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Joined: 12 Mar 2009
Posts: 4
Location: SLO, CA

PostPosted: Thu May 07, 2009 3:00 am   

[3.06] Using #THREAD to Find Optimal Path Over Large Number of Vnums
Hey all,

My current project is taking a large list of vnums (between 10 - 35) and sorting them by the most optimal path (least amount of moves between each) possible. I use three functions:
// @finddistance($fromvnum,$tovnum)

$fromvnum = %1
$tovnum = %2

#IF ($tovnum = %null) {#RETURN -1}

$distance = %numitems(%pathexpand(%pathfrom($fromvnum,$tovnum)))

#RETURN $distance

// @findclosest([$fromvnum],$tovnum)
$fromvnum = %1
$vnumlist = %2

#IF ($vnumlist = %null) {#RETURN -1}

$closestvnum = %null
$closestdist = 999
#FORALL $vnumlist {
$thisvnum = %i

$thisdistance = @finddistance($fromvnum,$thisvnum)

#IF (($thisdistance > 0) && (($closestdist = %null) || ($thisdistance < $closestdist))) {
$closestdist = $thisdistance
$closestvnum = $thisvnum
//#PRINT Testing $thisvnum.
//#PRINT Distance: $thisdistance
//#PRINT Closestvnum: $closestvnum
//#PRINT Closestdist: $closestdist

#IF ($closestvnum = %null) {#RETURN 0} {#RETURN $closestvnum|$closestdist}

// @findoptimal([$fromvnum],$tovnum[,$maxreturned])

$starttime = @curtimems()
$fromvnum = %1 //where we start from, defaults to current location
$vnumlist = %2 //list to optimize
$maxreturned = %3 //maximum number of rooms to return

$optimalpath = %null

$vnumlist = %dups($vnumlist)

$optimalpath = %item(@findclosest($fromvnum,$vnumlist),1) //find the first one
$vnumlist = %delitem($optimalpath,$vnumlist) //remove the first match

#FORALL $vnumlist {
#IF (($maxreturned != %null) && (%numitems($optimalpath)>=$maxreturned)) {#BREAK}
$lastvnum = %item($optimalpath,%numitems($optimalpath))

$closestvnum = %item(@findclosest($lastvnum,$vnumlist),1)
#IF ($closestvnum != 0) {
$optimalpath = %additem($closestvnum,$optimalpath)
$vnumlist = %delitem($closestvnum,$vnumlist)
$endtime = @curtimems()

#PRINT Took %eval($endtime-$starttime)ms.
#RETURN $optimalpath

Now, finddistance doesn't take long to calculate. Findclosest takes a bit of time. Findoptimal is a bunch of nested/looped findclosests. Naturally, when plugging in a large number of vnums this can take between 15 - 120 seconds to do what I need. These calculations are done relatively often in game to allow for the quickest completion of a set of tasks.

The solution to my problem appeared to lie in #THREAD. I could use a threaded process to do the calculation and then change the variable (which was visible in the status window) on-the-fly without it (temporarily) freezing all of CMUD during the process.

However, I'm not so sure this is the best solution. It has caused CMUD to crash a few times. I'd post the script but really all it is: "#THREAD "testthread" {#VA optimaltaskpath @findoptimal(,@taskvnums)}". Then it gives a generic pointer error or some error in writing data where it shouldn't be. Then CMUD gets all funky and I have to restart it.

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Joined: 12 Mar 2009
Posts: 4
Location: SLO, CA

PostPosted: Thu May 07, 2009 4:38 am   
The fatal error seems to only occur when the "#THREAD "testthread" {#VA optimaltaskpath @findoptimal(,@taskvnums)}" command is linked to a trigger (which also generates the @taskvnums values, but in a prior line of the same trigger, so I assume no conflict). Could this be related?

Error reads:
Access violation at address 00C627BA in module 'cMUD.exe'.
Read of address 00000040.
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Joined: 25 Sep 2000
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PostPosted: Thu May 07, 2009 5:44 pm   
Take a look at the #SECTION command. When using multiple threads, you need to protect access to the same memory locations (like your @optimaltaskpath and @taskvnums variables) so that only one thread at a time will modify those variables. In general, multi-threading is a very complex topic and it best used by programmers who already understand the synchronization issues involved in threads.
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Joined: 12 Mar 2009
Posts: 4
Location: SLO, CA

PostPosted: Thu May 07, 2009 7:38 pm   
Thanks Zugg, I'll see if adding the #SECTION command where memory is being accessed in this script fixes this problem.
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