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Joined: 05 Jul 2007
Posts: 21

PostPosted: Thu Jan 17, 2008 1:21 am   

Incredible CMUD Hang
quick question. is the #in the left column in the debugger time to process? if so i believe i've pinned this major hang in cmud to this block of code:


^~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ (*)$

#if ( {
  #addkey {auc@{auc.reading}} stat {%1}
  #if (((%pos("hps(",%1) AND %pos("mana(",%1))OR(%pos("hps(",%1) AND %pos("ss(",%1))OR(%pos("mana(",%1) AND %pos("ss(",%1))OR(%pos("hps(",%1) AND !%pos("hr(",%1))OR(%pos("hps(",%1) AND !%pos("dr(",%1))OR(%pos("mana(",%1) AND !%pos("hr(",%1))OR(%pos("mana(",%1) AND !%pos("dr(",%1)))AND!(%pos("AM",%1) AND %pos("AC",%1))) {#addkey {auc@{auc.reading}} class {%ansi(bold,magenta)C}} {#if ((%pos("hr(",%1) AND %pos("dr(",%1)OR(%pos("hps(",%1) AND %pos("hr~(",%1))OR(%pos("hps(",%1) AND %pos("dr(",%1))OR(%pos("mana(",%1) AND %pos("hr(",%1))OR(%pos("mana(",%1) AND %pos("dr(",%1)))AND!(%pos("AW",%1) AND %pos("AT",%1))) {#addkey {auc@{auc.reading}} class {%ansi(bold,green)F}} {#if ((%pos("wis(",%1) AND %pos("con(",%1))OR(%pos("wis(",%1) AND %pos("int(",%1))OR(%pos("int(",%1) AND %pos("con(",%1))) {#addkey {auc@{auc.reading}} class {%ansi(bold,yellow)L}} {#addkey {auc@{auc.reading}} class {%ansi(bold,white)*}}}}
  #if (%pos("AE",%1)) {#if (%pos("AN",%1)) {#addkey {auc@{auc.reading}} alignColor {bold,cyan}} {#if (%pos("AG",%1)) {#addkey {auc@{auc.reading}} alignColor {grey}} {#addkey {auc@{auc.reading}} alignColor {cyan}}}} {#if (%pos("AG",%1)) {#if (%pos("AN",%1)) {#addkey {auc@{auc.reading}} alignColor {brown}} {#if (%pos("AE",%1)) {#addkey {auc@{auc.reading}} alignColor {grey}} {#addkey {auc@{auc.reading}} alignColor {bold,yellow}}}} {#addkey {auc@{auc.reading}} alignColor {bold,white}}} = 0
  } {}
#state 0

so this used to execute quite quickly in zmud but it takes anywhere from 10 to 30 seconds to process on a dual core. any ideas?
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Joined: 05 Jul 2007
Posts: 21

PostPosted: Thu Jan 17, 2008 2:02 am   
Ok actually, upon further investigation this particular trigger did not cause the lag. what DID was the state0 it was connected to which had a wildcard reference of %4 that did not exist... please submit this bug as it'll cause a LOT of headache upon typos in the future :P.
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Joined: 05 Jul 2007
Posts: 21

PostPosted: Thu Jan 17, 2008 2:47 am   
ok i lied. i haven't seem to have gotten rid of the hang. here is the debugger output:

0.2035 | a       Med |***AUCTION:*** a large chunk of meat in slot A, minimum bid: 100, auctioneer: Vio.
0.0020 | f       Med |  Pattern: ~*~*~*AUCTION:~*~*~* (*) in slot (%w), minimum bid: (%n),... : (%1="a large chunk of meat", %2="A", %3=100, %4="Vio")
-8.2061 | c       Med |  exec : Pattern "~*~*~*AUCTION:~*~*~* (*) in slot (%w), minimum b...
2.1866 | a       Med |               Lev(0) Loc(None) NoBits Cond(pristine - 185 Days)
0.0021 | f       Med |  Pattern: ^(*)$ : (%1="               Lev(0) Loc(None) NoBits Cond(pristine - 185 Days)")
0.0075 | c       Med |  exec : Pattern "^(*)$" : #if ( {   $s = %trim(%1)   #a...
3.2742 | a   auction |
0.0014 | a   auction |
0.0009 | a   auction |
0.0007 | a   auction |
0.0007 | a   auction |
0.0009 | a   auction |[A] OPEN *[a large chunk of meat                     ]$     100 0[100     ] 0          Vio(       -None-)
0.0013 | a   auction |[B] OPEN F[a glittering diamond                      ]$         0[999999  ] 0    Amorphiza(       -None-)
0.0014 | a   auction |[C] OPEN[the mirror of the ages                    ]$    .40m0[        ] 0        Zolox(       -None-)
0.0013 | a   auction |[D] SOLD[a black iron bustenhalt                   ]$    .10m0[.0)m    ] 2     Madmarok(     Eurodean)
0.0013 | a   auction |[E] SOLD[a green orb                               ]$    .40m0[.0)m    ] 1   Falconelli(       Aermac)
0.0018 | a   auction |
0.0026 | a       Med |

essentially those two triggers and a following alias add up to 7-10 or so seconds of lag. here are the printouts of the triggers:

~*~*~*AUCTION:~*~*~* (*) in slot (%w), minimum bid: (%n), auctioneer: (%w).$

auc.hit = 1
#addkey {auc%2} mod 1
#addkey {auc%2} active 1
#addkey {auc%2} noLog 0
#addkey {auc%2} item {%1}
#addkey {auc%2} going {%ansi(bold,magenta)OPEN}
#addkey {auc%2} wasGoing 0
#addkey {auc%2} auctioneer %4
#addkey {auc%2} amount %3
#addkey {auc%2} bid 0
#addkey {auc%2} upbid 0
#addkey {auc%2} upbidNum 0
#addkey {auc%2} bidder "-None-"
#addkey {auc%2} time @time
#addkey {auc%2} lastUpdate @{auc%{2}.time}
#addkey {auc%2} stat ""
#addkey {auc%2} amountShort @aucShortMil(@{auc%{2}.amount})
#addkey {auc%2} upbidShort @{auc%{2}.amount}
auc.update = 1 = 1
auc.reading = {%2}
#state 1

#if ( {
  $s = %trim(%1)
  #addkey {auc@{auc.reading}} stat {$s}
  #if (((%pos("hps(",$s) AND %pos("mana(",$s))OR(%pos("hps(",$s) AND %pos("ss(",$s))OR(%pos("mana(",$s) AND %pos("ss(",$s))OR(%pos("hps(",$s) AND !%pos("hr(",$s))OR(%pos("hps(",$s) AND !%pos("dr(",$s))OR(%pos("mana(",$s) AND !%pos("hr(",$s))OR(%pos("mana(",$s) AND !%pos("dr(",$s)))AND!(%pos("AM",$s) AND %pos("AC",$s))) {#addkey {auc@{auc.reading}} class {%ansi(bold,magenta)C}} {#if ((%pos("hr(",$s) AND %pos("dr(",$s)OR(%pos("hps(",$s) AND %pos("hr~(",$s))OR(%pos("hps(",$s) AND %pos("dr(",$s))OR(%pos("mana(",$s) AND %pos("hr(",$s))OR(%pos("mana(",$s) AND %pos("dr(",$s)))AND!(%pos("AW",$s) AND %pos("AT",$s))) {#addkey {auc@{auc.reading}} class {%ansi(bold,green)F}} {#if ((%pos("wis(",$s) AND %pos("con(",$s))OR(%pos("wis(",$s) AND %pos("int(",$s))OR(%pos("int(",$s) AND %pos("con(",$s))) {#addkey {auc@{auc.reading}} class {%ansi(bold,yellow)L}} {#addkey {auc@{auc.reading}} class {%ansi(bold,white)*}}}}
  #if (%pos("AE",$s)) {#if (%pos("AN",$s)) {#addkey {auc@{auc.reading}} alignColor {bold,cyan}} {#if (%pos("AG",$s)) {#addkey {auc@{auc.reading}} alignColor {grey}} {#addkey {auc@{auc.reading}} alignColor {cyan}}}} {#if (%pos("AG",$s)) {#if (%pos("AN",$s)) {#addkey {auc@{auc.reading}} alignColor {brown}} {#if (%pos("AE",$s)) {#addkey {auc@{auc.reading}} alignColor {grey}} {#addkey {auc@{auc.reading}} alignColor {bold,yellow}}}} {#addkey {auc@{auc.reading}} alignColor {bold,white}}} = 0
  } {}
#state 0

and then the alias: aucUpdate

auc.change = 0
$s = ""
#forall "A|B|C|D|E" {
  #if (@{auc%{i}.mod}) {
    #addkey {auc%i} str {@{aucStr%i}}
    #addkey {auc%i} mod 0
    auc.change = 1
    } {}
  $s = {%concat( $s, @{auc%{i}.str}%cr)}
#if (@auc.change) {
  #addkey auc str {$s}
  #window auction {%cr%cr%cr%cr%cr@auc.str}
  } {}

as you can see i do a lot of delayed references ie @{auc%{i}.str} to save myself writing 7 auction variables 5 times each for every slot (A-E).

i've played extensively with removing the state and %pos mayhem before and it made little difference. i think the real kicker on all this lag is the fact that i use many "expanded strings" to printout the display shown in the log. here is an example of one:

%ansi( @{aucA.color})~[%ansi( bold, white)A%ansi( @{aucA.color})~] @{aucA.going}~ @{aucA.class}%ansi( @auc.barColor)~[%ansi( @{aucA.alignColor})%left( @{aucA.item}, 42)%repeat( " ", 42 - %len( @{aucA.item}))%ansi( @auc.barColor)~]%ansi( bold, white)~$%repeat( " ", 8 - %len( @{aucA.amountShort}))%ansi( @auc.amountColor)@{aucA.amountShort}~ %ansi( %if( !@{aucA.wasGoing}, "grey", %case( @{aucA.wasGoing}, "bold,magenta", "bold,red")))@{aucA.wasGoing}%ansi( @auc.barColor)~[%ansi( bold, white)@{aucA.upbidShort}%repeat( " ", 8 - %len( @{aucA.upbidShort}))%ansi( @auc.barColor)~]%repeat( " ", 2 - %len( @{aucA.upbidNum}))%ansi( brown)@{aucA.upbidNum} %repeat( " ", 13 - %len( @{aucA.auctioneer}))%ansi( @auc.auctioneerColor)@{aucA.auctioneer}%ansi( @auc.barColor)~(%repeat( " ", 13 - %len( @{aucA.bidder}))%ansi( @auc.bidderColor)@{aucA.bidder}%ansi( @auc.barColor)~)

aside from the obvious "what's going wrong here?" question.. i guess i am wondering if there are better ways, procedurally, to go about getting these sorts of things accomplished? thx.
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Joined: 05 Jul 2007
Posts: 21

PostPosted: Thu Jan 17, 2008 2:48 am   
erm state 2 is just a $(*) for a pattern, btw.
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