 1;trail @victim}
#VAR tra {1}
#VAR victim {sutex}
#TRIGGER {^You're already in the same room!!} {#if @tra=1 {#bu 1;tra=0}}
#TRIGGER {A magical barrier blocks your way.} {#if @tra=1 {#bu 1;tra=0}}
#TRIGGER {Alas, you cannot go that way...} {#if @tra=1 {#bu 1;tra=0}}
#TRIGGER {You cannot figure it out you practice somemore.} {#IF @tra {trail @victim}}
#TRIGGER {You sense a trail (%w) from here!} {#IF @tra {%1} {#IF @tra {trail @victim}}
#TRIGGER {The %w seems to be closed.} {#if @tra=1 {#bu 1;tra=0}}
#KEY F1 {#bu 1}
#BUTTON 1 {Trail - Off} {#T+ trail;tra=1;#ec trail triggers - enabled} {Trail - On} {#T- trail;tra=0;#ec trail triggers - disabled} {} {1} {} {Size} {70} {20} {} {} {} {116} {47} {} {} "" {} {} {}
#CLASS 0 |