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Joined: 19 Feb 2008
Posts: 3

PostPosted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 8:52 am   

All I want is kick kick kick
Actually, that's the problem, all I get is kick kick kick.

I've been trying to create a command that would realize I'm in combat, send the command kick, and then wait either X lines or X time before being able to be triggered again.

No matter what I try though, I either get nothing, or I get a macro SPAM kick.

Here is the gist of what I've been trying/want to do.

#trigger VictHp: (this is just to let it know i'm in combat)
kick {wait|5000}

This just spams the whole line.

I would also like to add a line that checks my health so that it's not trying to kick while I'm trying to heal myself. So I tried:
#trigger {%d}H
#if {%d}H>=XXXX
#COND {VictHp:} kick {wait|5000}

Obviously I don't have a clue of how to use these commands, because it's not working at all.

Any help at all would be appreciated.
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Joined: 19 Feb 2008
Posts: 3

PostPosted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 9:41 am   
Here is what I ended up doing. Please let me know if there is a cleaner way to do this.

#CLASS {akick}
#TRIGGER {Your kick} {#t+ kick}
#TRIGGER {Your boots} {#t+ kick}
#TRIGGER {Your beautiful full-circle kick misses} {#t+ kick}
#TRIGGER {kick needs an argument to work.} {#t+ kick}

#Trigger {VictHp:} {kick} {t- kick}

I would still like to add a health check to it also.
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Fang Xianfu

Joined: 26 Jan 2004
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 10:28 am   
You don't actually have anything named kick there for those #t+ and #t- to activate and deactivate. You're also missing a # in your trigger at the end.

You're probably making this much more complex than it needs to be. Why not:

#alarm "AutoKick" 5 {kick}
#suspend AutoKick
#alias StartKicking {#resume AutoKick}
#alias StopKicking {#suspend AutoKick}

Or, similarly:

#trig {You can kick something again} {kick} "" {disable}


#alias StartKicking {#t+ AutoKick}
#alias StopKicking {#t- AutoKick}


#alias ToggleKicking {#if %trigger("AutoKick") {#t- AutoKick} {#t+ AutoKick}}

The script at the end of your post above (beginning #trig {%d}H) has a lot of incorrect syntax. You should be using () rather than {} in that context in patterns (see the help), the #cond command isn't used that way, and your #if syntax is wrong - anything that's in brackets () in the pattern is put into a variable %1-%99 in order from left to right. So your %d would be %1, and you'd do:

#if (%1>=50) {do something}

Both your #trigger command and your #if command are missing braces {} too.

Adding a health check is probably best done by adding a totally independent trigger that keeps your health updated in a variable (that way you can use the same variable again if you wish). Something like:

#trig {(%d)H} {#var hp %1}

then in the 5 second alarm you do

#if (@hp>50) {kick}
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Joined: 23 Dec 2000
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 10:35 pm   
Try looking at the WaitLines trigger condition. That will let you trigger once and then it won't match again until X number of lines go by. Between that an an alarm, you should be able to cover both the wait X lines and wait X time aspects pretty simply.
EDIT: I didn't like my old signature
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