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PostPosted: Thu Jun 21, 2001 6:00 am   

Rainchild's TellWindow (TM)
It's been a while since I've actually played a MUD... since before Zmud 6.xx came out (now I just develop them) so I'm not sure if these triggers will work unmodified in the new version... here's hoping

Captures all tells, says, gossips etc to a separate window

When the tell window first appears you may need to set up the fonts and colours and save them in a new settings file.

#VAR comms {tell|say|gossip|chat|yell|shout|whisper} {tell|say|gossip|chat|yell|shout|whisper} {Windoze}

This is the variable of keywords of your channels, add/remove as you see fit.

#TRIGGER {^* {@comms}*: "%*"$} {#CAP 1 Tells} {Windoze} 517
#TRIGGER {^* {@comms}*:$ "%*"$} {#CAP 2 Tells} {Windoze} 517
#TRIGGER {^* {@comms}*:$ "%*$ %*"$} {#CAP 3 Tells} {Windoze} 517
#TRIGGER {^* {@comms}*:$ "%*$ %*$ %*"$} {#CAP 4 Tells} {Windoze} 517
#TRIGGER {^* {@comms}*:$ "%*$ %*$ %*$ %*"$} {#CAP 5 Tells} {Windoze} 517
#TRIGGER {^* {@comms}*:$ "%*$ %*$ %*$ %*$ %*"$} {#CAP 6 Tells} {Windoze} 517

Triggers to capture (multiple) lines of text from the MUD... the format that my MUD used was:

Rainchild says (in elfin): "Yadda yadda yadda"

or, for multi-lines

Rainchild says (in elfin):

"This is a multi-line say which made making a trigger
to capture it quite annoying."


You, most likely, will have tweak the patterns to get it working for your MUD... good luck, and enjoy.

-- Rainchild

PS: No support will be given by e-mail, if you have a question post it here.
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 15, 2001 4:57 pm   
Sorry, I'm having a little trouble understanding this, as I have very basic knowledge of zMUD.

First, would this work if I wanted to use it as a player on a mud that already existed?

Second, what's the 'tell' window?

Third, where do I enter the script at?

Fourth, will this keep it in the mud window, or completely move it to the seperate window?

Thanks for the help.

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Dandalf Mithandir

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PostPosted: Sun Jul 15, 2001 11:37 pm   

First, would this work if I wanted to use it as a player on a mud that already existed?

umm what do you mean, that you want this to work with a zmud profile you have already created ? if that's the case then yes.

Second, what's the 'tell' window?

The tell window is a window other than your main mud output, that captured text gets sent to (it is created if it doesn't exist). There can be any number of these (to my knowledge)


Third, where do I enter the script at?

the easiest way is to copy them line by line and paste them into the command line (the place where you enter all your mud's commands)

Fourth, will this keep it in the mud window, or completely move it to the seperate window?

It will appear both in the main window and the separate window. to stop this, put a #gag statement before each of the #cap lines in all the triggers, eg

#TRIGGER {^* {@comms}*: "%*"$} {#gag;#CAP 1 Tells} {Windoze} 517

Hope this helps some

+Dandalf Mithandir.
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 16, 2001 10:11 am   
I'm trying to get this to work in my mud. I pasted what you posted into zmud (v5.55) and checked it out. It didn't work. This is what my mud output looks like for a couple of things I want captured and put into it's own window:

when someone does a say it looks like this:
Johnny says gruffly and painfully : test

when someone sends a message over a line:
Johnny cleric test for what?

This is how I modified what you posted:
#VAR comms {reply|say|cleric|inform|whisper} {reply|say|cleric|inform|whisper} {Windoze} these are the lines or things I want captured and put into another window

#TRIGGER {^* {@comms}*: "%*"$} {#CAP 1 replies} {Windoze} 517
#TRIGGER {^* {@comms}*:$ "%*"$} {#CAP 2 says} {Windoze} 517
#TRIGGER {^* {@comms}*:$ "%*$ %*"$} {#CAP 3 cleric} {Windoze} 517
#TRIGGER {^* {@comms}*:$ "%*$ %*$ %*"$} {#CAP 4 inform} {Windoze} 517
#TRIGGER {^* {@comms}*:$ "%*$ %*$ %*$ %*"$} {#CAP 5 whispers} {Windoze} 517

The cleric and inform are surrounded by greater than/less than symbols.
What am I doing wrong? Oh yeah, I have very little zmud/coding expertise.
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 16, 2001 10:20 am   
Perhaps give:

#TRIGGER {^%w {@comms}*$} {#CAP 1 Tells} {Windoze} 517

a shot.

Btw, you don't want to change the word after #CAP x Tells unless you want multiple windows, one for each channel.

Yer mud doesn't seem to put out a nice format, so you might get some weird stuff captured every so often...

Good luck,
-- Rainchild
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 16, 2001 8:49 pm   
That worked. Thanks, Rainchild.
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 17, 2001 4:37 am   
Well, on second look it doesn't work all the way. It is not getting multiple lines. How do I modify it to capture multiple lines?
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 17, 2001 4:46 am   
This is a little more ugly, because you don't seem to have any way of detecting where the say/etc stops.

With my above examle, the end of the say stops at a quote (") at the end of the last line.

If there's some way of detecting the end of the say, then you can capture the multiple lines.

#TRIGGER {^%w {@comms}%*$%*$} {#CAP 2 Tells} {Windoze} 517

Will capture two lines of anything.

#TRIGGER {^%w {@comms}%*$%*$%*$} {#CAP 3 Tells} {Windoze} 517

Will capture 3... sorta get the idea?

But without knowing the end of the say, you're going to be capturing all the lines all the time

If there's a blank line after every say, you might be able to do something like:

#TRIGGER {^%w {@comms}%*$%*$$} {#CAP 2 Tells} {Windoze} 517
#TRIGGER {^%w {@comms}%*$%*$%*$$} {#CAP 3 Tells} {Windoze} 517

Good luck,
-- Rainchild
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 17, 2001 5:03 am   
I tried what you said and, basically, it's hit and miss. Sometimes there's a blank line and sometimes there isn't. But it still does what I want mostly so that's good. Thanks.
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 17, 2001 5:27 am   
As I was just playing, something popped into my head. If you think it is for another thread, let me know and i'll repost it...

How do I go about making a database of names of players so that I only capture what they are saying/telling/replying/whispering and put it into a seperate window? Is that difficult?
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 17, 2001 5:32 am   
Make a new variable with their names in it (or make an interface like the one I've made in my TriggerSlave script).


#VAR players {Rainchild|Zugg|Ballegator} {Rainchild|Zugg|Ballegator} {Windoze}

Then make your triggers:

#TRIGGER {^{@players} {@comms} .... etc
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 18, 2001 2:33 pm   

Hi there,

I'm using something homecooked pretty much doing that the Rainchild "code" does. However, I'd like to include a "time stamp" on tells that I recieve. I "idle" alot, and would be nice to see when I got a tell from a certain player. Any ideas? :-)

z l a m
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 24, 2001 6:29 pm   

I'm using something homecooked pretty much doing that the Rainchild "code" does. However, I'd like to include a "time stamp" on tells that I recieve. I "idle" alot, and would be nice to see when I got a tell from a certain player. Any ideas? :-)

Not too hard... depending on the format of your MUD's tells and the name of your tell window, it would probably look something like this:

#TRIGGER {(%w tells you '*'$)} {:Tells:#show %time(c) %1}

where Tells is the name of your child window.

- Charbal
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Doobie Chron

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 26, 2001 6:10 am   
Hey Rainchild I just wanna say thanks for that little piece of inspiration. For the mud I use I was looking for something that would trigger and update a block of text in a seperate window so it wouldn't scroll away. I was about to use COM but ran into this instead :p lil simpler. Thanks!

Early Bird gets the worm...Second mouse gets the cheese...
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 26, 2001 3:41 pm   
I am putting together a site that has some zMud info, and "logging tells to a separate" window happens to be a sample that I already have up in my Sample Triggers area. It's not a complicated nor as wide in scope as Rainchild's, but it's worked for me these past two years. -- see "sample triggers"

Zistrosk the Goody Two-Shoes
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Joined: 01 Mar 2005
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 05, 2005 10:20 pm   update's possible
I recently got the latest zmud. I tried Rainchild’s tellwindow. I made some changes tell|ooc|newbie|yell|question|answer|pray are the channels I need,also all the other suggestion before. The world I live in uses ‘ to talk not the” . so any help is needed
Mr. Green
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Joined: 15 Mar 2005
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 15, 2005 10:57 am   
Why use this method?

#trig {%1 tells you '%2'.} {#CAP channels}

Works wonders.
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Joined: 02 Sep 2005
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 03, 2005 12:05 am   
I just want to take a moment to say. THANKS!

This little snipper of code has proven invaluable. It solved a lot of my problems.
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