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Joined: 19 Jun 2005
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Location: California

PostPosted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 4:13 pm   

Zugg, any chance this can happen?
First off, I want to say I realize that you're working hard to get CMUD as stable as possible, and with each new version, a new list of bugs are usually found. However, I have a simple request for three bug fixes (one that really slows down my mudding)...

Two of them can be found here, but I'll also recap each one so you don't have to go digging through the posts.

Open databases interfere with the %db function:

This one is pretty self-explanatory, and this is the one that is causing me agony the most. What it amounts to is this: if you have an open database (such as my mobfinder database that returns level, area, and room name), then your %db functions WILL not work within scripts. Meaning that I cannot use %db(@variable, record) within my scripts because of the open database. I prefer to use %db(@variable, record) rather than @variable.record because, well, it's personal preference, and it's easier to find when I'm editing scripts. Currently, the only workaround is to open the database upon connection (or at least, any time at least once), then close the database using #DBCLOSE. This allows for the %db function to work. Here is where the speed issue comes in. My database has over 8000 mobs in it. When I type "findmob char the knight", the alias "findmob" opens the mobfinder database, then runs a query for it, displays the results, and then closes the database so it won't interfere with my other scripts. How nice would it be that it could just run the query and not have to have those extra steps in between.

Numerical aliases interfere with the %eval function:

This is one of those bugs that aren't a high priority, I know. I've found a workaround for it using #ONINPUT, but it would be nice to be able to type #alias 1 {do such and such} instead of #ONINPUT {^1$} {do such and such}. If I use the alias, then #show %eval(10-9) will return a blank line instead of 1. If I alias 2, then #show %eval(10-8) returns a blank line. Basically, whatever the aliased number is, if the expression being evaluated equals the aliased number, it will not display correctly, nor will scripts work correctly.

The third one is child windows repeatedly opening up with the command line. I've saved the layouts. I've saved the settings (main AND child windows). I've gone to the Package Editor and unchecked "command line" and made sure "No network connection" was selected. I've saved the packages. No matter what I do, without fail, any time I open CMUD, the command lines still return. This can be bothersome when you have 10+ different child windows, because the command line in each window makes it more cluttered (in my opinion).

Therefore, I pose this question: any chance at least the %db function bug can be fixed for the next (read Beta) version? I'm not asking for special treatment, and I know there are others out there that probably have similar issues with their own bugs. However, I also know quite a few people who don't want to use CMUD because of the %db function bug, and pretty much the only reason I am using it right now is because I don't want to have to reconvert all my scripts back to zMUD. Not to mention, many of them cannot be used with zMUD anyway. Personally, I'm surprised that the %db bug was not a priority. I'd love to have the other ones fixed, but my main concern is that bug.

I do think CMUD is a GREAT product, and I love the functionality and speed I get from it. And I also realize, again, that you are working hard to please everyone. I suppose that a few requests won't hurt, though. ;)

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Joined: 25 Sep 2000
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Location: Colorado, USA

PostPosted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 5:33 pm   
Yes, those bugs are still on the bug list. #2 is low priority since numeric aliases are not recommended in CMUD and you use them at your own risk. There are lots of areas in CMUD that won't work properly with numeric aliases, so you really just need to change that and get used to using #ONINPUT instead.

But #1 and #3 are still on the list. Sorry I wasn't able to fix them in the latest version, and unfortunately it will be about a month until the next beta version.
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Joined: 19 Jun 2005
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Location: California

PostPosted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 5:43 pm   
A month is better than a year. No rush - I'll just deal with what I've been doing. As far as #ONINPUT, I have been using that a lot lately. Not until CMUD did I realize how versatile #ONINPUT is.

And as far as the command lines go, I've taken to keeping CMUD running 24/7 (until my computer loses power, anyway). It saves the headache of having to right-click - Show Command Line. :P Thanks for the response, too!

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