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Joined: 06 Jul 2007
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Location: The big palace, My own lil world

PostPosted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 4:08 am   

Malformed mxp codes, or mxp bug?
I was playing with the mxp tags received from the mud for mapping, rname rdesc rexits, and ran across a problem. I can set up mapper with out using mxp, and it maps largely fine. If i enabled mxp it stopped finding exits, I can click them and go in that direction and else wise seems fine. I enabled mxp debug messages, and noticed that i am also being sent an <ex></ex> tag, with the direction, a single letter n,e,s,w,u,d in between. I thought then i would just script the exits to be automatically added, but when using %0 on the rexits tag gives me a single [ which is primarly the bug i'm looking at. At the very least if enclosed mxp tags are ignored i should have the "exit:" text as well. i'm now using the ex tag and %additem to generate a string list, and i can use the rexits mxp trigger to update the mapper. I did try to sub out the brackets and exits:, to no luck, as well as using with the same results.

I do also realize that the Rexits tag contains 2 different data formats(exits command and look), which once i get one figured out right i'll add in the other

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Joined: 14 Aug 2004
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 10:28 am   
I presume you reconfigured the mapper after enabling MXP?
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Joined: 25 Sep 2000
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Location: Colorado, USA

PostPosted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 5:05 pm   
Open the Script Debugger and turn on the Raw input/output message. Then copy/paste the text from the debugger that shows the exact data being send by the MUD that has the REXITS tag in it. Then I can replay the text here to see why the %0 and are not working in that case.
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Joined: 06 Jul 2007
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Location: The big palace, My own lil world

PostPosted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 4:04 am   
c test | [1] test Comline : start :
a test |(-)> HP:298/298 MV:245/378 MP:488/831 POS:Standing>78824959l
h test |<ESC>[1;30m(-)> HP:<ESC>[0;32m298<ESC>[1;30m/<ESC>[1;34m298<ESC>[1;30m MV:<ESC>[1;31m245<ESC>[1;30m/<ESC>[1;34m378<ESC>[1;30m MP:<ESC>[1;31m488<ESC>[1;30m/<ESC>[1;34m831<ESC>[1;30m POS:<ESC>[1;34mStanding<ESC>[1;30m><ESC>[1;34m78824959<ESC>[2Sl<ESC>[0m
i test >l<CR><LF>
d test | [1] test Comline : stopped
i test *<CR><LF>
<ESC>[0;37m<RName><ESC>[0;1;36mA French Beach</RName><CR><LF>
<RDesc><ESC>[0;36mAcross the channel you can just barely make out a thin white strip which is<CR><LF>
the white cliffs at Dover. The water looks grey and choppy. It's surely very<CR><LF>
chilly even at this time of year. The beach here continues along the coast to<CR><LF>
the north.<CR><LF>
</RDesc><RExits><ESC>[0;1;37m[<ESC>[0;37mExits: <Ex>n</Ex> <Ex>s</Ex></RExits><ESC>[0;1;37m]<ESC>[0;37m<CR><LF>
<ESC>[0;1;30m(-)> HP:<ESC>[0;32m298<ESC>[0;1;30m/<ESC>[0;1;34m298<ESC>[0;1;30m MV:<ESC>[0;1;31m247<ESC>[0;1;30m/<ESC>[0;1;34m378<ESC>[0;1;30m MP:<ESC>[0;1;31m489<ESC>[0;1;30m/<ESC>[0;1;34m831<ESC>[0;1;30m POS:<ESC>[0;1;34mStanding<ESC>[0;1;30m><ESC>[0;1;34m78824959<ESC>[0;37m<IAC><GA>
a test |
a test |A French Beach
h test |<ESC>[1;36mA French Beach<ESC>[0m
a test |Across the channel you can just barely make out a thin white strip which is
h test |<ESC>[36mAcross the channel you can just barely make out a thin white strip which is<ESC>[0m
a test |the white cliffs at Dover. The water looks grey and choppy. It's surely very
h test |<ESC>[36mthe white cliffs at Dover. The water looks grey and choppy. It's surely very<ESC>[0m
a test |chilly even at this time of year. The beach here continues along the coast to
h test |<ESC>[36mchilly even at this time of year. The beach here continues along the coast to<ESC>[0m
a test |the north.
h test |<ESC>[36mthe north.<ESC>[0m
a test |[Exits: n s]
h test |<ESC>[1;37m[<ESC>[0;37mExits: <ESC>[5Sn<ESC>[37m <ESC>[5Ss<ESC>[1;37m]<ESC>[0m
a test |
a test ](-)> HP:298/298 MV:247/378 MP:489/831 POS:Standing>78824959
h test ]<ESC>[1;30m(-)> HP:<ESC>[0;32m298<ESC>[1;30m/<ESC>[1;34m298<ESC>[1;30m MV:<ESC>[1;31m247<ESC>[1;30m/<ESC>[1;34m378<ESC>[1;30m MP:<ESC>[1;31m489<ESC>[1;30m/<ESC>[1;34m831<ESC>[1;30m POS:<ESC>[1;34mStanding<ESC>[1;30m><ESC>[1;34m78824959<ESC>[0m
c test | [1] test Comline : start :
a test |(-)> HP:298/298 MV:247/378 MP:489/831 POS:Standing>78824959exit
h test |<ESC>[1;30m(-)> HP:<ESC>[0;32m298<ESC>[1;30m/<ESC>[1;34m298<ESC>[1;30m MV:<ESC>[1;31m247<ESC>[1;30m/<ESC>[1;34m378<ESC>[1;30m MP:<ESC>[1;31m489<ESC>[1;30m/<ESC>[1;34m831<ESC>[1;30m POS:<ESC>[1;34mStanding<ESC>[1;30m><ESC>[1;34m78824959<ESC>[2Sexit<ESC>[0m
i test >exit<CR><LF>
d test | [1] test Comline : stopped
i test *<CR><LF>
<ESC>[0;37m<RExits>Obvious exits:<CR><LF>
North- A French Beach<CR><LF>
South- The Mouth of the Seine<CR><LF>
<ESC>[0;1;30m(-)> HP:<ESC>[0;32m298<ESC>[0;1;30m/<ESC>[0;1;34m298<ESC>[0;1;30m MV:<ESC>[0;1;31m247<ESC>[0;1;30m/<ESC>[0;1;34m378<ESC>[0;1;30m MP:<ESC>[0;1;31m489<ESC>[0;1;30m/<ESC>[0;1;34m831<ESC>[0;1;30m POS:<ESC>[0;1;34mStanding<ESC>[0;1;30m><ESC>[0;1;34m78824959<ESC>[0;37m<IAC><GA>
a test |
a test |Obvious exits:
h test |<ESC>[37mObvious exits:<ESC>[0m
a test | North- A French Beach
h test |<ESC>[37m North- A French Beach<ESC>[0m
a test | South- The Mouth of the Seine
h test |<ESC>[37m South- The Mouth of the Seine<ESC>[0m
a test ](-)> HP:298/298 MV:247/378 MP:489/831 POS:Standing>78824959
h test ]<ESC>[1;30m(-)> HP:<ESC>[0;32m298<ESC>[1;30m/<ESC>[1;34m298<ESC>[1;30m MV:<ESC>[1;31m247<ESC>[1;30m/<ESC>[1;34m378<ESC>[1;30m MP:<ESC>[1;31m489<ESC>[1;30m/<ESC>[1;34m831<ESC>[1;30m POS:<ESC>[1;34mStanding<ESC>[1;30m><ESC>[1;34m78824959<ESC>[0m
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Joined: 25 Sep 2000
Posts: 23379
Location: Colorado, USA

PostPosted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 5:21 pm   
OK, I need to see the definition of the RExits tag. Go into your Preferences and select the MXP page. Then select the Elements tab and tell me what the RExits tag is set to.

The problem that I can see is that your RExits data spans multiple lines and I don't see any MXP secure codes like [1z, so it doesn't really look like this MUD really supports MXP. To allow an element to span multiple lines like this, it needs to be defined as an OPEN attribute.
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Joined: 06 Jul 2007
Posts: 349
Location: The big palace, My own lil world

PostPosted: Sun Jul 27, 2008 4:17 am   
ok, so instead of skimming the mxp specification as I have previously I READ it all. And I think your right zugg, partial implementation of mxp... cause as I finished reading that last sample looked really familiar....And the rexits, rdesc, rname tags are the only ones I have seen.

sure enough after nogotiating that my client supports mxp, and the initial login screen, these mxp commands are sent...

0.1122 | <!-- Elements to support the Automapper --><!ELEMENT RName FLAG="RoomName"><!ELEMENT RDesc FLAG='RoomDesc'><!ELEMENT RExits FLAG='RoomExit'><!-- The next element is used to define a room exit link that sendsthe exit direction to the MUD if the user clicks on it --><!ELEMENT Ex '<SEND>'><!ELEMENT Chat OPEN><!ELEMENT Gossip OPEN><!-- in addition to standard HTML Color specifications, you can usecolor attribute names such as blink --><!ELEMENT Auction OPEN><!ELEMENT Group OPEN><!-- the next elements deal with the MUD prompt --><!ELEMENT Prompt FLAG="Prompt"><!ELEMENT Hp FLAG="Set hp"><!ELEMENT MaxHp FLAG="Set maxhp"><!ELEMENT Mana FLAG="Set mana"><!ELEMENT MaxMana FLAG="Set maxmana">

Also there are 2 locations that the rexits tag is used in the room description
<ESC>[0;37m<RName><ESC>[0;1;36mA French Beach</RName><CR><LF>
<RDesc><ESC>[0;36mAcross the channel you can just barely make out a thin white strip which is<CR><LF>
the white cliffs at Dover. The water looks grey and choppy. It's surely very<CR><LF>
chilly even at this time of year. The beach here continues along the coast to<CR><LF>
the north.<CR><LF>
</RDesc><RExits><ESC>[0;1;37m[<ESC>[0;37mExits: <Ex>n</Ex> <Ex>s</Ex></RExits><ESC>[0;1;37m]<ESC>[0;37m<CR><LF>

and in the exits command to check what rooms are in what direction... which is where the multiple lines are..
<ESC>[0;37m<RExits>Obvious exits:<CR><LF>
North- A French Beach<CR><LF>
South- The Mouth of the Seine<CR><LF>

which should be using a different tag, other than rexits correct? as well as being specified as secure to allow multiple lines of text?

I've not set up any modification of tags/elements/entities/attributes sent from the server.
Hope the element/attribute definitions help Zugg,
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Joined: 25 Sep 2000
Posts: 23379
Location: Colorado, USA

PostPosted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 4:57 pm   
Yep, if they got rid of the RExits for the multiple-line section, then it would work better. The RExits tag in the room description information will work in either open or secure mode since it doesn't cross multiple lines.

It's possible that the MUD has sent the control code to put CMUD into locked secure mode (which isn't a good idea, but lazy MXP implementations sometimes do this). Otherwise, the fact that they are not marking their lines from the MUD as "secure" is a bug in their MXP implementation. Otherwise players on the MUD could mess up your map by putting the RExits tag in their chat messages.
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Joined: 06 Jul 2007
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Location: The big palace, My own lil world

PostPosted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 11:02 pm   
haha, I just noticed something about the rexits tag. I was trying to figure out why on the rexits tag, with mxp debug messages on, was still only getting the "[" character as my %0 value and something about the line looked off....
<RExits>[Exits: <Ex>n</Ex> <Ex>e</Ex> <Ex>s</Ex> <Ex>w</Ex></RExits>]

The unmatched brackets, on inside, one outside, is confusing the mxp triggers.

also... since i knew what to look for..
i test *<ESC>[6z<!-- Elements to support the Automapper -->...

Thanks for help Zugg,.... now to go talk to coder to get this fixed
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Joined: 25 Sep 2000
Posts: 23379
Location: Colorado, USA

PostPosted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 12:04 am   
Actually, I don't think the problem is with the unmatched [ character. I didn't have a chance to play with this yet, but my guess is that the embedded EX tags are causing problems with the results somehow.
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