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Joined: 07 Nov 2006
Posts: 6

PostPosted: Sun Dec 09, 2007 1:44 am   

[2.16] MXP Frames
Zugg wrote:
Actually, the issues with #MAKEWINDOW (and related MXP frames) are already fixed in v2.10 (or should be) Very Happy

There still seem to be a few issues with the latest beta. I have been playing around with this a bit today(MXP Frames from the mud) trying to send
some party status information to a new window.

I am sending some text starting at a specific location This is opening the window...

1292 write("\e[1z<FRAME Name=\"Party_Status\" FLOATING Width=\"60c\" Height=\"10c\">\n");
1293 write("\e[1z<DEST Party_Status x=10 y=0> Party Status\n</DEST>");

str is what I am sending. I can show all that if its needed..

mem->my_action("\e[1z<DEST Party_Status x=0 y=2>"+ str +"</DEST>");

Works fine when the window opens. But if the window happens to be too small to hold the text (or it is resized too small
after initiallyl opening) it just fills up the window instead of replacing it. A player grabbed a screen shot I cannot
find the URL right this minute but I can get it if its needed.

The second issue I get a new entry in the package editor window for every 'window' that is opened even though it
has the same name as one that is already there is that expected behavior? I can provide the exact way to duplicate
this issue if it would help explain.
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Joined: 18 Nov 2001
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 09, 2007 2:18 am   
Please provide everything you can, screen shots will definitely be important with this. Also it is always helpful to talk directly to the person noticing the problem. It is great when there is a MUD coder/admin directly involved in testing MXP items.
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Joined: 07 Nov 2006
Posts: 6

PostPosted: Fri Dec 14, 2007 11:48 am   
Vijilante wrote:
Please provide everything you can, screen shots will definitely be important with this. Also it is always helpful to talk directly to the person noticing the problem. It is great when there is a MUD coder/admin directly involved in testing MXP items.

I am the admin doing it so thats fine.
Here it is working correctly.

resizing the window smaller..

Once it is resized correctly again it no longer keeps adding lines but it then contains all the lines it already added.

This issue is the multiple windows showing in the settings..

This is after sending a <FRAME Party_Status CLOSE>
and closing the window by clicking on the X (This may be another issue should it remove the window completely?)
Then sending another <FRAME Name="Party_Status" FLOATING Width="60c" Height="10c">

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