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Joined: 10 Oct 2000
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Location: USA

PostPosted: Sun Jul 27, 2008 4:12 pm   

check each room exit to see if it is linked to a room
I am also looking for a way to check all exits a room has and if any exits are only stubs (don't link to a room) color the room yellow.

If the room is already colored yellow, re-check the room to see if all the exits are now linked to a room, if they are all linked to a room, change the room color back to the default room color.

This would help me when exploring to visually see rooms that have not been fully explored.
Talahaski 2525
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Joined: 23 Dec 2000
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Location: USA

PostPosted: Sun Jul 27, 2008 4:47 pm   
%roomexit() I think will show you the list of exits for the room. %roomlink() I believe has the capability of telling you the status of each exit, with -1 equating to a stub.

At any rate, there are enough %room...() functions to do what you want, and their helpfiles explain things properly.
EDIT: I didn't like my old signature
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Joined: 18 Nov 2001
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 27, 2008 5:34 pm   
I think I have a query for this...give me a few seconds to dig it up. Doing the database query is faster then the related script based on %roomlink and %roomexit. I have that script too.

This is what I currently use
SELECT ExitTbl.ExitId, ExitTbl.ToID, ExitTbl.FromID, ObjectTbl.Name, DirTbl.DirName, ExitTbl.Name, ZoneTbl.Name
FROM ((ObjectTbl RIGHT JOIN ExitTbl ON ObjectTbl.ObjId=ExitTbl.FromID) LEFT JOIN ZoneTbl ON ObjectTbl.ZoneID=ZoneTbl.ZoneId) LEFT JOIN DirTbl ON ExitTbl.DirType=(DirTbl.DirId-1)
WHERE ((ExitTbl.ToID=ExitTbl.FromID) AND (ExitTbl.DirToType=11) AND (ExitTbl.DirType<>11));
I tend to check it in Access, but there is no reason to not put it into CMud using the SpecialMapQuery function in my toolbox. If you need help rearranging it into a script to do the coloring just say so.
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