launchee Beginner
Joined: 29 Dec 2005 Posts: 17 Location: Bavaria, Germany
Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 3:24 pm
how to enable the "map tag" in Aardwolf e.g. - PackageLibrary |
I wanted to have seperate windows for Aardwolf (as it is in another client). So, in the libraray I found this here:
Map Window
Displays Aardwolf's map in it's own window. The MAP tag must be enabled for it to work. If you want the roomname and exits displayed in the window then enabled the MAPEXITS and MAPNAME tags as well.
Works like Aardwolf's official client's map window.
Well, I'm not so used with Cmud and in the Help also I didn't find anything. So, what, lpease, should I do now, that it works. I have to enable the "map tag", OK, but how and where?
Could you please tell mw how to do this in simple steps, so I can follow
Thank you very much, Bye, Kai |
Erasmus Wanderer
Joined: 04 Aug 2004 Posts: 82 Location: Philadelphia
Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 4:57 pm |
Enabling/disabling tags are actually something done to change the configuration to your aardwolf character not a change to the package.
1) Connect to Aardwolf
2) Log into your character
3) enter "maptags" on the command line
4) click enter to send to the mud
repeat steps 3 & 4 to turn them back off again.
Aardwolf has been developing a tag system to assist players/clients in detecting when certain information is being dislayed. Check "help tags" in the MUD for info on what is available.
Erasmus |
_________________ Erasmus |
launchee Beginner
Joined: 29 Dec 2005 Posts: 17 Location: Bavaria, Germany
Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 6:46 pm |
Hi, tried it out, <maptags> On/OFF, tags map on/off etc. As result I see that the tag has switched from on to off or vice versa, but that's all, no additional windows is opening
Erasmus Wanderer
Joined: 04 Aug 2004 Posts: 82 Location: Philadelphia
Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 7:37 pm |
I don't have the package, but I would guess that it contains a trigger that captures everything between the maptags and sends it to a different window.
Unfortunately, without knowing how the package is setup I can't advise you on if there is an alias or something to run to create the appropriately named window.
I suggest contacting the author of the package for more information.
Erasmus |
_________________ Erasmus |
Rahab Wizard
Joined: 22 Mar 2007 Posts: 2320
Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2009 4:23 pm |
It is possible that the window will not be created until you actually receive map information from the mud. After turning maptags on, did you do anything that would normally cause the map to be displayed? If that doesn't work, it will depend on how the package is set up, as Erasmus said.
launchee Beginner
Joined: 29 Dec 2005 Posts: 17 Location: Bavaria, Germany
Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2009 4:11 pm |
no, there's no new window opening. e.g. i move n,s, etc , but I still see the map in the main window