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Joined: 04 May 2007
Posts: 292
Location: Boston

PostPosted: Fri Mar 27, 2009 3:47 pm   

Lesser Dire Lockout and Settings Error.
Let me explain.

Normally text highlighted in the command line is available when the focus returns to the main window. I usually click the output window although I think anywhere that attaches to the command line will re-focus.

A. I can not click anywhere to access the highlighted command line but in the command line itself behind the highlight where I would to de-select the highlight. Usually I have by that time tried to overwrite the highlighted last command, but mistakenly sent it instead.

B. When this occurs opening settings only shows the root of the trees, but no settings.

The second time this happened, Today's circumstances:

I was online testing code in a safe place and had opened a folder of disabled triggers. I right clicked and executed one, wondering if I could do that very thing in a disabled folder. This trigger sent a command to a button to change its color. The command succeeded.

I then opened settings to edit those buttons as I had realized their names where not efficient. The button dialog displayed the button caption highlighted and no place to change a button ID. I thought, well that makes sense, I suppose it is being used, but not very useful to me at the moment, (insert guilt for being impetuous.)

I closed settings and ignorantly sent 'narrate cheer' a second time. I fiddled around some trying to get focus without clicking in the command line itself. BTW, single clicking on top of the highlighted previous command does nothing. I don't think double clicks do anything, or perhaps send the command, sorry.

The problem is fixed now, and I am still online, so I don't know what I did. Today I had previously played with displays, windows, and my color maker script to make that script color my new BG, a concern.

I declined to 'beta test' as I had just bought CMud and knew nothing of it. I am unsure if I should post this here or elsewhere.
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