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Joined: 17 Jul 2007
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PostPosted: Wed May 21, 2008 11:25 pm   

CMUD 225 - Random menu pop-ups
When attempting to enter text in the command line, CMUD menu items will randomly pop up as if one had the Alt-key down while pressing a character. This happens with moderately high frequency.
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Joined: 25 Sep 2000
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PostPosted: Wed May 28, 2008 7:03 pm   
I cannot reproduce this at all. Make sure it isn't some problem with a key sticking on your keyboard.
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PostPosted: Thu May 29, 2008 12:22 am   
No, it is not a stuck-key problem (fairly new laptop Smile and also happens on my desktop) . Though it may be caused by a key combination. What will happen is that, suddenly, when keys that would normally trigger a menu drop if used in conjunction with the ALT key are touched, the corresponding menu will drop. Once it starts happening it is persistent unless ESC is hit repeatedly. This will cause the problem to go away at some point. It could be something I am doing, however, if it were a stuck ALT key, then my MACRO settings would fire also when I pressed the corresponding key for any of them. However, the only things that get activated are the main menu settings.

EDIT: I mistakenly posted this on another thread but it relates to this problem:

An extreme example of this:
I try to enter a command and the path recording box pops up while the command parsing icon gets crossed out. No matter what I do, I can't get the box to stay off. I can close it, I can click "cancel recording", but after that anything I enter on the command line will cause the box to re-appear. Hitting ESC does nothing. (All this while trying to get the hell out of an aggro room that's eating me alive. Result: death)
During this episode the command line won't accept any characters.
Problem resolution: reload CMUD.

Another problem posted on another thread and related to this is that at some point the F-keys stop working as MENU keys and then, magically(?!) start working again.
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Joined: 25 Sep 2000
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Location: Colorado, USA

PostPosted: Thu May 29, 2008 3:34 am   
So are you saying that you have macros assigned to the ALT-keys and that sometimes instead of firing your macro they activate the menu instead? That will happen if your macros are getting disabled somehow. Same with the F-keys stop working. In fact, this sounds like the issue in your other post about variables being red in the settings editor. It sounds like some big part of your settings might be getting disabled somehow, or that there is something wrong with the settings file.

I can't reproduce the problem with the recording path box either. Even when that dialog is open on my system I can still type into the command line just fine.
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Joined: 17 Jul 2007
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Location: California

PostPosted: Thu May 29, 2008 4:36 am   
Actually, they are 2 separate problems which I beleve are related. Problem A is that when I press keys that are assigned to CMUD menu items (that is, they activate CMUD menu items when used in conjunction with the ALT key) they will randomly activate these menu items, by random I refer to the first occurrence of this happening, once it happens once it continues to happen until I hit ESC enough times to stop the events from taking place.
Problem B is that F-keys which have MACROs assigned to them will suddenly stop working (that is, when pressed, nothing happens). Then just as suddenly they will start working again. I don't mean every other press. I mean, once they stop working there will be a long interval before they start working again. When this happens, I've tried things like disabling/enabling the class folder containing the macros, cut/pasting the macros, deleting the macros and creating them again, nothing I've done has put a dent on the problem.
Sic itur ad astra.
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