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Joined: 25 Sep 2000
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 17, 2008 8:57 pm   

What zMapper features to add to CMUD?
During the new mapper rewrite in CMUD I want to add more functionality to the CMUD mapper. Some of these features are already part of zMapper. For example, you can already add a background image to your zone map using zMapper. But I want the new CMUD mapper to allow you to easily do that too.

So, the tricky question is trying to figure out what zMapper features to make available to normal CMUD users, without de-valuing zMapper for those people who have bought it already.

zMapper/CMapper will still exist as a standalone map editor. Maybe that's enough? zMapper also provides an enhanced scripting API for the maps, so maybe that's also a good selling point.

But here are the features from zMapper that I am considering adding to the main CMUD mapper:
  • Background images
  • Custom room types with their own shape/icon/color/etc (like Water, Road, Mountain, etc). This is needed to tie into some new speedwalking improvements. For example, only speedwalking through water rooms if you can swim or have a boat.
  • The Shape Editor for creating custom room shapes
  • The Icon Editor for creating custom room icons/textures
  • Ability to add custom "objects" to a map, like lines, rectangles, text labels, icons, etc which are not associated with any particular room.

These are all very important features for the new mapper and I don't want to make this exclusive to zMapper/CMUDPro users. I want all CMUD users to get these mapper improvements.

Does this de-value zMapper/CMapper? Are there other things from zMapper that need to be available to normal CMUD users, such as an improved scripting API? The problem with the existing zMapper API is that nobody uses it because it requires zMapper.
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 17, 2008 9:14 pm   
zMapper/CMapper will still exist as a standalone map editor. Maybe that's enough? zMapper also provides an enhanced scripting API for the maps, so maybe that's also a good selling point.

My preference would be for zMapper owners to get a one-off upgrade/discount to CMUDPro rather than to CMapper, then make CMapper a part of CMUDPro rather than a separate product.
An enhanced API would be enough of a selling point for people that script heavily, the rest of the stuff being part of the standard CMUD mapper sounds fine. I bought zMapper ages ago and never bothered using it because it was a bit buggy and nobody else had it - I expect because nobody used it then it got neglected, and because it was neglected then nobody else bought it... making a simple CMUD Standard/Pro where Pro includes an improved mapper would seem like a better way to get it into regular use.
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Joined: 25 Sep 2000
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 17, 2008 9:46 pm   
I can't make CMapper "a part of" CMUDPro. The whole point of CMapper is to be a *standalone* map editor. For example, I currently use zMapper to create maps for zExplorer. I don't want to run CMUDPro just to edit my map files. Using zMapper/zExplorer allows you to create maps for all sorts of purposes other than MUD playing, and I want to maintain that. So I'm not getting rid of CMapper.

But CMUDPro will still always load the CMapper "plugin" just like it currently loads zMapper to allow for the additional scripting API. So yes, you'll be able to use just CMUDPro instead of CMapper if you just care about the MUD-related mapping stuff. But that doesn't mean that CMapper still doesn't exist as a separate product.

But I agree that putting CMapper features into CMUD will be a better way to get it into regular use. Getting CMapper less buggy and into Public release status will also help (zMapper was still always in Beta version).

Let's not get into license discussions (upgrades, discounts, etc) in this particular thread. I'm more interested in talking about the mapper feature set that should be in CMUD. License issues are more complex as there are technical issues involved in managing the various licenses.
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 17, 2008 9:52 pm   
One way exits are a very common occurrence in muds. The ability to set them by script needs to implemented, and currently it can only be done through the zMapper API. I think it is common enough item that it should be doable without zMapper.
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Joined: 25 Sep 2000
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 18, 2008 3:02 am   
Yeah, the existing %roomxxx function calls are not the right way to do it. I need to maintain backwards compatibility with those functions, but all of the new stuff is going to be available via a more object-oriented API, more like the current zMapper API. A lot of that will be available via the regular version of CMUD. Just because adding even more %roomxxx functions is just a pain and not extensible. It makes much more sense to grab a reference to a Room, then query an Exit to get a Link object and then manipulate the properties of the Link directly.

So, similar to the current zMapper API, but with the newer features. But that's another good reason to get feedback in this thread. Because the way it is looking to me, the regular CMUD would have a large fraction of the zMapper features, leaving CMUDPro with just the SSH stuff, and zMapper/CMapper with just the "standalone map editor" portion.

I really do *not* want to spend 6 months of hard development just for more features in CMapper that nobody uses. zMapper was a bad failure from a business point of view and it was very depressing to see so much work go unused and unfinished. I'd really rather put all of the new stuff into regular CMUD where *everyone* can start using it. Especially when so much of the ground work has already been done with zMapper.
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Joined: 18 Oct 2000
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 18, 2008 7:39 am   
As I tried to think about I had to go back to the feature set as listed Zuggsoft website even though I have the product. Most of the features you're considering rolling into CMUD were the primary reasons I got zMapper (well those and the API)

    Create all types of maps
    Easy-to-use graphical interface
    Add background image to map -- Use icons to mark locations
    Draw connected maps -- (rooms and exits) like standard z/cMUD map
    Enhance map with room shapes, exit styles, icons and graphics to the map
    Create hexagonal maps
    Built-in Windows Metafile (emf) Editor for creating shapes
    Built-in Bitmap editor for creating icons and pictures
    Real database format
    Compatible with map formats used in zMUD and zExplorer

Based on it's current feature set, it would devalue (and perhaps obsolete) cMapper and by extension devalue the cMapper support in CMUD Pro.

So there are really two questions here.

1. What additional useful could you add to cMapper to provide value. I'm having a hard time thinking of them right now (it's late) and many may depend on what the new architecture of the mapper will provide. Here are some off the cuff ideas.
    - Have cMapper support be required to upload a mapper configuration. (This is a dicey proposition and may cause an uproar among customers)
    - Have cMapper support be required to distribute maps. (Rather relying on MXP to auto tag/create rooms if it was possible for MUDs to push or publish whole zones or maps that might be a compelling feature, if implemented. But admittedly the user base for the feature will limited to MUD staff types and those who republish their maps)
    - Allow the built-in CMUD mapper to only create the standard MUD rooms and hexagonal mud rooms (what other types would there be? DND type maps?)
    - Have cMapper support be required to get certain additional views of the map. (I know you want crazy about it, but having cMapper a 3D views beyond the standard Tile view for example might be interesting. Drawback, is I'm not sure how many clever views there may be
    - Have cMapper provide a standard icon tile-set (Sort of how games NeverWinter Nights, Diablo etc come with dungeon editors with rich tile sets)
    - Have cMapper provide an even richer API than the standard CMUD ones. (What would they be?)
    - Have cMapper provide different map export types (example export to GIF? Export to text based map?)
    - Have cMapper be required to import common map formats (for example iMap files. Yes I know this could probably be scripted and I'm still working on a side project to do that. Got side tracked because of missing API to create a room type)

I guess I could think of a few once I got going.

2. The second question in the debate is what really distiguished cMUDPro from cMUD. Currently the distinguishers are supposed to be built-in SSH and cMapper support. Depending on how much c/zMapper rolls into the base product could diminish that value proposition. Some quick ideas that may enhance that
    - Have Pro be required to support the eventual integration of zApp type forms and and scripting could be a CMUDPro feature. (You can take the approach to build the custom forms can only be done in Pro. Once again we potentially limit the user-base to scripters and MUD staff, especially in the realm of branded/MUD specific front ends for CMUD [in lieu of a MUD developing its own client])
    - Have Pro be required to publish custom front ends (related to above)
    - Have Pro be required to use said custom front ends mentioned above (again a dicey proposition because of user base impact)
    - Have Pro be required to use CMUD Lite version for portability (This is another dicey that will likely cause an uproar, especially since it's counter to some of the plans you have already to make this across the board. Maybe some extra feature(s) in the CMUDLite that only comes with the Pro version, not sure what those may be though)

Hope those are enough thought starters to get you going.
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Joined: 04 Feb 2005
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 18, 2008 7:51 pm   
I guess the question to answer is: what features will be CMapper only, and can you reasonably expect enough people to pay for it?

Personally, I would say, make the built-in mapper able to play games with, but the rest, including eye candy, is optional. So in your list in the first post, I think you are seriously devaluing CMapper if you add things like backgrounds, shapes, etc.

Here are some other ideas for CMapper, to promote its value, perhaps:
  • export to image (and therefore not available in CMUD)
  • export to XML
  • export to MUD DB tools (imagine builders being able to do all their work in the mapper)
  • a mapping mySQL/CGI package to allow people to navigate maps on the web (find paths, look at descs, etc.)
  • export to ASCII map
  • easy integration into a DB module (e.g., keep track of vendor's wares and prices, mobs, room contents)

Some of that is probably already there or buildable (particularly the DB tracking one)--but the point is to try to make it easy(-ier) for the non-scripter.
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