philliprobert Newbie
Joined: 29 Oct 2008 Posts: 1
Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 8:02 pm
Spell script request |
On a mud i play, a common task i would do is locate a particular item. Casting this spell tells me the amount of them in the area, and what direction they are from me. Example below
[channel 'locate object']
You begin to weave the appropriate flows...
a rusty dagger - [UVdlcXcgNiA0NjA2OWVkMTE3IDY2] - somewhere very far southeast of here, carried by a human.
a dagger of gleaming steel - [UVVoaXggNiBiMDY4ZjE2M2FlIDc=] - somewhere far north of here, carried by a human.
an ivory-hilted stiletto - [UVppbHAgNiA3M2QzMzk3MDY2IDg5] - somewhere very far northwest of here, carried by a human.
a dagger - [V2psciA2IDM1MGI5NTJhNmYgNDk=] - somewhere very far north of here, carried by a human.
a jeweled dagger - [WmhqdCA2IGFjOGUxZWFkZDEgOTE=] - somewhere far south of here, carried by a human.
a rusty dagger - [YmdodCA2IGM3NmVmMTM0OTkgOTg=] - somewhere southwest of here, carried by a human.
a curved clear dagger - [V2podyA2IGVjOGZlMDQ1MWEgMzM=] - somewhere very far north of here, carried by a trolloc.
a dagger - [V2podyA2IGVjOGZlMDQ1MWEgMTY=] - somewhere very far north of here, carried by a trolloc.
a dagger - [V2podyA2IGVjOGZlMDQ1MWEgMjU=] - somewhere very far north of here, carried by a trolloc.
a dagger - [V2lqeCA2IDBmODljODI1NzUgMjE=] - somewhere around here, carried by a human.
an ivory-hilted stiletto - [UVlobXIgNiA3MDA0MmY2N2RhIDIx] - somewhere very far north of here, carried by a human.
a dagger - [ZGhpdCA2IGM0MTJkNmE2NGUgNjY=] - somewhere very far southwest of here, carried by a human.
a dagger - [YWhpdCA2IDhlZDYxZTg2ZjkgMTk=] - somewhere very far southeast of here, carried by a human.
a dagger - [ZGhrdSA2IGZkY2JmYmYxNWMgODM=] - somewhere very far southwest of here, carried by a human.
a jeweled dagger - [UVhoa3MgNiBkMzQwZWE1ZGZlIDEy] - somewhere very far south of here, carried by a human.
an ivory-hilted stiletto - [WWRvcSA2IDZkZDkxOWM5NWQgNDk=] - somewhere far north of here, carried by a human.
a stiletto - [V2ZpcCA2IDMzZDY0ZDVjMTYgNTY=] - somewhere far south of here, carried by a human.
a dagger of gleaming steel - [UVhobHggNiBmM2IxNjNiNDI3IDE2] - somewhere very far south of here, carried by a human.
a dagger - [Y2ZuciA2IDE0ZDY0NjYxMDMgNjI=] - somewhere northwest of here, carried by a human.
an ivory-hilted stiletto - [UVdqbHEgNiAwYzI3YTM3ZDZkIDU2] - somewhere very far north of here.
an ivory-hilted stiletto - [WWFtcyA2IDk3Yzg2YzExM2YgOTk=] - somewhere very far south of here, carried by a human.
a dagger - [UVliaXQgNiBlNzUyNGQzMjE1IDQ1] - somewhere far north of here, carried by a human.
a jeweled dagger - [UVZjb3YgNiAyZGUwMzg0NzE4IDU0] - somewhere far northwest of here, carried by a none.
an ivory-hilted stiletto - [WWFtcyA2IDk3Yzg2YzExM2YgNzM=] - somewhere very far south of here, carried by a human.
a stiletto - [UVVnanQgNiA5NWUzODJmMDg4IDM0] - somewhere northeast of here, carried by a none.
Now what i had previously, but sadly lost, was a script that let me capture parts of the output into variables.
From what i remember of it, there was a @object variable, where i would enter in what object i was locating, a variable @location which is where i would enter in where i was locating from, as well as another to capture their direction from me.
then i had an alias to doreport, which would let me narrate (a global announcement) something suitably roleplayish along the line of
Whispers on the wind speak of xx darkspawn carrying @object, @direction from @location.
In the example above, trollocs would be the enemy, and if i was in a place called Fal Dara, so the result would be
Narrate "Whispers on the wind speak of 4 darkspawn carrying daggers, very far north of Fal Dara"
Id be absurdly greatful if anyone could help with this! |